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Name: _____________________________________________________
Date: 1-13-2010
Period: _______
The Secret of Photo 51: Extra Credit Essay Assignment
It is the year 1968. As you (Rosalind Franklin) continue to make a full recovery from ovarian
cancer, Harvard Press has given you a rough draft of James Watson's upcoming book "The
Double Helix." They wish for you to review the book because your name is mentioned
throughout the book. Be sure to include the following information: a) Your feelings while
reading the book. Be sure to reference specific examples from the movie while you give your
feelings. b) Your reaction to learning that Watson and Crick used your research data without
your knowledge. c) How would you try and right this situation (or would you try to right this
A good essay should include an introduction, body, and a conclusion. Your essay should be a
minimum of one full page. Typed, 1 inch margins, double spaced, size 12 font, Times New
Name: _____________________________________________________
Date: 1-13-2010
Period: _______
The Secret of Photo 51: Extra Credit Essay Assignment
It is the year 1968. As you (Rosalind Franklin) continue to make a full recovery from ovarian
cancer, Harvard Press has given you a rough draft of James Watson's upcoming book "The
Double Helix." They wish for you to review the book because your name is mentioned
throughout the book. Be sure to include the following information: a) Your feelings while
reading the book. Be sure to reference specific examples from the movie while you give your
feelings. b) Your reaction to learning that Watson and Crick used your research data without
your knowledge. c) How would you try and right this situation (or would you try to right this
A good essay should include an introduction, body, and a conclusion. Your essay should be a
minimum of one full page. Typed, 1 inch margins, double spaced, size 12 font, Times New
Name: _____________________________________________________
Date: 1-13-2010
Period: _______
The Secret of Photo 51: Extra Credit Essay Assignment
It is the year 1968. As you (Rosalind Franklin) continue to make a full recovery from ovarian
cancer, Harvard Press has given you a rough draft of James Watson's upcoming book "The
Double Helix." They wish for you to review the book because your name is mentioned
throughout the book. Be sure to include the following information: a) Your feelings while
reading the book. Be sure to reference specific examples from the movie while you give your
feelings. b) Your reaction to learning that Watson and Crick used your research data without
your knowledge. c) How would you try and right this situation (or would you try to right this
A good essay should include an introduction, body, and a conclusion. Your essay should be a
minimum of one full page. Typed, 1 inch margins, double spaced, size 12 font, Times New
The Secret of Photo 51
Important people mentioned in this Emmy nominated documentary:
Rosalind Franklin: British scientist who worked at King’s College along with
her student Raymond Gosling. She helped to perfect the technique of X-ray
defraction and created the famous “Photo 51.”
James Watson: American scientist, who along with Francis Crick and
Maurice Wilkins won a Nobel Prize in 1962 for their work on the
structure of DNA.
Francis Crick: British scientist, who along with James Watson and Maurice
Wilkins won a Nobel Prize in 1962 for their work on the structure of DNA. He
was a close friend of Maurice Wilkins.
Maurice Wilkins: British scientist, who along with Francis Crick and
James Watson won a Nobel Prize in 1962 for their work on the structure
of DNA. He worked at King’s College at the same time as Rosalind
Franklin. He was a close friend of Francis Crick.
Raymond Gosling: As an up-and-coming graduate student he was
assigned to work alongside Rosalind Franklin on the technique of X-ray
defraction. The two had a friendly relationship.
Aaron Klug: Friend and co-researcher with Rosalind Franklin near
the end of her life. Together, they studied the structure of viruses at
Birkbeck College in London.
Vittorio Luzzati: Friend of Rosalind Franklin and fellow scientist who worked
together early in Rosalind’s career while she lived in Paris.