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Name _________KEY________________________
Period ______
Notes Over Drama Terms
Drama is a story enacted onstage for a live audience.
1.The word DRAMA comes from the Greek word dran which means to do .
2.The plot is a problem or conflict that take place in a play.
3.The basic situation is the action that takes place before or as the curtain opens.
4. Exposition is when the characters and the conflict are introduced.
5. The inciting incident is the event that gets the story going.
6. A series of events that occur after the inciting incident, create suspense, and lead up to the climax
is called the rising action
7. The climax is the turning point or high point of suspense in the play.
8. The series of events that happen after the climax is the falling action.
9. Denoument is a French word of the resolution of the story where all the loose ends are tied up. It
means unraveling.
10. A person portrayed in a play is called a character.
11. The setting is the time and place of a play or a scene.
12.The theme is the message or moral (lesson) of the play.
13. The Conflict is the struggle between internal or external forces in a play.
14. Suspense is the feeling of uncertainty used to build interest
and excitement in the audience.
15.The conversation between characters in a play is called Dialogue.
16.A Monologue is a speech presented by one character, most often to express their thoughts
aloud, though sometimes spoken directly to the audience.
17.The Prologue Greek, from the word pro (before) and lógos, or logic) is an opening to a story that
establishes the setting and gives background.
18. Aside: A piece of dialogue intended for the audience and supposedly not heard by the other
characters on stage.
19. A Version is a description or account from one point of view, especially as opposed to another.
20. A composition that has been recast into a new form: The play is an adaptation of a short novel is
called an adaptation.
21. Theatrical equipment, such as curtains, flats, backdrops, or platforms, used in a dramatic
production to communicate environment is called Scenery or set.
22. Costumes are clothing and accessories worn by actors to portray character and period /
23. Props: are any moveable objects that appears on stage during a performance.
24. Stage directions In the script of a play are the instructions to the actors, and stage crew.
They might suggest scenery, lighting, sound effects, and ways for actors to move and speak. (They
often appear in parenthesis and in italic type).
25. One of the major divisions of a play is called an act.
26. A scene occurs within an act, any time you change time or location.
27. The narrator is a character who sets the scene for the play and comments on the action.
28. When you read a play, remember that it is meant to be performed for an audience and not to
be read aloud like a novel.