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Integer powers
Integer powers x^n with integer n are computed by a fast algorithm of
"repeated squaring".
The algorithm is based on the following trick: if n is even, say n=2*k, then
x^n=x^k^2; and if n is odd, n=2*k+1, then x^n=x*x^k^2. Thus we
can reduce the calculation of x^n to the calculation of x^k with k<=n/2,
using at most two long multiplications.
The function power(m,n) calculates the result of m^n for n>0, m>0, integer
n and integer m. The bit shifts and the check for an odd number are very
fast operations if the internal representation of big numbers uses base 2.
It is easier to implement the non-recursive version of the squaring algorithm
in a slightly different form. Suppose we obtain the bits b[i] of the number n
in the usual order, so that n=b[0]+2*b[1]+...+b[m]*2^m.
Then we can express the power x^n as
In other words, we evaluate x^2, x^4, ... by repeated squaring, select
those x^2^k for which the k-th bit b[k] of the number n is nonzero, and
multiply all selected powers together.
Real powers
The squaring algorithm can be used to obtain integer powers x^n in any
ring---as long as n is an integer, x can be anything from a complex number
to a matrix. But for a general real number n, there is no such trick and the
power x^n has to be computed through the logarithm and the exponential
function, x^n=Exp(n*Ln(x)).
An exceptional case is when n is a rational number with a very small
numerator and denominator, for example, n=2/3. In this case it is faster to
take the square of the cubic root of x. (See the section on the computation
of roots below.) Then the case of negative x should be handled separately.
This speedup is not implemented in Yacas.
Computation of roots r=x^(1/n) is efficient when n is a small integer. The
basic approach is to numerically solve the equation r^n=x.
Method 1: bisection
For integer N, the following steps are performed:
Find the highest bit set, l2, in the number N.
1<<(l2/2) is definitely a bit that is set in the result. Start by setting
that bit in the result, u=1<<l2. It is also the highest bit set in the
Now, traverse all the lower bits, one by one. For each lower bit,
starting at lnext=l2-1, set v=1<<lnext. Now,
(u+v)^2=u^2+2*u*v+v^2. If (u+v)^2<=N, then the bit set in v
should also be set in the result, u, otherwise that bit should be
Set lnext=lnext-1, and repeat until all bits are tested, and lnext=0
Method 2: Newton's iteration
An efficient method for computing the square root is found by using
Newton's iteration for the equation r^2-x=0. The initial value of r can be
obtained by bit counting and shifting, as in the bisection method. The
iteration formula is
Therefore it makes sense to use a method that avoids divisions. One variant
of Newton's method is to solve the equation 1/r^2=x. The solution of this
equation r=1/Sqrt(x) is the limit of the iteration
that does not require any divisions (but instead requires three
multiplications). The final multiplication r*x completes the calculation of the
square root.
Method 3: higher-order iterations
A higher-order generalization of Newton's iteration for inverse square root
1/Sqrt(x) is:
The more terms of the series we add, the higher is the convergence rate.
This is the Taylor series for (1-y)^(-1/2) where y:=1-r^2*x. If we take
the terms up to y^(n-1), the precision at the next iteration will be
multiplied by n. The usual second-order iteration (our "method 2")
corresponds to n=2.
Integer logarithm
The "integer logarithm", defined as the integer part of Ln(x)/Ln(b), where
x and b are integers, is computed using a special routine IntLog(x,b) with
purely integer math. When both arguments are integers and only the integer
part of the logarithm is needed, the integer logarithm is much faster than
evaluating the full floating-point logarithm and truncating the result.
The basic algorithm consists of (integer-) dividing x by b repeatedly until x
becomes 0 and counting the necessary number of divisions.
Real logarithms
There are many methods to compute the logarithm of a real number. Here
we collect these methods and analyze them.
The logarithm satisfies Ln(1/x)= -Ln(x). Therefore we need to consider
only x>1, or alternatively, only 0<x<1.
Method 1: Taylor series
The logarithm function Ln(x) for general (real or complex) x such that
Abs(x-1)<1 can be computed using the Taylor series,
The series converges quite slowly unless Abs(x) is small. For real x<1, the
series is monotonic,
Ln(1-z)= -z-z^2/2-z^3/3-...,
and the round-off error is somewhat smaller in that case (but not very much
smaller, because the Taylor series method is normally used only for very
small x).
If x>1, then we can compute -Ln(1/x) instead of Ln(x). However, the
series converges very slowly if x is close to 0 or to 2.
Method 2: square roots + Taylor series
The method of the Taylor series allows to compute Ln(x) efficiently when x1=10^(-N) is very close to 1 (i.e. for large N). For other values of x the
series converges very slowly. We can transform the argument to improve the
performance of the Taylor series.
One way is to take several square roots, reducing x to x^2^(-k) until x
becomes close to 1. Then we can compute Ln(x^2^(-k)) using the Taylor
series and use the identity Ln(x)=2^k*Ln(x^2^(-k)).
Method 3: inverse exponential
The method is to solve the equation Exp(x)-a=0 to find x=Ln(a). We can
use either the quadratically convergent Newton iteration,
or the cubically convergent Halley iteration,
Method 4: continued fraction
There is a continued fraction representation of the logarithm:
This fraction converges for all x, although the speed of convergence varies
with the magnitude of x.
This method does not seem to provide a computational advantage compared
with the other methods.
Method 5: bisection
A simple bisection algorithm for Ln(x)/Ln(2) (the base 2 logarithm) with
real x is described in [Johnson 1987].
First, we need to divide x by a certain power of 2 to reduce x to y in the
interval 1<=y<2. We can use the bit count m=BitCount(x) to find an
integer m such that 1/2<=x*2^(-m)<1 and take y=x*2^(1-m). Then
Now we shall find the bits in the binary representation of Ln(y)/Ln(2), one
by one. Given a real y such that 1<=y<2, the value Ln(y)/Ln(2) is
between 0 and 1. Now,
The leading bit of this value is 1 if y^2>=2 and 0 otherwise. Therefore we
need to compute y'=y^2 using a long P-digit multiplication and compare it
with 2. If y'>=2 we set y=y'/2, otherwise we set y=y'; then we obtain
1<=y<2 again and repeat the process to extract the next bit of
The exponential function satisfies Exp(-x)=1/Exp(x). Therefore we need to
consider only x>0.
Method 1: Taylor series
The exponential function is computed using its Taylor series,
Exp(x)=1+x+x^2/2! +...
This series converges for all (complex) x, but if Abs(x) is large, or if x is
negative, then the series converges slowly and/or gives a large round-off
error. So one should use this Taylor series only when x is small.
Method 2: squaring + Taylor series
A speed-up trick used for large x is to divide the argument by some power of
2 and then square the result several times, i.e.
Method 3: inverse logarithm
An alternative way to compute x=Exp(a) if a fast logarithm routine is
available would be to solve the equation Ln(x)=a.
Newton's method gives the iteration
The iteration converges quadratically to Exp(a) if the initial value of x is
Method 4: linear reduction + Taylor series
In this method we reduce the argument x by subtracting an integer.
Suppose x>1, then take n=Floor(x) where n is an integer, so that 0<=xn<1. Then we can compute Exp(x)=Exp(n)*Exp(x-n) by using the Taylor
series on the small number x-n. The integer power e^n is found from a
precomputed value of e.
Method 5: continued fraction
There is a continued fraction representation of the exponential function:
This fraction converges for all x, although the speed of convergence varies
with the magnitude of x.
This method does not seem to provide a computational advantage compared
with the other methods.
Trigonometric functions
Trigonometric functions Sin(x), Cos(x) are computed by subtracting 2*Pi
from x until it is in the range 0<x<2*Pi and then using the Taylor series.
(The value of Pi is precomputed.)
Tangent is computed by dividing Sin(x)/Cos(x) or from Sin(x) using the
Method 1: Taylor series
The Taylor series for the basic trigonometric functions are
Sin(x)=x-x^3/3! +x^5/5! -x^7/7! +...,
Cos(x)=1-x^2/2! +x^4/4! -x^6/6! +....
These series converge for all x but are optimal for multiple-precision
calculations only for small x. The convergence rate and possible
optimizations are the same as those of the Taylor series for Exp(x).
Method 2: argument reduction
Basic argument reduction requires a precomputed value for Pi/2. The
identities Sin(x+Pi/2)=Cos(x), Cos(x+Pi/2)= -Sin(x) can be used to
reduce the argument to the range between 0 and Pi/2. Then the bisection
for Cos(x) and the trisection for Sin(x) are used.
For Cos(x), the bisection identity can be used more efficiently if it is written
If 1-Cos(x) is very small, then this decomposition allows to use a shorter
multiplication and reduces round-off error.
For Sin(x), the trisection identity is
Method 3: inverse ArcTan(x)
The function ArcTan(x) can be found from its Taylor series. Then the
function can be inverted by Newton's iteration to obtain Tan(x) and from it
also Sin(x), Cos(x) using the trigonometric identities.
Alternatively, ArcSin(x) may be found from the Taylor series and inverted
to obtain Sin(x).
Inverse trigonometric functions
Inverse trigonometric functions are computed by various methods. To
compute y=ArcSin(x), Newton's method is used for to invert x=Sin(y).
The inverse tangent ArcTan(x) can be computed by its Taylor series,
or by the continued fraction expansion,
The convergence of this expansion for large Abs(x) is improved by using the
Thus, any value of x is reduced to Abs(x)<0.42. This is implemented in the
standard library scripts.
By the identity ArcCos(x):=Pi/2-ArcSin(x), the inverse cosine is reduced
to the inverse sine. Newton's method for ArcSin(x) consists of solving the
equation Sin(y)=x for y. Implementation is similar to the calculation of pi in
For x close to 1, Newton's method for ArcSin(x) converges very slowly. An
can be used in this case. Another potentially useful identity is
Inverse tangent can also be related to inverse sine by
Alternatively, the Taylor series can be used for the inverse sine:
An everywhere convergent continued fraction can be used for the tangent:
Hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions are reduced to exponentials and
logarithms: Cosh(x)=1/2*(Exp(x)+Exp(-x)), Sinh(x)=1/2*(Exp(x)Exp(-x)), Tanh(x)=Sinh(x)/Cosh(x),
To determine the sine or cosine for an angle β, the y or x coordinate of a point on the unit
circle corresponding to the wanted angle needs to be found. Using CORDIC, we would start
with the vector v0:
In the first iteration, this vector would be rotated 45° counterclockwise to get the vector v1.
Successive iterations will rotate the vector in the right direction by half the amount of the
previous iteration until the wanted value has been achieved.
An illustration of the CORDIC algorithm in progress.
More formally, every iteration calculates a rotation, which is performed by multiplying the
vector vi with the rotation matrix Ri:
The rotation matrix R is given by:
Using the following two well-known trigonometric identities
the rotation matrix becomes:
The expression for the rotated vector vi + 1 = Rivi then becomes:
where xi and yi are the components of vi. Restricting the angles γi so that tan(γi)takes on the
the multiplication with the tangent can be replaced by a division by a power of
two, which is efficiently done in digital computer hardware using a bit shift. The expression
then becomes:
and σi can have the values of −1 or 1 and is used to determine the direction of the rotation: if
the angle βi is positive then σi is 1, otherwise it is −1.
We can ignore Ki in the iterative process and then apply it afterward by a scaling factor:
which is calculated in advance and stored in a table. Additionally it can be noted that
to allow further reduction of the algorithm's complexity. After a sufficient number of
iterations, the vector's angle will be close to the wanted angle β. For most ordinary purposes,
40 iterations (n = 40) is sufficient to obtain the correct result to the 10th decimal place.
The only task left is to determine if the rotation should be clockwise or counterclockwise at
every iteration (choosing the value of σ). This is done by keeping track of how much we
rotated at every iteration and subtracting that from the wanted angle, and then checking if βn +
1 is positive and we need to rotate clockwise or if it is negative we must rotate
counterclockwise in order to get closer to the wanted angle β.
The values of γn must also be precomputed and stored. But for small angles, arctan(γn) = γn in
fixed point representation, reducing table size.
As can be seen in the illustration above, the sine of the angle β is the y coordinate of the final
vector vn, while the x coordinate is the cosine value.
function v = cordic(beta,n)
% This function computes v = [cos(beta), sin(beta)] (beta in radians)
% using n iterations. Increasing n will increase the precision.
if beta < -pi/2 | beta > pi/2
if beta < 0
v = cordic(beta + pi, n);
v = cordic(beta - pi, n);
v = -v; % flip the sign for second or third quadrant
% Initialization of tables of constants used by CORDIC
% need a table of arctangents of negative powers of two, in radians:
% angles = atan(2.^-(0:27));
angles = [ ...
0.12435499454676 ...
0.00781234106010 ...
0.00048828121119 ...
0.00003051757812 ...
0.00000190734863 ...
0.00000011920929 ...
0.00000000745058 ];
% and a table of products of reciprocal lengths of vectors [1, 2^-j]:
Kvalues = [ ...
0.60883391251775 ...
0.60725911229889 ...
0.60725295913894 ...
0.60725293510314 ...
0.60725293500925 ...
0.60725293500888 ];
Kn = Kvalues(min(n, length(Kvalues)));
% Initialize loop variables:
v = [1;0]; % start with 2-vector cosine and sine of zero
poweroftwo = 1;
angle = angles(1);
% Iterations
for j = 0:n-1;
if beta < 0
sigma = -1;
sigma = 1;
factor = sigma * poweroftwo;
R = [1, -factor; factor, 1];
v = R * v; % 2-by-2 matrix multiply
beta = beta - sigma * angle; % update the remaining angle
poweroftwo = poweroftwo / 2;
% update the angle from table, or eventually by just dividing by two
if j+2 > length(angles)
angle = angle / 2;
angle = angles(j+2);
% Adjust length of output vector to be [cos(beta), sin(beta)]:
v = v * Kn;