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Living Proof Institute | Become Proof
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is of growing concern in the few last decades. The cost of
this condition is in the billions. From lost productivity to miserable quality of life, this
condition can cripple an individual and their family. More and more Americans are
reporting to doctors with fatigue ranging from "being a slow starter" to "complete
exhaustion". Chronic fatigue can affect both men and women at any age. There may
be certain life events that can trigger chronic fatigue syndrome such as extreme
stress, a virus or hormone imbalances. Chronic fatigue is characterized by several
1. Fatigue that is not alleviated by rest
2. Extreme fatigue with even light exertion
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Living Proof Institute | Become Proof
3. Cognitive decline and poor memory
4. Depression
What leads to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Fatigue affects all of us from time to time; if we don't get enough sleep or have jet lag
we expect to be tired. Chronic fatigue on the other hand is not alleviated by sleeping
in or resting more. Those suffering with chronic fatigue syndrome have often tried
everything you can imagine to improve their energy. Although the root cause can
vary from patient to patient, there are many similarities. The battle is not only
exhausting but the diagnostic tools that are used by most doctors fail to address the
root cause the of the problem, mitochondropathy.
Guess what? Mitochondropathy is not even tested in 99.99% of doctor offices.
Often, patients are left to their own devices, prescribed depression medications or
told that they are crazy! Sound familiar?
What is Mitochondropathy?
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms. Energy in this
case is extracted from our food and then turned into a usable form known as ATP.
The energy that comes from our food is measured in calories but the body must
convert it to ATP to use it. Food is digested and absorbed by the gut. Through the
coordination of several glands and hormones, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins enter
into tiny little engines inside our cells called mitochondria. You literally have trillions
of mitochondria in your body, this includes the heart, the muscles, the gut, etc. This
is the very foundation of energy production for the human body.
Understanding Mitochondropathy and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Think of the food you eat like filling up your gas tank. Gasoline (food) is useless
unless you have spark plugs (nutrients) that work. Each depends on the other for
normal function. In the absence of adequate nutrients the mitochondria (engine)
begins to fail. This is known as mitochondropathy. The result is persistent fatigue
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that is caused by failure at a cellular level. This dysfunction affects virtually every
cell and system in your body, leading to wide spread symptoms.
Measuring Mitochondropathy in those with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Through a specific urine test, mitochondrial function can be evaluated. Below are
the results from an actual patient at our office. This patient presented to us with
extreme exhaustion and was prescribed higher and higher doses of thyroid hormone
medication because her primary doctor failed to order the right testing!
Imagine her frustration when when she realized that she had been mis-diagnosed
and mis-treated for almost 15 years! When your doctor orders the right testing the
problem becomes so obvious. Unfortunately most doctors are not trained to order
and interpret this advanced testing that evaluates mitochondropathy and connect it
with Chronic Fatigue syndrome.
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Living Proof Institute | Become Proof
The Living Proof Approach to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
The image above is an illustration of the Citric Acid Cycle/Kreb's Cycle. You should
note that the nutrients listed in green represent co-factors (spark plugs) that help
drive the reaction forward. These nutrients include B1, B2, B3, Lipoic Acid, Iron,
Magnesium and specific amino acids. The markers listed in red, slow down or inhibit
the process. These include heavy metals like Mercury, Arsenic, Fluoride, and
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This evaluation gives us profound insight into what is happening at a cellular level
inside your mitochondria. When a specific step is not occurring the markers next to
each step will accumulate. These markers are then excreted in the urine, where they
can be measured, as seen below.
Once evaluated, a detailed action plan can be created to correct the imbalance in the
mitochondria. The markers in red are abnormal, green is normal. This treatment
includes diet, lifestyle, specific supplements and of course; time. Remember you
have trillions of cells performing this function. The above images are the before and
after of the patient mentioned above. In less than three months she was able to
resolve her chronic fatigue and enjoy her life once again.
If you, or someone you know is suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome please call
our office to discover this life-changing opportunity to live an energetic and
productive life.
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Living Proof Institute | Become Proof
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