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How many positive do
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1. set up bead project
2. go over or do lesson 1 exercise #1-2
3. notes on lesson 1
4. problem set #1,2 and 5 on a separate sheet of paper
Bead project
We are going to create addition problems using these beads and pipe cleaners and integers and
number lines.
You will receive a bag of beads
The blue beads are negatives and the whites are positive. The black is 0
As you see the problem add that many beads to the “number line” pipe cleaner.
Lets try some
Create this problem using beads
So put 3 white beads on one side and fold just
the end of the cleaner, so beads do not fall off
Put 5 blue beads on other side and fold just the
end of the cleaner, so beads do not fall off
One more try
So put 3 white beads on one side and fold just
the end of the cleaner, so beads do not fall off.
Put 2 blue beads on other side and fold just the
end of the cleaner, so beads do not fall off.
Now lets solve
Make sure the ends are folding so they wont fall off.
Now fold number line on 0 “the black bead”
One side will be longer the other.
The longer side will show you the answer
Example. If the there are 4 more white beads than blue then the answer is positive 4
Try the whole process on your own
Integer notes
Add positive integers by counting up and add negative integers by counting down.
Additive inverse
An integer plus its opposite sum to zero.
7+-7 =0
The opposite of a number is called the additive
inverse because the two numbers’ sum is zero.
1/2 + (-1/2)=0
1. lesson 1 exercise #1-2 (if not done)
2. problem set #1,2 and 5 on a separate sheet of paper
Exit ticket
A number and its additive inverse always equals ____________?