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Exam 3 Review
Dr. Baxley
Chapters 8, 9, 11, 5 and start of 11 (book sections 1-3, notes I-II)
 Be sure to review notes, text, and homework.
 Be able to work other pertinent homework, worksheet, and lecture example problems.
 Below are some guidelines of what will be emphasized but you should be prepared for
anything from the chapters or lectures unless otherwise specified in lecture.
 You will be given a periodic table.
 You must bring your own non-graphing calculator. No sharing of calculators!!
 Bring an Apperson DataLink 100 question form (lines on the back) purchased at Cuesta
Keys to studying chemistry 
 Use frequent but short study periods, rather than long hours just before an exam
 Practice! Chemistry uses lots of terms and can seem like a foreign language.
 Practice problems in writing, and check your answers.
 Keep practicing until you can do the problems without help from the book, your notes,
another person etc.
Given on the exam
Electronegativity values (if needed)
 except for bonds: F–X; O–X; Cl or N–X; C–H; and X–X, where X is any
nonmetal other than a like atom
Bond energies as needed
vapor pressure of water table (if needed)
Equations and constants that you need to know
760 torr = 760 mmHg = 1 atm
Kelvin = ºC + 273.15
P1V1 = P2V2
PV = nRT
STP = 0 ºC (273.15 K) and 1 atm (760 torr)
Ptotal = PA + PB + PC …
All ions and elements that you were expected to know on previous exams
Any material from previous exams may be required for problems on this exam
Chapter 8 skills
1. Predict the complete or condensed electron configuration for any element 1-86, except 58-71
a. Predict the quantum numbers of any given electron in any of these elements
b. Identify the inner (core) and valence electrons of any of these elements
c. Draw the valence electron orbital diagram of any ion of any of these elements
d. Predict whether any of these elements are paramagnetic or diamagnetic.
2. Predict the complete or condensed electron configuration an ion of any element 1-86, except
58-71 and a-d above for these ions.
3. How and why do the effective nuclear charge, atomic radius, ionization energy and electron
affinity change across a period and down a group? If given a set of elements, rank them
according to these parameters and explain why this trend occurs.
4. Predict the relative atomic radii of atoms and ions in an isoelectric series and of an ion
compared with its neutral atom.
5. Explain why successive ionization energies increase and predict when a large jump in
successive ionization energy will occur.
6. What does it mean for an atom to be paramagnetic or diamagnetic? Note, whether electrons
are paired or unpaired results in para- or diamagnetism, but it is not the definition of these
two words. The definition has to do with the atom’s or ion’s ability to attract a magnet.
Continuing Thermochemistry skills
7. If given a thermochemical equation, calculate the heat for a given reaction from ∆H and
amounts of compounds. If given a chemical equation, calculate ∆H from heat transferred and
amounts given.
8. For the situations listed above, calculate either the final temperature (of a solution, or water, or
calorimeter) or calculate ∆H given both initial and final temperature.
Chapter 9 skills
9. Understand, describe, or draw a picture representing each of the three types of bonding. Where
are the electrons? What types of elements are involved?
10. Use Lewis symbols to depict the formation of an ionic bond.
11. Use structure at the atomic level to explain the properties of ionic compounds: brittle, hard,
rigid, do not conduct electricity unless dissolved in water or melted, high melting and boiling
12. What are the attractive forces in a covalent bond?
13. What is meant by the term bond order?
14. Relate atomic size with bond length, and bond length with bond energy.
15. Relate bond order with bond length and bond energy.
16. Use structure at the molecular level to explain the properties of molecular compounds: do not
conduct electricity even if dissolved in water or melted, variable melting and boiling points.
What changes when a molecular compound melts or boils? Which interactions are broken?
17. What is meant by electronegativity? Predict whether one element is more electronegative than
another. Predict whether a give bond is polar or nonpolar. If a bond is polar, determine which
atom holds the δ– and which holds the δ+ charge and draw a dipole arrow.
18. Draw the Lewis structure (including resonance forms and violations of the octet rule when
applicable) for any molecular compound or polyatomic ion.
19. Use formal charges to determine which one of two or more Lewis structures is best.
20. Calculate the ΔH for a reaction given various bond energies (you do NOT need to memorize
any bond energies!).
Chapter 10 skills
1. Draw the Lewis structure (including resonance forms and violations of the octet rule when
applicable) for any covalent compound or polyatomic ion.
2. Predict the molecular geometry (shape) and bond angle(s) for a covalent compound or
polyatomic ion.
3. Predict whether a given molecule is polar or nonpolar given its formula or its Lewis structure.
4. Predict the hybridization on any atom in a compound (sp, sp2, sp3, sp3d, or sp3d2).
5. Relate geometries with hybridization (i.e. what geometry is found for atoms with sp2
6. Use partial orbital diagrams to show how the atomic orbitals of the central atom lead to
hybrid orbitals in a given compound or polyatomic ion.
7. Identify σ bonds and π bonds in a given Lewis structure. What is a σ bond? What is a π
bond? When does each type of bond occur?
8. Identify what type of orbitals overlap to form a given bond
9. Describe the bonding in a given compound (this includes: which orbitals overlap to form
each bond, what type(s) of bonds are formed, and how many electrons are in each bond).
Also, know the orbital location of any lone pairs of electrons.
10. Which type of bonds allow for free rotation around the bond axis and which do not? Why?
11. What is the difference between valence bond theory and molecular orbital theory, and when
is each theory useful?
12. Draw the molecular orbital diagram of a given diatomic molecule. From the MO diagram,
predict the following:
a. the bond order
b. whether the molecule would be theoretically stable
c. relative ionization energies, bond energies, and bond lengths
d. MO electron configuration
13. Compare predictions of bond length, bond strength from MO theory with those from valence
bond theory and experimental results (see Bonding Worksheet).
Chapters 5 skills
14. Convert between mmHg, torr and atm. Know what is meant by STP and be able to use it.
15. Describe or draw at the atomic or molecular level the difference between solids, liquids and
gases. Explain the difference between gases and the “compressed states” (that means liquids or
solids) in terms of changes of volume with pressure and temperature, compressibility, viscosity,
density, and solubility. Explain these differences on the atomic or molecular level.
16. Perform calculations involving changes in volume, temperature, pressure or number of moles of
a given gas. When one or more property is changed, calculate how one of the others is changed.
17. Use the ideal gas law to calculate volume, temperature, pressure, number of moles, mass,
density, or molar mass.
18. Perform calculations involving gas mixtures:
 Total pressure from partial pressures, or one partial pressure from total pressure and the
partial pressures of the other gases.
 Partial pressure of a gas given mass or moles of each gas and total pressure. OR mole
fraction of a gas given partial pressures and total pressure.
 Calculations involving collecting a gas over water.
19. Gas stoichiometry: Given a balanced chemical equation (or balance it yourself), perform
stoichiometry calculations involving gases.
20. Use the kinetic molecular theory to explain why gases behave in a mathematical way according
to the gas laws in terms of volume, temperature, pressure and number of moles. These
explanations must be on the atomic or molecular level, not just restating the gas laws. You
may be asked to draw pictures.
Chapter 11 skills
21. Know the difference between bonding (intramolecular forces: covalent, ionic, and metallic
bonds) and intermolecular forces.
22. Predict the types of intermolecular forces in a given substance or mixture.
23. If given a set of compounds, predict their relative strength of IMFs, boiling points, melting