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Jim Benfer
Sermo930 for 6-18-17, Green, Father's Day
Scripture Reading: Psalm 126
What's It All About?
There was once a football game being played on the home field. The crowd was large and
really rooting for what looked like a outclassed team who seemed helpless against the visiting
squad. Someone on the sidelines kept yelling, "Give the ball to Olson! Give the ball to Olson!''
They tried another play, and again the home team was tackled for a loss. Again came the cry,
"Give the ball to Olson!'' After this happened two or three times more, the familiar cry rang out
again, "Give the ball to Olson!'' Then one of the offensive linemen slowly raised up from the
pile of human bodies on the field and responded, "Olson don't want the ball!''
Needless to say, this is true of many Christians today. They do not want to carry the ball
of discipleship. If only they heard the cry of that great cloud of witnesses in the grandstands of
glory urging us to run the race while there is yet time. They need to hear the voice of the Coach
as he sends in the plays.
The Psalmist captures a moment in time when the Israelites, crushed by their foes finally
returns home in defeat. And yet, even in this moment of defeat, they sense the Lord's hand at
work to build them back up and give them a future. It's a moment not unlike the early Christians
faced after Israel was destroyed by Rome and they fled to surrounding countries. Fresh on their
minds were the words left them by their coach: "All authority in heaven and on earth has been
given to me. therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." 1
What is Christianity about really? Is it to come on Sundays and get a little boost, or to
hear words that make you feel better about yourself? Is it to be impressed by music or
fellowship so that we feel kinship with one another? Is it a club with exclusive membership and
dues like a country club? No? Then what is this that we are doing? Let's take a closer look.
The first faith lesson is that we are living to win! Life is not a game, but it does have
goals. Our Lord Jesus set those goals out clearly in the Great Commission. The same goals were
given to the ancient Israelites--to live as God's people. What does this mean? Our purpose is to
serve God in sharing his kingdom message with all that will listen, and show them God's
Nowhere in the pages of the bible does it command the lost to come to church. We are to
go and bring them in. That is exactly what the Israelites failed over and over again at doing.
They made their God and their faith a private thing, until it was diluted and useless. Our goal is
to reach people wherever God takes us in our daily lives and show them the good news in word
and deed. God is leading us to the thirsty, the seeking, and the interested, and the fields are
white unto harvest!
That means that what we are doing here from week to week in worship is like a team
huddle, where we hear the words of the coach and prepare to take the field where God sends us.
Just as a football team can't win if it doesn't move the ball, neither can we win souls for Christ if
we aren't willing to give it our all. That means that many of you need to be involved in
Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV)
discipling and mentoring those who come in, and others need to be busy bringing in those who
are waiting to find out that God does love them.
One of our greatest areas ripe for growth is for young families, children and youth. But
who will volunteer to lead, and who will invite and bring them? Remember, we are living to
win, and that means that it will take the whole team to bring about victory.
The second faith lesson is we need team captains who will inspire us! Now, more
than ever, there is a need for Christians to be alert, full of life, and living to inspire others. We
need zeal and God's Spirit to fill us to overflowing. We have a message that is exciting, but if
we don't act excited, who will? A great church like this is a rare and precious gift for our
community. This is a place of God's grace, and there isn't another like it near here, so this must
be the place God intends to use to bless our lives and those we touch with the gospel.
Yes, I need you to set special time aside for God's team. I know you are busy, but what
other possible thing could keep you from what you were created for in the first place? You have
courage and skills that you don't even know you possess, that is until you allow God to activate
them. What do you have to lose?
We are members of God's team, and our business is to win. The world is filled with the
stench of death. Satan has brought in his own team to deal drugs, to let loose crime, to fill
people's minds with senseless lies. All of these can be defeated if God's people will seek the
kingdom, and live righteously.
We can see the burden of those who haven't been reached with the news of God's victory
over sin. Their strength is drained as they run to one thing after another seeking blessing. When
we get them to church, they ought to feel like they have been to a pep rally! Many will be saved
and their lives will be transformed, which just feeds our own sense of joy.
The last faith lesson is to live with purpose. So many people live today as if they aren't
sure of their purpose. They are like the flotsam and jetsam which the tide moves relentlessly
from here to there. It deposits them wherever it chooses.
Folks, Jesus has given us purpose. We are to win souls for the kingdom. We are to
rescue the helpless from the wages of sin. We are to break the shackles of the prisoners so that
they too can know the freedom of the children of God.
How do we do those things? We take those who we encounter and we invite them into
discipleship where they can learn what it is that gives our lives purpose. We introduce them to
Jesus and the power of prayer. We involve them with us in doing good. We show them the
blessing of blessing others in Jesus' name. We make them a part of this body. That is our
Down in the South American countries of Bolivia and Peru there is a native plant that the
indigenous people have used since before their recorded history. Someone once learned that if
the leaf of the tree is chewed it gave them extra energy and strength, and they seldom got hungry.
Some of the people used it to their advantage, while others chewed it so regularly that they grew
emaciated and died. Only in the past century did scientist learn how addictive and intoxicating
were the effects of the coca leaf.
In quite a similar way, the enemy of our Lord has had great success in getting Christians
to feel good and strong, satisfied with the routine of going to church, taking in worship as a mere
formality, while all the while thinking that they are pleasing God. The truth is that they are
really dying spiritually, while starving their souls of real purpose. The only answer is to get back
to the basics of day-by-day relying on God in prayer, while re-igniting their desire to serve God
and carrying out God's command.
If we want the Lord to restore our fortunes, like the streams in the desert, or to turn our
tears into songs of joy, then it's time for us to get up and go in Jesus' name. It's time for us to reclaim our purpose and take to the streets and by-ways of our communities and share the good
news. It's time for us to involve ourselves in discipling, small group bible studies, Sunday
schools, children and youth activities. It's time to go and take the field, for it is white unto
harvest. In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen!