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Chapter 25 Review Game Questions
What is the primary source of energy on Earth?
What is an example of a consumer?
Humans, Animals, etc.
What is an example of a producer?
What are the 3 types of fossil fuels?
Coal, Oil (Petroleum), and Natural Gas
What are 3 types of biomass?
Fecal Material, Wood, and Field Crops
What are the 2 types of solar power?
Active and Passive
In active solar, what are the thin silicon based wafers that convert sunlight to electrical energy?
Photovoltaic Cells
Burning fossil fuels is not energy efficient. How much of the energy potential is actually used?
About 1/3
Biomass and fossil fuels burn due to the presence of this?
What do we call a spongy material made of decomposed plants and is a precursor of coal?
In order from least amount to greatest amount of carbon, list the 3 types of coal?
Lignite, Bituminous, and Anthracite
What are the main two types of biofuel?
Ethanol and Biodiesel
What do you call the process in which nuclear power plants create heat?
Nuclear fission
What are the six alternative energies? Underline which one or ones are nonrenewable.
Nuclear, hydro, solar, geothermal, biofuel, and wind
What is a key difference between biomass and fossil fuels?
Biomass is renewable, fossil fuels are nonrenewable
Where would be a good place to set up a geothermal power plant?
Between tectonic plate boundaries
In the US and globally, what was the number one fuel source?
What is a common disadvantage to solar, hydro, nuclear, wind, and geothermal?
The initial costs are expensive
What is the ability to do work called?
What do we call the process for getting oil and natural gas out of the ground?
Hydraulic fracturing (Fracking)
What is one way to improve energy efficiency?
Using energy efficient appliances, etc.
What is a common process involved in a nuclear power plant, a coal burning power plant, and geothermal?
Turbines powered by steam
What is the global management of Earth’s natural resources to ensure that current and future energy needs will
be met without harming the environment called?
Sustainable Energy
The simultaneous production of two usable forms of energy.
The amount of work produced compared to the amount of energy used.
Energy Efficiency
What percent of energy in industrialized countries is renewable? Nonrenewable?
10% renewable, 90% nonrenewable