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Year 4 Spring
Teaching Sequence 11
Activity 1
Objectives: Know addition facts for all pairs of single-digit numbers
Resources: Dice (1-9), Shakers
Divide children into pairs.
Give each child a dice and a shaker.
The children need to shake the dice in the shaker and together turn the
shaker over onto the table so that the dice is hidden under the shaker.
On the count of three the children lift the shaker to reveal their number.
The children need to look at both numbers that have been shaken and add
these together, e.g. 4 and 2 = 6.
The first to say the correct answer gets a point.
The children repeat this and then add their second total to their first;
making a list the teacher can see, e.g. 6 + 7 = 13.
The children keep playing until they get to a total of more than 50.
Activity 2
Objectives: Multiplication and division facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10
Resources: 1-100 number grid, coloured pencils
Divide the children into small groups. Each player needs to choose a
different coloured pencil.
The children choose any number on the number grid and give a
multiplication or division fact that totals this number.
They may not use 1 x the number!
I choose 36 – My fact is 6 x 6.
If the other players agree this sum is correct
the number can be coloured.
The game continues with children taking turns to
choose a number and give a sum.
The first child to colour a block of four joining
squares is the winner.
It is the job of the other players to block each other.
Make it harder by giving the children a time limit to answer.
© Original teaching sequence copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual
Y4 Maths TS11 – Mental Oral Starters - Spr
Activity 3
Objectives: Know addition facts for all pairs of numbers up to 20
Resources: Number cards 1-20, a ladder similar to the one shown (you can
choose numbers to differentiate!) plus counters
Divide the children into 3s or 4s.
Give each group a set of cards, shuffled face down and a
ladder of numbers.
Children place their counters at the bottom
of the ladder - start. They take turns to play.
One player takes a card and shows it. That player then
adds the number on the card to the number on the first
rung of the ladder.
Their answer needs to be given immediately!
If they are correct they move the counter up the ladder.
If not they stay put.
The next player now takes a card.
If they are correct they move up the ladder.
The winner is the first to the top of the ladder.
Activity 4
Objectives: Know addition facts for all pairs of single-digit numbers
Resources: Blank grids (5 x 5)
Give each child a blank grid (5 x 5).
Ask them to fill the squares with any numbers 0-18.
Tell the children this is quick Bingo and you will be giving addition sums
The children need to be ready and listening.
Give the children single-digit numbers to add and cross off their grid.
The first to get a line or full house is the winner.
© Original teaching sequence copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual
Y4 Maths TS11 – Mental Oral Starters - Spr
Activity 5
Objectives: Multiplication and division facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10
Resources: Whiteboards
 Write on the flip chart – The answer is 10.
 Tell the children they need to find as many ways as possible to make ten
using multiplication facts 2 x 5 5 x 2 = 2 points
 Have a rule that they may not use ‘1’, e.g. 1 x 10 is not allowed!
 The children gain one point for every one they get correct.
 Repeat for other answers - The answer is 36.
6 x 6 9 x 4 4 x 9 (18 x 2 2 x 18 3 x 12 12 x 3)
 Extend the more able by including division facts. Put an upper limit, e.g. in
the list below no fact may contain a number greater than 40.
 The answer is 4 so: 20  5 16  4 8  2 12  3 24  6 40  10 and 36
 Children have to challenge themselves to find as many ways as possible!
Activity 6
Objectives: Multiplication and division facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10
Resources: Dice 1-6 where 1 has been made 10, a ladder similar to the one below
and counters
Divide the children into small groups (twos, threes or fours).
Give each group a dice, a ladder and a different
coloured counter each.
The children take it in turns to throw the dice.
The children need to divide the number on the ladder
by the number on the dice (on the dice - 1 becomes 10).
If the number is divisible they can move onto this number.
10  10 = 1 – move up the ladder.
If the number on the dice cannot be divided into the
number on the ladder they stay where they are.
10  3 = 3 r1 – stay and score the remainder!
 Children continue playing like this until they all are at the top
of the ladder, keeping a running total or their scores.
 They compare scores at the end!
© Original teaching sequence copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual
Y4 Maths TS11 – Mental Oral Starters - Spr
Activity 7
Objectives: Multiplication and division facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10
Resources: Post-it™ notes
Give all the children a Post-it™ note.
Ask them to write an even number between 10 – 100.
All children start off in the middle of the classroom.
Tell the children you will ask them a question and they must decide either
yes or no.
All children who answer no are out of the game.
All children who answer yes stay standing.
The last child standing is the winner.
My number is 36.
o Is your number divisible by 6? YES
o Is your number divisible by 2? YES
o Is your number divisible by 9? YES
o Is your number divisible by 4? YES
o Is your number divisible by 3? YES
o Is your number divisible by 5? NO – out of the game!
Activity 8
Objectives: Know multiplication and division facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10
Resources: Paper and whiteboards
Pairs of children sit at tables with a whiteboard each and pieces of paper.
They secretly write a few calculations, e.g. 6 x 7 = 42
5 x 9 = 45
36 ÷ 6 = 6.
They then write them out for their partner but with an empty box in one
of the places e.g.  x 6= 42
5 x  = 45
36 ÷  = 6
They swap and solve the calculations.
Ask children to feedback what they were asked and how they arrived at
the answer. Encourage them to use a variety of vocabulary and
phraseology but be pleased if they say they just knew it!
I just knew that seven sixes are 42. Marvellous.
I said my five times table until I got to 45.
I know that 6 times 6 is 36 and that’s how it fits into that division. Yes,
it’s asking how many sixes there are in 36 and there are 6!
© Original teaching sequence copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual
Y4 Maths TS11 – Mental Oral Starters - Spr
Activity 9
Objectives: Know addition facts for all pairs of single-digit numbers
Resources: See picture below
Give children a target number and show an example:
o You have to write a number sentence showing 5 or 6 numbers being
added to reach the target number.
 6+6+1+7+2+8
o To make 30, I used double 6 to make 12. Then I thought I would
make that 20 so I had to add 8. I used 7 and 1. Then I added
another pair that made 10. I chose 8 and 2. 20 add 10 is 30.
o Here’s another one;
 5 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 15
Double 3 is 6, 6 and 4 is 10, 10 and 5 is 15, double 15 is 30.
Ask children to work in pairs to make a different example with a sum of
Then choose a different target number. Ask children to feedback telling
the class about the strategies used.
Use your doubles
Use pairs to 10
Use pairs to 20
And other facts……..
To make
Target Number: 30
© Original teaching sequence copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual
Y4 Maths TS11 – Mental Oral Starters - Spr