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1. The relationship 1/sin(θ) is equivalent to which of the following trigonometric
A. cot(θ)
B. csc(θ)
C. arcsin(θ)
D. sec(θ)
2. Moving waves can be described either as a function of time or as a
function of
A. position.
B. speed.
C. amplitude.
D. frequency.
3. The cosine function for a specific angle in a triangle is defined by the
ratio of the triangle's
A. opposite side and hypotenuse.
B. adjacent side and hypotenuse.
C. adjacent side and opposite angle.
D. opposite side and adjacent side.
4. When drawn on a circle, the angle 472° is drawn in the same position
A. 182°.
B. 38°.
C. 292°.
D. 112°.
5. Over what range of angles does the value of sin(θ) consistently
A. 0° to 180°
B. 0° to 90°
C. 45° to 135°
D. 90° to 180°
6. How many complete revolutions are needed to draw the angle
A. 4
B. 2
C. 1
D. 3
7. To use the law of sines, which of the following statements must be
A. All three side lengths must be known.
B. At least one side length and opposite angle pair must be known.
C. At least two angles must be known.
D. The triangle must be a right triangle.
8. An angle in a right triangle is identified as θ. If the tangent of θ equals
one, what must be true about the triangle side lengths?
A. The side opposite to theta is longer than the adjacent side.
B. The side adjacent to theta is half the length of the hypotenuse.
C. The sides opposite and adjacent to theta are the same length.
D. The side adjacent to theta is longer than the adjacent side.
_______ angles are used to relate the values returned by inverse trigonometric
functions to angles larger than 90°.
A. Obtuse
B. Acute
C. Right
D. Complementary
10. The trig functions cosine and secant are related through a(n) _______
trig identity.
A. Pythagorean
B. reciprocal
C. inverse
D. quotient
11. The function arcsine can also be defined as
A. sec(θ)
B. 1/sin(θ)
C. sin-1(θ)
D. csc(θ)
12. An inverse trigonometric function is used to find the value of an unknown obtuse angle in a
triangle. The inverse function returns the angle 68°. What is the value of the unknown angle?
A. 22°
B. 0.015°
C. 112°
D. 68°
13. All reference angles must be
A. more than 360°.
B. less than 90°.
C. between 90° and 180°.
D. less than 45°.
14. In what quadrant is the angle 237° located?
A. I
15. The height of a sinusoidal wave is called its
A. phase.
B. frequency.
C. amplitude.
D. period.
16. The electrical signal created by a piece of test equipment at a specific point in time is
described by the function Vinst(t) = 12 × sin(360 × 60 × 6.3 + 79). What is the maximum
voltage produced by the system?
A. 79 V
B. 12 V
C. 6.3 V
D. 60 V
17. Calculate the value of tan (48°19'23").
A. 0.66
B. 1.12
C. 88.81
D. 0.75