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For Immediate Release
Date: 23 April 2013
Marine13 Launch a Significant Milestone for Australian Industry
Marine13 Organising Committee member and Boating Industries Alliance Australia
Chairman Darren Vaux said Marine13 was a significant milestone event for Australia’s
$8b marine industry. “Strong final numbers for Marine13 reflect the positive sentiment
in the industry and recognition of the importance of a united industry working together.
There are good grounds for optimism in the industry and Marine13 will provide the
ideas, information and inspiration on which industry can set the direction for coming
years. This is a timely and vital forum. It’s not just the economic settings that we need
to plan for. It is critical that as an industry we are also ahead of the game with
demographic, social and competitive changes impacting on boating purchases and
boating participation”.
Just days out from the Marine13 International Conference and Exhibition 28- 30 April the
number registered is now expected to exceed 450 with attendees from 15 countries.
There are 47 conference sessions involving 96 individual speakers, 45 trade exhibitors,
nine pre and post events including the International Lifejacket Forum and the Marine13
Gala Dinner featuring the national and international marina awards.
The international nature of the event is illustrated by the fact that 20 speakers are from
countries outside of Australia. This is expected to ensure that while the event is
Australian orientated there will be a healthy focus on developments and trends in other
Western and neighbouring Asian marketplaces.
Conference registrations including day tickets are available online until midnight
Thursday 25 April. Tickets for the Gala Awards Dinner and Sydney Harbour Field Trip are
also available.
For final information go to
Principal Sponsor
Pic of Darren Vaux, Chairman BIAA. For further enquires re Marine13, Nik Parker at [email protected] , Neil Patchett at
[email protected] or Colin Bransgrove at [email protected]