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Theory of Evolution
100- He traveled to the Galapagos Islands on the HMS Beagle and observed similar species suited to
their particular environment.
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200- A diagram of evolutionary relationships.
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300- He proposed that giraffes got their long necks from stretching them. (the idea of use and disuse)
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400-Which are more closely related: roundworms and annelids (earthworms) or arthropods and
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500-Process by which individuals better suited to their environment can survive and reproduce most
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100- A long, slow change in organisms over long periods of time.
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200- Any inherited trait or characteristic that increases an organism’s chances for survival.
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300- A sudden change in the sequence of DNA.
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400- If individuals at one end of the bell curve have higher fitness
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500- If individuals at both ends of the curve have higher fitness than those in the middle
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Evidence of evolution
100- Preserved or mineralized remains of organisms usually found in sedimentary rock.
200- Structures that have similar embryological origin and structure but are adapted for different
purposes (Example: Human arm/Bat wing)
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300- Fossil Records, Geographical Distribution, Homologous Structures, Vestigial Organs, Similarities in
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400- Appendix in Humans and Leg Bones in Whales
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500- The early stages of development in organisms in which there are many similarities among different
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Name: _____________________________
100- This may happen if a species lacks the variations necessary to adapt to a changing environment.
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200- If individuals near the center of the bell curve have higher fitness
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300- Two populations are separated by geographic barriers such as rivers, mountains, or other bodies of
400- When you take an antibiotic, there is a fight between the effect of the drug and your immune
system. Therefore, the longer the bacteria survives, the likelier it is that it will become…
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500- This historical event in England caused tree trunks and buildings to blacken with soot allowing for
birds and other predators to hunt the light-colored moths more easily.
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100- A Swedish botanist that developed a two-word naming system (Science of Taxonomy).
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200- The broadest, largest category of organisms with the fewest of traits in common
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300- The most specific level of classification in which organisms have the most traits in common
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400- The 2-word scientific naming of an organism
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500- The two levels of classification used to name an organism
100- All the individuals of a species that live together in one area. (Example: Alligators in the Florida
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200- Differences such as fur color, shape of teeth, beak sizes, and shapes in shells
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300- A tool used by scientists to identify organisms
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400- The two main sources of genetic variation
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500- This classification system is based on evolutionary descent or phylogeny
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Final Jeopardy
What scientists believe might explain why many bones of fossil vertebrates are similar to those in living
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