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A food chain is a diagram that shows how food
energy moves from one organism to another in a
given environment. Food energy moves along the
food chain when one organism eats another.
What is a food chain?
What is at the beginning of all food chains?
The sun is at the beginning of all food chains.
What is a predator?
A predator is an animals that preys on other animals
for food only.
What is prey?
Prey are the animals that a predator eats.
What is an omnivore?
An omnivore eats both plants and animals.
What is a carnivore?
A carnivore eats meats.
What is a herbivore?
A herbivore eats only plants.
Could food chains continue without one
Food chains could not continue without all of the
components because they all rely on each other.
With one missing part, the chain is no longer
complete and will not function.
What is a community?
A community is different populations in a certain
area that interact with each other in some direct or
indirect way.
What is a population?
A population is a group of organisms that are the
same species living together in a certain area.
What happens when too many of one powerful
species are in one ecosystem?
The smaller, less powerful species in that
ecosystem would decrease in number.
How can an ecosystem be self-sustaining?
An ecosystem can be self-sustaining with all parts of
the food chain. The sun will make the plants grow,
the herbivores and omnivores will eat the plants,
and the carnivores will eat the herbivores and
omnivores and the process will continue.
What are the nonliving parts of an ecosystem?
What is a food web?
The nonliving components are air, water, soil, and
the sun.
A food web is many food chains linked together.
What are the living items in our terrariums?
The living items are the grass, anoles, crickets, and
the worms.
What is a producer?
A producer is an organism that makes its own food
(energy). It is at the beginning of the food chain.
What is a consumer?
A consumer is an organism that feeds on other
plants and animals since it DOES NOT make its
own food (energy).