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The Department of Earth Sciences offers B.S.
degrees in Geology and Geophysics, and a
B.A. degree in Geoscience Education. These
degree programs are designed for students
with a strong interest in various aspects of the
Earth Sciences, and for students interested in
secondary teaching with a science emphasis.
The B.S. programs place substantial emphasis
Geology Major
on appropriate courses, and excursions
between quarters. The B.A. degree places
emphasis on the fundamentals of geoscience,
with additional coursework in education.
Specific course requirements are available
online in the UCR catalog:
Students who choose the Geology major study
the structure, composition, processes, and
history of the earth. In particular, the Geology
major stresses features of the Earth’s surface
and interactions between its atmosphere,
hydrosphere, biosphere, rocky crust, and
interior. The department offers four options
Undergraduate Program
for the Geology major: General Geology,
Geobiology, Geophysics, and Global Climate
Earth Sciences
Undergraduate Academic Advising Center
1223 Pierce hall
Academic Advising
For questions about college policies and
procedures, assistance with course selection
related to the major, curriculum, graduation
requirements, etc students should contact
Nadiyah El-amin, professional academic advisor
in the CNAS Undergraduate Academic Advising
Geoscience Education Major
Geophysics Major
Students who chose the B.A. degree in
Geoscience Education intend to teach earth
Students who choose the Geophysics major
science and general science at the secondary
apply the principles and concepts of physics,
school level. Students receive Freshman and
mathematics, geology and engineering to the
Sophomore-level training in General Geology,
study of the physical characteristics of the
training in introductory Biology, and Freshman-
earth and other planets. They make measure-
level training in Chemistry, Calculus, and
ments of gravity and magnetic fields, seismic
Physics. They also take courses in Education
temperatures, and natural electric
that are required for state examinations and
Geophysicists study these topics
Geoscience Education degree is designed for
prospective secondary science teachers; it will
physicists are field oriented, some laboratory
not lead to a career as a professional geologist.
oriented, some
Students who want to have the option to be
theoretical, and some com-
either a professional geoscientist or to teach
earth science in secondary school should
pursue both the B.S. in General Geology as
Created May 2009
[email protected].
For discussion of course content, major options,
career and research opportunities, postgraduate
studies students should contact Dr. Timothy
Lyons, lead faculty academic advisor for Geology
and Geoscience Education majors at (951) 8273106; [email protected] and Dr. David
Oglesby, lead faculty academic advisor for
Geophysics major at (951) 827-1227;
[email protected].
teacher credentialing in California. The B.A. in
from the standpoint of the physics of solid
gases, and fluids. Some geo-
Center at (951) 827-1766;
well as the teaching credential from the
Graduate School of Education.
1223 Pierce Hall
Phone: 951-827-7294
Fax: 951-827-2243