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Name ____________________________________________________ Date ___________
Ms. Parent/Mr. Viscardi
Trigonometric Ratios
The word trigonometry comes from two Greek terms, trigon, meaning triangle,
and metron, meaning measure. The study of trigonometry involves triangle
A RATIO of the lengths of sides of a right triangle is called a trigonometric
ratio. The three most common trigonometric ratios are sine, cosine, and
In Words
sine of  A =
measure of leg opposite
cosine of  A =
sin A =
measure of hypotenuse
measurement of leg adjacent
tangent of  A =
cos A =
measure of hypotenuse
measure of leg opposite  A
measurement of leg adjacent  A
tan A =
Each of these three trigonometric ratios can be done to EITHER ACUTE ANGLE
in the right triangle. It CANNOT be done with the right angle.
Example 1: Find sine, cosine, and tangent ratios.
Find sin R, cos R, and tan R.
Express ratio as a fraction and as a decimal.
sin R =
cos R =
tan R =
Example 2: Use a calculator to evaluate expressions.
Use a calculator to find each value to the nearest ten thousandth.
a) cos 39° ≈
b) sin 67° ≈
You can use trigonometric ratios to find the missing measures of a right
triangle if you know the measures of two sides of a triangle or the
measure of one side and one acute angle.
Example 3: Use trigonometric ratios to find a length
Given the diagram to the right, find x. Round to the nearest yard.
Example 4: Use trigonometric ratios to find an angle.
Given the diagram to the right, find x. Round to the nearest degree.
Try the following on your own.
1. Use ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶 to find sin A, cos A, tan A, sin B, cos B, and tan B. Express each
ratio as a fraction and as a decimal to the nearest hundredth.
sin A =
sin B =
cos A =
cos B =
tan A =
tan B =
2. Use your calculator to find each value. Round to nearest hundredth.
a) sin 57°
b) cos 60°
tan 30°
3. Use your calculator to find angle B. Round to the nearest degree.
a) sin B = 0.7245
b) cos B = 0.2493
c) tan B = 0.4279
Name ____________________________________________________ Date ____________
Ms. Parent/Mr. Viscardi
Intro to Trig Homework
Find x. Round to the nearest tenth.
7. A plane is one mile above sea level when it begins to climb at a constant angle of 3°
for the next 60 ground miles. About how far above sea level is the plane after its
8. To guard against a fall, a ladder should make an angle of 75° or less with the
a) What is the maximum height that a 20-foot ladder can
reach safely?
b) How far from the building is the base of the ladder at the
maximum height?
9. A rock dropped from the Leaning Tower of Pisa falls to a point 14 feet from its
base. If the tower is 182 feet tall, at what angle does it lean at the ground?
10. Sonar on a destroyer detects a submarine at a depth of 200 m. If the angle is 31°,
how far apart are the two vessels?