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by John D. LaVier
fter the tragic event of September
11th we often heard the question
“Where was God?” or “Why did God
allow mystery of our existence.”
What is the answer to this mystery?
For two thousand years the heavens
have been silent and this is strange
when we compare it with Old
Testament times. God was then dealing
with the Hebrew nation and they saw
marvelous displays of His person and
power. He brought them out of slavery,
making a path through the sea, and for
forty years He fed them and led them
and brought them into the land of
promise with mighty victories over all
their foes. Isaiah saw the Lord; Daniel
fell at His feet; angels walked to and
fro in the land; God fought for His
people; heaven was not silent.
When Israel is enjoying the favor of
God the heavens are open, but when
Israel is in disfavor with God the
heavens are silent. Between the two
testaments, when Israel was being
judged for their sins, there was a period
of time which is often referred to as
“the four hundred silent years.” God
spoke His last word through Malachi
and then 400 years of silence. This
silence was finally broken by the
appearance of the angel Gabriel to
announcing the birth of
John the Baptist. Then Gabriel spoke to
Mary, telling her of that Holy One
which should be born of her, even the
Son of God. Later the angel of the Lord
appeared to the shepherds, announcing
the birth of the Christ-child, and from
the opened heavens they heard the
heavenly host praising God.
Heaven was not silent during the
earthly ministry of Christ, when He
was presenting Himself to Israel as
their Messiah, nor was heaven silent
after His resurrection and on into the
Acts period, when Israel was given
opportunity to repent. There were
miracles, wonders, signs, angelic
visitations, jail deliverances, sudden
judgments, etc. The heavens were not
silent. However, Acts 28:28 marks a
great change. Israel no longer stands
as a nation before God. They are set
aside for a reason and a season. The
reason was their rejection of Christ
both in His incarnation and in His
resurrection. The season is this
present dispensation of the mystery.
After the close of the Acts period
we find a great man of God sitting in
the Roman prison, but no angel comes
to liberate him. An age of silence has
begun. A silent God. A silent heaven.
This silence has already lasted two
millenniums. The nations rage and we
see war, sin, suffering and sorrow on
every hand. The people of God oft
suffer at the hands of their enemies,
and we see the ever-increasing and
God-defying masses sinning and
sinning and sinning. And yet in the
midst of it all, God remains silent.
When God turned away from
Israel, that nation through which His
earthly purposes are to be realized, He
then and there withdrew from this
earthly scene. C.H.M. wrote “So long
as there was any ground of hope in
connection with Israel, the heavenly
mystery was held back; but when
earth had been abandoned and Israel
set aside, the apostle of the Gentiles,
from his prison at Rome, writes to the
Church, and opens out all the glorious
privileges connected with its place in
the heavens.” God has for a season
abandoned earth but we are here as
His ambassadors in enemy land and
we are asked to walk by faith and not
by sight. God is allowing man’s day
to run its course and is permitting the
full development of the mystery of
lawlessness. The mystery of iniquity
is working. Soon the whole will be
leavened. Man’s day will be replaced
by the Lord's Day. Then ...
This is promised everywhere in
Scripture. The psalmist declared:
“Our God shall come, and shall not
keep silence!” Just as the silence of
the 400 years was broken by His first
coming, so the present silence will be
broken by His second coming. But
before He manifests Himself to the
world, He will manifest Himself to
His own. This is the bright and
blessed hope of the Church, the
rapture, and it will be the opening rift
in the silent heavens. After the Body
of Christ has been removed from the
scene God will begin to deal again
with Israel and the nations. The
silence will be broken and God will
speak again, not then in grace, but in
wrath. The heavens will be opened,
not to pour out blessing, but disaster.
The judgments of the Apocalypse will
be visited upon the world, when the
seals will be broken, the judgment
trumpets sounded, and the vials of
God’s wrath poured out.
Finally, the heavens will be fully
opened and the blessed Lord Jesus
Christ will return. The Apostle John
saw Him as the rider on a white horse,
followed by the heavenly armies, and
He wrote: “He hath on his vesture and
on his thigh a name written, KING OF
The silence will be broken. The King
will return and have His rightful place
upon the throne, with all beneath His
feet. Every eye shall see Him and the
earth will be filled with His glory.
And never again will there be silence,
for the lines of communication will
always be open between heaven and
earth, both as to the millennial earth
and on into the new earth.
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