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Department of Anthropology. Graduate Student Comprehensive Examination Reading List
Fall, 2006
Cultural Anthropology
Anderson, Benedict. 1991.Imagined Communities:Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism. Verso.
Barth, Fredrik.1968 Ethnic Groups and Boundaries:The Social Organization of Cultural Difference. Bergen.
Bateson, Gregory. 1958. Naven:A survey of the problems suggested by a composite picture of the culture of a New
Guinea Tribe drawn from three points of view. Stanford.
Bourdieu, P. 1977.Outline of a Theory of Practice. Cambridge.
Douglas, Mary.1991. Purity and Danger:An Analysis of the Concepts of Pollution and Taboo. Routledge.
Durkheim, Emile. 2001. The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. Oxford.
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. 1940.The Nuer:A Description of the Modes of Livlihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic
people. Oxford.
Geertz, Clifford. 1973. Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight. From The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected
Essays. Basic Books.
Harvey, David. 1996. Justice, Nature, and the Geography of Difference .Blackwell.
Levi-Strauss, Claude.1963. The Structural Study of Myth in Structural Anthropology. Harper Books. And
The Science of the Concrete Ch1 in The Savage Mind (1966).
Marx, K. 1972. Theses on Feurbach, The Fetishism of Commodities and the Secrets Thereof (from Capital). Allen
and Unwin.
Mauss, M. 1990. The Gift: The Form and Reason for Exchange in Archaic Societies. W.W. Norton.
Ortner, Sherri. 1974. Is Woman to Nature as Man is to Culture in Rosaldo and Lamphere eds. Woman, Culture, and
Society. Stanford.
Polanyi, Karl. 2001. The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of our Time. Beacon.
Turner, V. 1967.The Forest of Symbols:Aspects of Ndembu Ritual. Cornell.
Volosinov, V.N. 1973. Marxism and The Philosophy of Language.Seminar Press.
Wallace, Anthony. 1980 Rockdale:The Growth of an American Village in the Early Industrial Revolution. Norton.
Wallerstein, I. 1995. Historical Capitalism and Capitalist Civilizaiton. Verso.
Weber,Max. 2003. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Dover.
Wolf, Eric.1982. Europe and the People without History. Berkeley. UC Press.
Boas, F. 1974. Introduction to the Handbook of American Indian Languages. In. B.G. Blount. Language, Culture,
and Society. Prospect Heights.
Goffman, E. 1972.The Neglected Situation in Giglioli, P. Language in Social Context.Penguin.
Hanks, W.F. 1988. Discourse Genres in a Theory of Practice.American Ethnologist 14:4:688-692.
Hymes, Dell. 1974. The Scope of Sociolinguistics in Foundations in Sociolinguistics, an ethnographic approach.
U.Penn Press.
Labov, W. 1972. The Logic of Non-Standard Giglioli, P. ed. Language and Social Context. Penguin.
Lakoff, RT. 2004. Language and Woman’s Place, in Lakoff, R.T. ed. Language and Woman’s Place: Text and
Communication. Oxford.
Lucy, J. 1996. The Scope of Linguistic Relativity. In Gumperz and Levinson eds. Rethinking Linguistic Relativity.
Pp. 37-69. Cambridge.
Sapir, Edward. 1949. Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech. Harcourt.
Whorf, BL. 1956. The relationship of Habitual Thought and Behavior to Language in. Language, Thought and
Reality. Cambridge.
Biological Anthropology
Buikstra, Jane E and Ubelaker, Douglas H. 1994. Standards for Data Collection from Human Skeletal Remains.
Arkansas Archaeological Survey Research Series No. 44.
Fox, R.G. and B.J. King eds. 2002. Anthropology Beyond Culture. Berg Publishing
Goodman, A.H. and T.L. Leatherman 1999. Building a New Biocultural Synthesis: Political-economic Perspectives
on Human Biology.
Gould, S.J. 1996. The Mismeasure of Man. W.W. Norton & Company. Revised edition.
Larson, Clark Spencer. 2002. Bioarchaeology: Interpreting Behavior from the Human Skeleton. Cambridge:
Cambridge U. Press.
Marks, Jonathan. 2003. What it means to be 98% Chimpanzee: Apes, People, and Their Genes. University of
California Press.
Segerdehal, Par. Et Al. 2006. Kanzi’s Primal Language. Palgrave McMillan.
And (with skepticism)
Wrangham and Peterson Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violoence.
Recommended histories of archaeology
Willey, Gordon R. Willey and Jeremy A. Sabloff
A History of American Archaeology. London: Thames and Hudson.
Gosden, Chris
Anthropology and Archaeology: A Changing Relationship. London: Routledge.
Additional recommended readings (in chronological order)
Childe, V. Gordon
The Urban Revolution. In Contemporary Archaeology, edited by M. Leone, pp. 43-51.
(Originally published in 1950)
Binford, Lewis R.
Archaeology as Anthropology. American Antiquity 28(2):217-225.
Deetz, James
In Small Things Forgotten. New York: Anchor-Doubleday. (Originally published in 1977)
Hodder, Ian
Reading the Past: Current Approaches to Interpretation in Archaeology. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
(Originally published in 1983)
Trigger, Bruce
Alternative Archaeologies: Nationalist, Colonialist, Imperialist. Man 19:355-370.
Brumfiel, Elizabeth M.
Breaking and Entering the Ecosystem - Gender, Class, and Faction Steal the Show. American
Anthropologist 94(3):551-567.
Lightfoot, Kent G.
Culture Contact Studies: Redefining the Relationship between Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology.
American Antiquity 60(2):199-217.
Watson, Patty Jo
Archaeology, Anthropology, and the Culture Concept. American Anthropologist 97(4):683-694.
Other Important Readings, most of which were assigned in graduate archaeology courses
(T) – Anth 603 Archaeological Theory class reading (Fall ’06)
(H) – Anth 611 Historical Archaeology class reading (Spring ’06)
Binford, Lewis R.
(T) 1967
Smudge Pits and Hide Smoking: The Use of Analogy in Archaeological Reasoning. American
Antiquity 32(1):1-12.
(T) 1980
Willow Smoke and Dogs’ Tails. American Antiquity 45:4-20.
Deagan, Kathleen
(H) 1982
“Avenues of Inquiry in Historical Archaeology.” In Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory,
M. Schiffer (ed.), 5:151-177, New York: Academic Press.
Colonial transformation: Euro-American cultural genesis in the early Spanish-American colonies.
Journal of Anthropological Research 52(2):135–160.
Dobres, Marcia-Anne and John E. Robb
(T) 2000
Agency in Archaeology: Paradigm or Platitude? In Agency in Archaeology. Edited by Marcia-Anne
Dobres and John E. Robb. London: Routledge.
Ferguson, Leland
(H) 1991
Struggling with Pots in Colonial South Carolina. In The Archaeology of Inequality, R. McGuire and R.
Paynter (eds.), Pp. 28-39, Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Flannery, Kent V.
(T) 1972
The Cultural Evolution of Civilizations, Annual Review of Ecology and Semantics. 3:399-426.
Flannery, Kent and Joyce Marcus
(T) 1993
Cognitive archaeology. Cambridge Archaeology Journal. 3:260-267.
Gosden, Chris
Archaeology and Colonialism: Cultural contact from 5000 BC to the Present. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Hall, Martin
Subaltern Voices? Finding the Spaces between Things and Words. In Historical Archaeology: Back
from the Edge. Funari, P.P.A., M. Hall, and S. Jones (eds.). New York: Routledge.
Hodder, Ian
(T) 1982
Theoretical Archaeology: A Reactionary View. In Symbolic and Structural Archaeology, edited by I.
Hodder, pp. 1-16. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
(T) 1997
Always Momentary, Fluid, and Flexible: Toward a Reflexive Excavation Methodology. Antiquity (T)
Ingold, Tim
The Temporality of the Landscape. World Archaeology 25:152-74.
Jones, Sian
Discourses of Identity in the Interpretation of the Past. In Cultural Identity and Archaeology: The
Construction of European Communities. London: Routledge.
LaRoche, Cheryl J., and Michael L. Blakey
Seizing Intellectual Power: The Dialogue at the New York African Burial Ground. Historical
Archaeology 31(T):84-106.
Leonard, Robert D.
(T) 2001
Evolutionary Archaeology. In Archaeological Theory Today, edited by Ian Hodder, pp. 65-97. Polity
Press, Cambridge.
Leone, Mark P.
(T) 1995
A Historical Archaeology of Capitalism. American Anthropologist 97:251-268.
(H) 1984
“Interpreting Ideology in Historical Archaeology: Using the Rules of Perspective in William Paca
Garden in Annapolis, Maryland. In Ideology, Power, and Prehistory, D. Miller and C. Tilley (eds.),
Pp. 25-35. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lightfoot, Kent G., Antoinette Martinez, and Ann M. Schiff
(H) 1998
Daily Practice and Material Culture in Pluralistic Social Settings: An Archaeological Study of Culture
Change and Persistence from Fort Ross, California. American Antiquity 63(2):199-222.
McGuire, Randall
(T) 1992
Archaeology and the First Americans. American Anthropologist 94:816-836.
(H) 1991
“Building Power in the Cultural Landscape of Broome County, New York, 1880-1940.” In The
Archaeology of Inequality, R. McGuire and R. Paynter (eds.), Pp. 102-124, Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Orser, Charles E. Jr.
(T) 1992
Beneath the Material Surface of Things: Commodities, Artifacts, and Slave Plantations. Historical
Archaeology 26(T):95-104.
Paynter, Robert
(H) 1988
“Steps to an Archaeology of Capitalism: Material Change and Class Analysis.” In The Recovery of
Meaning: Historical Archaeology in the Eastern United States, M. P. Leone and P. B. Potter, Jr. (eds.),
Pp. 407-433. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Patrik, Linda E.
(T) 1985
Is there an Archaeological Record? Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory 8:27-62.
Pauketat, Timothy
(T) 2001
Practice and Theory in Archaeology. An Emerging Paradigm. Anthropological Theory 1 (1): 73-97.
Preucel, Robert
(T) 1995
The Postprocessual Condition. Journal of Archaeological Research 3:147-175.
Raab, L. Mark, and Albert C. Goodyear
(T) 1984
Middle Range Theory in Archaeology: A Critical Review of Origins and Applications. American
Antiquity 49:255-268.
Reid, J.J., M.B. Schiffer, and W.L. Rathje
(T) 1975
Behavioral Archaeology: Four Strategies. American Anthropologist 77:864-879.
Schiffer, Michael B.
Archaeological Context and Systemic Context. American Antiquity 37(2):156-165.
Schuyler, Robert
(H) 1988
“Archaeological Remains, Documents, and Anthropology: A Call for a New Culture History.”
Historical Archaeology 22(1):36-42.
Silliman, Stephen W.
Culture Contact or Colonialism? Challenges in the Archaeology of Native North America.
American Antiquity 70(1):55-74.
Singleton, Theresa A.
(H) 2006
“African Diaspora Archaeology in Dialogue.” In Afro-Atlantic Dialouges: Anthropology in the
Diaspora, ed. K. Yelvington, Pp.249-287, Santa Fe: SAR Press.
South, Stanley
Pattern recognition in historical archaeology. American Antiquity 43: 223–230.
Whither Pattern? Historical Archaeology 22(1):25-28.
Spector, Janet
What this Awl Means. In Contemporary Archaeology in Theory, edited by R. Preucel and I. Hodder,
pp. 240-257. Blackwell, Oxford.
Stahl, Ann
(T) 1993
Concepts of Time and Approaches to Analogical Reasoning in Historical Perspective. American
Antiquity 58(2):235-260.
Taylor, Walter W.
A Study of Archeology. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Center for
Archaeological Investigations.
Tringham Ruth
(T) 1994
Engendered Places in Prehistory. In Gender, Place and Culture 2:169-203.
Watson, Patty Jo and Mary C. Kennedy
(T) 1990
The Development of Horticulture in the Eastern Woodlands of North America: Women’s Role. In
Engendering Archaeology: Women in Prehistory, edited by Joan Gero and Margaret Conkey pp. 255275. Blackwell, London.
Yoffee, Norman
(T) 1993
Too many chiefs? (or, Safe Texts for the ’90s). In, Norman Yoffee and Andrew Sherratt (eds.),
Archaeological Theory: Who Sets the Agenda? Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.