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Layered Curriculum: Ancient Greece: Textbook Chapters 8 and 9
Subject and class site
Mr. Wojciechowicz
Ancient History:
Due dates:
All assignments must be turned in by:
Curriculum Layers
Student Unit Learning Activities
Spartans Layer: 75 Point
Work in this level may
need to be completed for
homework if you fall
* items are required
Test on:
In Class:
*1. PowerPoint lecture on Greece unit.
*2. Structured notes demonstration #1 with student attempt
*3. Structured notes demonstration #2 with student attempt
*4. Extended response questions
5. Answer the following questions from your textbook. Do not forget to
restate your answers. Pg. 233 #1B and Pg. 241 #1B, 2A, 2B, 3B.
6. Answer the following questions from your textbook. Do not forget to
restate your answers. Pg. 265 #1B, 3A, 3B, Pg. 271 #3B, and Pg. 282 #3B.
7. Complete the questions under “Reviewing Vocabulary, Terms, and People”
on page 253 and complete the chapter eight “Standardized Test Practice” on
page 255.
8. Complete the questions under “Reviewing Vocabulary, Terms, and People”
on page 285 and complete the Chapter nine “Standardized Test Practice” on
page 287.
Study Skills:
9. Create study note cards from the notes you need to study for the Greece test.
You will be quizzed on 10 random cards.
10. Complete the essays for the test in your folder and get quizzed on them.
2-D Art:
11. Draw pictures for knowledge map #19-26 OR 27-35. You will need to
explain the knowledge map based on the pictures and the pictures can not have
any #’s or words. Pictures must be colored and each must be at least ¼ of a
page in size. ***You do not need to be an artist to do this assignment.***
12. Write a one paragraph essay explaining the achievements of the Greeks
and how they are still felt in society today. Paragraph should be a minimum of
6 sentences and need both a topic and a concluding sentence. Use pages 277282 in your book for help. You can also include the philosophers and their
ideas in your essay. (Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle)
13. Write a one paragraph essay explaining the history of the Macedonians
and their effect on the world. You need to explain the lives of Phillip II and
Alexander the Great. The paragraph should be a minimum of 6 sentences and
need both a topic and a concluding sentence. Use pages 272-276 in your book
for help.
Web 2.0:
14. Create a web page on Athens and Sparta OR Ancient Greece. See Mr. W.
for directions.
15. Listen to and take notes on the video clips from the web site or podcasts on
your IPOD. See Mr. W. for the list of video clips/podcasts to take notes on.
16. Present a topic with at least one other person. Presentations must cover
the topic completely. Presentations can be made on a video (VHS/DVD) and
brought into school to show to the class. Topics must be approved by Mr. W.
17. Attend Mr. W’s lecture on the alliances and the Peloponnesian War.
18. Attend Mr. W’s lecture on the Macedonians.
Parent needed:
19. Parent signature on the back of this paper.
Knowledge Map:
20. Get quizzed and correctly answer 8 random statements from #1-35 on the
knowledge map. Can only be done during homeroom, advisory, or lunch.
/5 /5
Macedonians Layer: 10
Point Max
Only choose one assignment
from this level.
Double space
Name, s.s. period, date
in upper right corner
Times New Roman
Size 12
Title centered
All paragraphs must
have at least 8
sentences with at
least 10 words per
1. Imagine a Spartan citizen and an Athenian citizen traveled to the future and lived
in the United States for three months among the population. Explain how these two
people would have viewed our society. Provide views on at least three topics of
United States society. Explain your information in a two paragraph essay.
2. Aesop, a slave who lived in ancient Greece, became known for his stories that
would teach a moral or lesson to the reader. Read a few of Aesop’s stories and then
create your own story that in the end teaches a moral or lesson to the reader. Your
story should include animals as the characters like Aesop’s did. Your story should
be at least two paragraphs long.
3. The Greeks were the first to use columns in their buildings. Explain the
difference between the three types of columns used by the Greeks: Doric,
Corinthian, and Ionic and also provide one example of building from ancient
Greece that incorporated any of the three column types. Then, search the city
of Cleveland or its neighboring cities and take pictures of two places that have
incorporated Greek columns in the buildings. Make sure you provide the name
of the building and its use. Also tell which type of Greek column was used in
the buildings construction. Explain your information in a two paragraph essay.
4. Create a podcast with a partner on a given topic. See Mr. W. for more
5. Choose three Greeks from the book Twelve Greeks and Romans Who Changed
the World. Then read the chapters about them and answer the questions that go with
the people.
6. Write a 2 paragraph comparison essay on who the “deadliest warrior” is. See me
for directions.
7. Visit the Cleveland Museum of Art and take pictures of two works of art
that relate to the unit we are studying. Then write one paragraph about each
work of art, explaining how the works of art relate to the unit we are studying.
See Mr. W. for more directions and an example.
Athenians Layer: 15 Point
Only choose one assignment
from this level.
Double space
Name, s.s. period, date
in upper right corner
Times New Roman
Size 12
Title centered
All paragraphs must
have at least 8
sentences with at
least 10 words per
1. Athens created the world’s first democracy under a man named Cleisthenes.
Today, we have a representative democracy in the United States. The two main
representative groups in our government are the Democrats and the
Republicans. The Democrats and Republicans differ in their beliefs on
different topics in society. Research and choose three topics that Republicans
and Democrats disagree on and explain both of their points of view on the
topics in a three paragraph essay. Also include what group you side with on
each topic and the reasons behind your choices. You do not need to side with
the same group on each topic.
Examples of topics to use include: Abortion, Gay Rights, Energy/Environment,
Taxes, Death Penalty, Minimum Wage, Prayer In Schools, Stem Cell Research
2. At the end of the Persian Wars, some Greek city-states formed the Delian
League. At the end World War II, many countries in the world formed the
United Nations. Explain the similarities/differences between the histories,
reasons for formation, and beliefs of the Delian League and the United Nations.
Then, explain whether you think the United Nations is doing a good job in the
world today. Explain your information in a three paragraph essay.
3. If you were to choose one word to describe the government of the U.S.,
would you chose the word “Democracy” or the word “Republic?” Defend your
choice with at least three reasons. Also, make sure you explain the differences
between a republic and a democracy. Explain your information in a three
paragraph essay.
4. The Olympic games can trace their roots back to ancient Greece. Compare
the ancient Olympic games to our modern Olympic games. Compare the
events, the reasons for the games, and any other topic of your choice in detail.
Explain your information in a three paragraph essay.
5. Read Chapters 1-5 of Greeks and Romans Bearing Gifts and answer the questions
that go with the reading.
6. Create a palindrome about Athens and Sparta. This is challenging. See me
for an example.
Dear parent/guardian,
During the Greece unit, the assignments listed on the previous page and this page will be the work your child will be
completing. They will not need to complete all the assignments, but will have a choice based on their
strengths/weaknesses and likes/dislikes. Your child will be asked to record their point totals next to their assignments.
Please check you child’s progress by looking over their list of assignments and their point totals every few days.
Please go to the following site for frequently asked questions and more information about the layered curriculum model.
If you still have questions or concerns after visiting the site you can email me at [email protected]
or call me at 440-995-7889
Parent Signature