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Some of you may have heard of a Japan only release of Namco X Capcom. It was a PS2
RPG that featured characters from both game companies. Of course, the only way to have
played this outside of Japan is through importing so, I’m guessing many didn’t get a
chance to try it out. Luckily, the 3DS is getting a new crossover RPG called Project X
Zone featuring Capcom, Namco, and now Sega characters. Let me be the first one to say,
if anyone is a fan of these companies’ games, they may need to play this.
The worlds of practically every video game character are combining together and
wormholes to other worlds and times are opening up and taking in the heroes of these
worlds. Players take on the role of some of the most famous characters Namco, Sega, and
Capcom have created to fight the forces of evil and stop their worlds from bleeding in
with each other.
Project X Zone(PXZ) is a strategy RPG that has players moving units around a
battlefield. When a friendly unit is in range of an enemy unit, they can begin a battle.
Battles are slightly turn based as in when an ally initiates an attack on the battlefield, only
the allies will attack in that battle. Enemies attack on their own turn.
Fun, flashy combat.
Battles are simple in concept. Pressing A and a direction on the circle pad will begin an
assault. Hitting enemies with an attack will launch them into the air after an attack has
been made, players can initiate another attack to juggle the enemies in the air. It is very
timing based. If characters use an attack that hits low, they will miss if the enemy is
launched in the air. Also, if the player can time it just right and hit the enemy with an
attack right before it hits the ground from an air juggle, it will create a critical hit.
Learning each character’s moves and attack animations will greatly benefit the player.
The game revolves around XP this stands for Cross Power. Each ally unit has a XP
gauge. This increases when they attack or are being attacked. XP is used for skills on the
battlefield screen, defending or countering enemy attacks, and for special moves. These
special moves serve as a super combo that offers up big damage. A unit can only use a
special move when the XP is at 100% or more.
On the battlefield, units can move, attack, use skills that can heal or boost certain stats,
and use items. Items are dropped by enemies after being defeated or found by breaking
object on the battlefield screen. There is also equipment that can be placed on ally teams
that can increase stats as well.
Super Ultra X-combo buster.
Each unit is a pair of heroes. There are also solo units that can be partied up with a pair
unit. When partied up, the solo unit can be called in during an attack to come in and begin
their own combo while the pair unit is attacking. If a solo unit hits an enemy at the same
time a paired unit hits, it creates a X-combo. X-combos will freeze the enemy in mid air
and deals more damage. X-combo hits can also increase the unit’s XP gauge past 100%.
Aside from solo units, two paired units that are next to each other on the battlefield
screen can be used as support as well. Much like a solo unit. So it is possible to have a
paired unit of two characters attacking up to four times, a solo unit coming in and hitting
for big damage, and another paired unit of two characters support and drop a beat down
on the enemy. I know it may sound complicated, but it really isn’t. The tutorial does a
great job of teaching the game and every action that can be performed in battle is on the
bottom screen right in front of the player for quick reference.
After every fight, the attacking unit will gain experience points and can also level up.
Leveling up increase base stats and units learn new skills they can use on the battlefield.
They can also learn multi-attacks than will allow a paired unti to attack multiple enemy
units that are next to each other on the battlefield. This requires the usage of 100% of the
XP gauge, but it is a great way to wipeout multiple enemies in one attack.
Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Tale of Vesperia, Xenosaga, God Eater, Tekken.
PXZ does a great job of handling fan service. Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine, Ryu and
Ken, Frank West, Akria Yuki and Pai Chan, and a ton more are all here. Characters I had
never even heard of before make an appearance. The locations will also be very familiar
to fans as well. It is the ultimate fan game. The game features the Japanese voice acting
with English subtitles, and the dialog is both clever and stays true to the source material.
Dante is witty; Frank is always looking for a big scoop, ect. I would be lying if I didn’t
have a geek out moment or two when a new character showed up.
The visuals are a nice sprite/hand drawn style and every battle plays out in a flashy way.
The special attacks really show what the 3DS can handle at one time with so many things
going on on screen. The 3D is implemented well, but it is not necessary. Although seeing
the battles take place on screen in 3D looks pretty awesome at times.
Even though the game is complex in battle, the difficulty never really gets challenging.
Sure, there may be a boss fight that may knock out one of my units, but I never even
came close to losing a mission. I wish it was just a bit more challenging. The equipment
is also sparse and I never seemed to have enough to equip my entire team. It takes a while
to find enough for everyone.
Project X Zone is a great game for RPG players. It may not get too difficult, but the fan
service that has been implemented is one that any fan of these companies should play and
see. The combat is simple enough to understand and complex enough to keep the
hardcore happy. Plus, the combat is just pure fun to play and watch unfold. Project X
Zone is a great addition to the 3DS line up and I highly suggest it to any casual RPG fan.
Likes: Tons of fan service, Fun combat, Nice visual style, Tons of characters.
Dislikes: Doesn’t offer much challenge, Equipment seems like an afterthought.
Score: 9.0
Tagline: A love letter to anyone that has played a Japanese game before.