Download america in world affairs, 1865-1912

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Matching (40 points)
Match the description in the first column with the name in the second column by
writing the correct letter in the space provided.
- 1. Secretary of State who arranged for the purchase of Alaska by the
a. John Hay
b. Yellow journalism
- 2. Commander of the naval squadron that defeated the Spanish in the
Battle of Manila Bay
3. The uprising
- of Chinese nationalists against foreigners in China
- 4. Organized the Rough Riders to fight in the Spanish-American War
- 5. Reporting that emphasizes crime and scandals to increase newspaper sales
c, Benito JuArez
d. George Dewey
e. Roosevelt Corollary
f. William H. Seward
g. Yellow fever
- 6. Put Europe on notice that the United States would police Latin
- 7. Leader of the Filipino patriots who first fought the Spanish and then
the Americans
- 8. The policy of making Latin American republics dependent on the
h. Boxer Rebellion
i. Emilio Aguinaldo
j. Dollar diplomacy
k. Theodore Roosevelt
U.S. by investing money in them
9. Secretary of State who issued the Open Door Notes
- 10. Disease that had to be controlled before the Panama Canal could be
Multiple Choice (40 points)
For each of the following, place the letter of the best choice in the space provided.
- 11. The idea that the U.S. should not get in-
- 13. The Hawaiian ruler who resented the
volved in European affairs and that it
should not allow Europe to get involved
in American affairs was
a. imperialism.
b. yellow journalism.
c. expansionism.
d. isolationism.
influence of Americans in the islands
and who wanted Hawaii to be run by
Hawaiians was
a. Queen Liliuokalani.
b. Valeriano Weyler.
c. Emilio Aguinaldo.
d. Philippe Bunau-Varilla.
- 12. One reason why northerners became
suspicious of Britain during the Civil War
was because.
a. Britain fought on the side of the
b. Britain sold slaves to the South.
c. British companies built warships for
the Confederates.
d. a British army tried to conquer
- 14. Secretary of State James G. Blaine's
purpose in calling the Pan American
Conference was to
a. prevent the Spanish-American War.
b. get the Panama Canal built.
c. enforce the Open Door Notes.
d. get the nations of the Western
Hemisphere to establish stronger
trade ties.
In order to put down rebellion in Cuba,
General Valeriano Weyler
a. brought in American troops to aid
b. deported rebellious Cubans to
c. herded Cubans into concentration
d, improved the people's living
- 16.
- 18. The U.S. issued the Open Door Notes in
order to
a. end the Boxer Rebellion.
b. keep the China trade open to
American business.
c. help settle the Venezuela Boundary
d, invite Latin American nations to the
Pan American Conference.
- 19. The anti-imperialists opposed annexing
Which of the following was NOT a cause
of the Spanish-American War?
a, the fight at the True Blue Saloon
b. American sympathy for the Cubans
c. stories of Spanish atrocities
d, yellow journalism
the Philippines because they
a. felt Spain should keep the
b. argued that the Philippines had few
natural resources.
c. believed it was morally wrong to
annex the Philippines.
d. preferred annexing Hawaii.
- 17. Which of the following lands was NOT
claimed by the U.S. as a result of the
Spanish-American War?
a. Puerto Rico
b. Guam
c. the Philippine Islands
d, the Hawaiian Islands
Before work on the Panama Canal
began, Colonel William Gorgas was
sent to Panama to
a. make the Gaillard Cut.
b. eliminate yellow fever.
c. command the U.S.S. Nashville.
d. stop volcanic action in the Canal
Chronological Order (20 points)
Place the following events in order by numbering 1 for the first, 2 for the second, and
SO on.
-21. The U.S.S. Maine is sunk.
-22. The U.S. becomes a power in the Far East.
The Panama Canal is completed.
-24. The Spanish-American War begins.
The United States purchases Alaska.
Identification (30 points)
Decide which name best completes each sentence below. Then write the letter of the
correct name in the space provided.
- 1. The Russian minister entertained members of the House of Representatives to get them to approve the a) Treaty of Paris, b) Alaska Purchase,
c) McKinley Tariff.
- 2. As head of a revolutionary government, a) Sanford Dole, b) Queen Liliuokalani, c) King Kamehameha Ill proclaimed Hawaii to be a republic on
July 4, 1894.
- 3. The mysterious sinking of the American battleship the U.S.S. a) Olympia,
b) Maine, c) Oregon produced much pressure for war against Spain.
- 4. In Mexico a) Benito Juarez, b) Emilio Aguinaldo, c) Philippe Bunau-Varilla
led a revolt against the French-imposed emperor Maximilian.
- 5. When it was passed in 1890, the a) Alaska Purchase, b) Treaty of Paris,
c) McKinley Tariff produced a severe economic depression in Hawaii.
- 6. After being returned to power by the Americans, a) Philippe Bunau-Varilla,
b) Benito Juarez, c) Emilio Aguinaldo later led Filipino patriots in a struggle
against American control.
- 7. In the Hawaiian Islands a) King Kamehameha Ill, b) Queen Liliuokalani, c)
Sanford Dole issued a constitution similar to that of the United States.
- 8. Starting as a representative of a bankrupt French company, a) Emilio
Aguinaldo, b) Philippe Bunau-Varilla, c) Benito Juarez eventually represented the Republic of Panama when the United States signed the canal
- 9. When a) Sanford Dole, b) King Kamehameha Ill, c) Queen Liliuokalani
became the absolute monarch of Hawaii, Americans responded by seizing control of the islands.
- 10. The a) McKinley Tariff, b) Alaska Purchase, c) Treaty of Paris caused a
great deal of controversy, passing the Senate only by an extremely close
Chronological Order (20 points)
Use the time line on pages 610-61 1 of your book to number the following events from
1 to 10 to show the order in which they occurred.
- 11. McKinley is assassinated
12. Panama Canal is begun
- 16. U.S. enters the Great World War
- 17. NAACP is founded
- 13. Chilean Crisis
- 18. Roosevelt is elected President
- 14. Pure Food and Drug Act
- 19. Cuba revolts against Spain
15. Spanish-American War
-20. Wilson is elected President
Picture Research (20 points)
Examine the illustrations in Chapter 21 of your book. Then for each description below
write the number of the page on which the illustration appears.
-21. Theodore Roosevelt fearlessly leads the charge up San Juan Hill in this
oil painting by Frederic Remington.
-22. The man in this photograph wanted very much to be President, but it
was as Secretary of State that he organized the first Pan-American
-23. This pair of campaign posters shows that in 1900 Bryan and McKinley
would again be opponents in a Presidential race.
24. This portrait by John Singer S'argent leaves little doubt that Theodore
Roosevelt was a man of great energy.
-25. This American ship in Japan's Edo Bay helped to convince the Japanese to open two of their ports to trade with the United States.
-36. The American eagle covers vast territory in this 1904 cartoon.
-27. Boxers such as the one in this black-and-white photograph made foreigners in China seek prctection.
-28. This oil painting of Commodore Dewey at the Battle of Manila Bay
makes naval warfare appear not only safe but beautiful
-29. The French act on Spain's behalf in this painting that shows the signing
of the agreement to end hostilities in the Spanish-American War.
-30. This watercolor of the island of Oahu reminds us that for many years
American whaling ships stopped at the Hawaiian Islands.
Map Reading (30 points)
Use the map on page 627 of your book to decide whether each statement below is
for true or 0 for false in the space provided.
true or false. Write
-31. American troops left from Tampa because it is the American city closest
to Cuba.
-32. San Juan Hill is approximately 1,250 kilometers from Tampa.
-33. Tampa is located on the Gulf of Mexico.
-34. Havana lies near the western end of Cuba.
-35. San Juan Hill is situated to the east of Santiago
-36. Jamaica li'es betweenthe .United States and Cuba.
-37. Havana lies almost directly due south of Tampa.
-38. The Bahamas lie west of Cuba.
-39. Florida and Cuba lie more than 500 kilometers apart.
-40. Cuba is longer than the peninsula of Florida.