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United States Exploring Expedition wikipedia , lookup

1. True or false: In 1750, France, Great Britain, and Spain all claimed land
in North America.
2. True or false: The Louisiana Purchase completely ignored Native American land rights.
3.True or false: The Lewis and Clark Expedition discovered new plant life,
new wildlife, and new people.
4. True or false: The War Hawks were members of the British army.
5. True or false: Many Native Americans fought with the British in the War
of 1812.
6. True or false: Every time the United States’ territory expanded, Native
Americans lost land.
7. True or false: The concept of Manifest Destiny respected American land
8. True or false: The Removal Act of 1830 made it illegal to remove Native
Americans from their homes.
9. True or false: The Oregon Trail brought more than 350,000 white settlers
to the Pacific Northwest by the Civil War.
10. True or false: As the United States expanded, Native Americans were
pushed onto reservations.
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Directions: Answer each question either true or false.
1. In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson purchased land west of the Appalachian Mountains from
2. In 1804, Jefferson sent Merriweather Lewis and William Clark on an expedition to find an easy
water route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean.
3. The Lewis and Clark Expedition had no interest in learning about Native Americans in North
4. In 1812, members of the United States Congress known as “War Hawks” wanted land Great
Britain and Spain claimed in North America.
5. Chief Black Hawk fought with the United States in the War of 1812.
6. The British did not want to establish an Indian territory to act as a buffer between the United
States and British North America in the War of 1812.
7. As the United State expanded its borders in the1800s, Native Americans lost claim to land in
which they had traditionally hunted and gathered.
8. The Removal Act of 1830 made it illegal for the United State government to move Native
Americans living east of the Mississippi to land west of the Mississippi River.
9. The Oregon Trail opened the Pacific Northwest for white settlement.
10. The transcontinental railroad made traveling to the west cheap and safe for Americans wanting
to settle on land in what is now California, Washington, and Oregon.
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ALLIANCE An agreement between two or more countries, groups, or peoples to work together in doing something.
APPALACHIAN MOUNTAINS Mountain system located in eastern North America extending from southern Quebec in Canada to
northern Alabama in the United States.
ARROGANCE Having or showing too much pride or feelings of superiority.
BEAVER A furry, brown rodent with a broad, flat tail and webbed hind feet to help it swim. The beaver lives in or near the water in a
house built of branches, stones and mud. It can build dams from these same materials to keep the water around its house. Most beavers
live in North America.
BEAVER PELTS Processed beaver fur that Native Americans exchanged for knives and other manufactured goods.
BLACK HAWK Sauk chief who tried to reclaim his homeland in now northern Illinois but lost hundreds of his people in a chase that is
called the Black Hawk War.
BRITISH Of Great Britain or the people of Great Britain.
CALIFORNIA A state in the western United States on the Pacific Ocean.
CANADA A country in North America north of the United States.
ENLIGHTENMENT An 18th century European belief that relied on reason and experience and expressed humanitarian political goals
for social progress.
EUROPE The continent that is between Asia and the Atlantic Ocean.
EUROPEANS People who are native to or an inhabitant of Europe.
EXPANSIVE Being able to expand.
EXPLORER A person who goes to a place he/she knows nothing about.
FRANCE A country in Western Europe.
GREAT BRITAIN An island off the western coast of Europe. Great Britain includes England, Scotland and Wales.
GREAT PLAINS Sloping region of valleys and plains in west central North America extending from Texas north to southern Alberta
Canada and stretching east from the base of the Rocky Mountains.
HABITAT A place to live; a colony or settlement.
HUDSONS BAY COMPANY A British fur trading company founded in 1670 that reached to the west coast of Canada and the United
States, south to Oregon, north to the Arctic, and east to Ungava Bay.
IDAHO A state in the western United States.
INDIAN PROBLEM The conflict created when white settlers wanted Native Americans’ land. Some people in government wanted to
exterminate Native Americans and others wanted to separate them in territories where they could eventually become civilized and
INDIAN TERRITORY Land in the early 1800s the British felt should be put aside between the United States boundaries and the British
boundaries as a buffer between the two countries. Also lands the United States set aside to move Native Americans onto reservations.
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INDIAN RESERVATION Land set aside by the United States government for a special purpose of removing Native Americans from
their traditional homeland and putting them on specific tracts of land.
INDIGENOUS PEOPLE Peoples existing and living naturally in a region or country, a native.
LEWIS AND CLARK EXPEDITION An expedition that was designed to explore the Northwest from the Mississippi River to the
Pacific Ocean. The journey was financed by the United States government and sent out by President Jefferson to find the best travel route
to the West, and establish U.S. claims to the Oregon Territory. In 1806, the expedition arrived back at St. Louis, bringing with it great
quantities of information on vegetation, animals, Indians, and the geography of the region.
LOUISIANA PURCHASE The first territorial acquisition made by the United States of America. It added land between the Mississippi
River and the Rocky Mountains to United States territory. It increased United States’ national territory by about 140%. The territory later
formed Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, Arkansas, North and South Dakota, most of Louisiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Wyoming, and
parts of Colorado and Oklahoma.
MANIFEST DESTINY The belief in the early 1800s that the citizens of the United States had a God-given right to develop land and
exploit resources as it began to expand across the continent.
MERIWETHER LEWIS An American explorer and co-leader of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
MISSIONARY A person sent by a religious group to spread the religion and promote good will in another country or society.
MORAL RIGHTS A good, honest behavior that is generally accepted as correct or true.
NATIVE AMERICANS A member of any of the peoples who have lived in North America since long before European settlers arrived.
NORTHWEST PASSAGE Water route from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
NORTHWEST TERRITORY The region in the north and west of the United States which includes the states of Oregon, Washington,
and Idaho.
OREGON A state in the northwestern United States on the Pacific Ocean.
OREGON COUNTRY Land area west of the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean and south of Canada’s southern border at the 49th
OREGON TRAIL A travel route that begins along the Missouri River in Missouri, goes through the Rocky Mountains, and then
northwest to the Columbia River in Oregon Territory.
PACIFIC OCEAN The largest of the Earth’s oceans that separates North America and South America from Asia and Australia.
PAGANS People who believe in many gods or no god at all.
REMOVAL ACT of 1830 Authorized President Andrew Jackson to exchange lands west of the Mississippi River for lands held by
Native Americans east of the Mississippi River.
RESTRICT To keep within limits.
ROCKY MOUNTAINS Mountain system in western North America, extending from central New Mexico to northern Alaska.
SAUK A member of an Algonquian language group who inhabited the forest lands of the upper Midwest, which is now known as
Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Illinois. They are now settled on reservations in Iowa and Oklahoma.
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SAVAGE A person who is believed to be cruel, fierce, untamed, wild, or uncivilized.
SETTLER A person who settles in a new land or country.
SPAIN A country in southwest Europe.
SPANISH Of Spain or the people of Spain.
THOMAS JEFFERSON Third president of the United States, who purchased the Louisiana Territory and sent Lewis and Clark to
explore the land and hoped they would find a direct water route to the Pacific Ocean.
TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILROAD The railroad system constructed in the 1800s that joined the Central Pacific Railroad with the
Union Pacific Railroad.
TREATY A formal agreement between two countries or social groups.
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A country that has forty-nine states in North America and the state of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.
Its capital is Washington, D.C.
WAR OF 1812 The war between the United States and England that ended British rights to maintain their fur trade on American soil.
President James Madison blamed the hostile relations between Americans on the frontier and Native American tribes on the British.
Many Native Americas fought with the British.
WAR HAWKS New members of the United States Congress in 1810 who were from the west and newer southern states. They wanted
the United States to expand its territory even at the risk of war. They wanted Canada from Great Britain and Florida from Spain.
WASHINGTON A state in the northwestern United States on the Paciific Ocean.
WESTWARD EXPANSION The movement of thousands of early American settlers from the east of the North American continent to
the west of the North American continent.
WILLIAM CLARK An American explorer and co-leader of the Lewis and Clark expedition.
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Directions: Use the vocabulary list to fill in the blanks:
1. The countries that claimed land in North America in 1750 were ______, _________, _________
________and the _________ _______ of __________.
2. The land Thomas Jefferson bought from France in 1803 was called the ____________
3. The ________ and ________ Expedition helped the United States settle more land in the West
and Northwest.
4. The ________ _______ of 1830 made it legal for the United States to claim Native American
land east of the Mississippi River.
5. Showing too much pride or feelings of superiority is called _________.
6. Land set-aside by the United States government for the special purpose of removing Native
Americans from their traditional homeland and putting them on specific tracts of land is called an
___________ _________.
Directions: Use the vocabulary list to answer the following:
Why was the Lewis and Clark expedition important to Thomas Jefferson?
What was a War Hawk?
What was the Removal Act of 1830?
What was Manifest Destiny?
What was the Oregon Trail?
What was the Indian problem?
Directions: Use the vocabulary list to find the following:
Find four countries that occupied North America in the early 1800s.
Find four American states.
Find two mountain systems.
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© 2001 Murphy Entertainment Group
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The first federation of American colonies was formed.
The Declaration of Independence is signed by the members of the Continental Congress. The United States of America is
The Revolutionary War ends when the U.S. and Britain sign the Treaty of Paris.
Congress adopts Thomas Jefferson’s plan to admit western regions to the Union as organized territories.
Delegates from twelve of the thirteen states draft the U.S. Constitution.
Congress passes the Northwest Ordinance. It calls for the Northwest Territory (land between the Mississippi and Ohio
Rivers) to eventually become three to five states and also prohibits slavery in the region.
George Washington becomes the first president of the United States.
The Bill of Rights is added to the Constitution. Vermont is the 14th state admitted to the Union.
American sea trader Robert Gray discovers the mouth of the Columbia River and gives the United States a claim to
Oregon country.
Kentucky is the 15th state admitted to the Union.
The U.S. and Spain sign the treaty of San Lorenzo. It allows Americans to trade on the lower Mississippi River.
Congress passes the Land Act, which sets a minimum price for the sale of government land to settlers. Tennessee becomes
the 16th state. It is the first western state created out of federal land.
Washington D.C. becomes the federal capital.
Thomas Jefferson is inaugurated as the third president in the first presidential inauguration held in Washington, D.C.
President Thomas Jefferson purchases Louisiana Territory from France, thereby doubling the size of the United States.
Congress grants funds for Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to lead an exploration expedition to the upper reaches of
the Missouri River and westward to the Pacific Ocean. Ohio is the 17th state admitted to the Union.
© 2001 Murphy Entertainment Group
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1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706 e-mail: [email protected]
President Thomas Jefferson sends Meriwether Lewis and William Clark on an expedition to find the most direct and
practicable water route across the North American continent to the Pacific Ocean.
The War of 1812 begins between the United States and Great Britain over the expansion of American frontier and commercial trading rights along the Atlantic. Louisiana is the 18th state admitted to the Union.
Indiana is the 19th state admitted to the Union.
Mississippi is the 20th state admitted to the Union.
The Treaty of 1818 makes the forty-ninth parallel the border between the United States and Canada. The two countries
also agree to the joint occupation of Oregon Territory. Illinois is the 21st state admitted to the Union.
Alabama is the 22nd state admitted to the Union.
Maine is the 23rd state admitted to the Union.
Missouri is the 24th state admitted to the Union.
Russia and the United States agree to make the 54 longitude and the 40 parallel the border between Russian Alaska and
the Oregon Country.
The Creek Indian Treaty was signed. Tribal leaders agreed to turn over all their lands in Georgia to the government and
promised to migrate west by September 1, 1826, although most Creeks rejected the Treaty.
Congress declares much of what is now the states of Kansas and Oklahoma to be a permanent Indian frontier; the land is
thought to be worthless for settlement.
The Creeks give up their remaining territory in the Southeast to the United States, which included all their lands in
Georgia. The United States and Great Britain renew the 1818 joint occupation agreement on Oregon.
A malaria epidemic wipes out entire Native American villages in the Columbia River and the Willamette River Valley.
The United States Congress passed the Indian Removal Bill. The provisions of the bill made it legal for the United States
to use force to move the Creeks, Choctaws, Cherokees and the Chickasaws off their homelands and move them to land
west of the Mississippi. Their homelands were then opened for sale to American settlers.
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The Black Hawk War began when Sauk chief Black Hawk tried to reclaim his homelands in what is now northern Illinois
after the government forced the Sauks onto land west of the Mississippi. He thought he would get the help from the
Potawatomi, Chipppewa, Kickapoo, Winnebago, and the British who promised to support him. He did not get the support
he needed from his allies. He was informed that there were military forces nearby. He tried to surrender and return peacefully to the reservation in “Indian Territory.” The United States military pursued him and finally massacred the Sauk
people as they tried to cross the Mississippi at what in now called Bad Axe in Wisconsin.
The Seminole Native Americans signed a removal treaty giving up their land in what is now Florida to move onto reservations in “Indian Territory.”
The Second Seminole War begins when Seminole refuse to leave their homelands in Florida for reservations in “Indian
Territory” west of the Mississippi.
Arkansas is the 25th state admitted to the Union.
Michigan is the 26th state admitted to the Union.
The first wagon train consisting of sixty-nine men, women, and children leaves Missouri for Oregon guided by mountain
Florida is the 27th state admitted to the Union. Texas is the 28th state admitted to the Union. Wisconsin is the 29th state
admitted to the Union.
The United States and Great Britain sign a treaty dividing Oregon Territory. The Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean
and to the forty-ninth parallel becomes part of the United States. The United States declares war on Mexico. Iowa is the
30th state admitted to the Union.
Mexico and the United States sign the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, ending the Mexican-American War.
California is the 31st state admitted to the Union.
The United States purchases what is now part of Arizona and New Mexico.
Governor Stevens hosts the first Treaty Council in which he forces the Nez Perce, Spokane, Cayuse, Walla Walla, Yakima,
Umatilla, Colville, Okanogan, Palouse, Pisquose, and Klickitat tribes to give up their lands and move onto two reservations.
© 2001 Murphy Entertainment Group
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1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706 e-mail: [email protected]
Minnesota is the 32nd state admitted to the Union.
Oregon is the 33rd state admitted to the Union.
Abraham Lincoln elected the sixteenth president of the United States. His election led to the break up of the Union.
The war between the northern United States known as the Union and the southern United States known as the Confederacy begins. The war was the result of more than thirty years of debate between the southern states and the northern
states about the slavery and extension of slavery into new territories.
Kansas is the 34th state admitted to the Union.
West Virginia is the 35th state admitted to the Union.
Nevada is the 36th state admitted to the Union.
Nebraska is the 37th state admitted to the Union.
The Transcontinental Railroad is completed at Promontory Point, Utah.
Colorado is the 38th state admitted to the Union.
Nez Perce Chief Joseph surrenders to United States military forces and makes his famous speech, “From where the sun
now stands, I will fight no more—forever.”
North Dakota is the 39th state admitted to the Union. South Dakota is the 40th state admitted to the Union. Montana is
the 41st state admitted to the Union. Washington is the 42nd state admitted to the Union.
Idaho is the 43rd state admitted to the Union. Wyoming is the 44th state admitted to the Union.
Utah is the 45th state admitted to the Union.
The United States declares war on Spain. The United States and Spain sign the Treaty of Paris 1898, officially ending the
Spanish-American War.
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Oklahoma is the 46th state admitted to the Union.
New Mexico is the 47th state admitted to the Union. Arizona is the 48th state admitted to the Union.
Alaska is the 49th state admitted to the Union. Hawaii is the 50th state admitted to the Union.
© 2001 Murphy Entertainment Group
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All rights to print materials cleared for classroom duplication and distribution.
1560 Sherman Av., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 1-800-323-9084 Fax 847-328-6706 e-mail: [email protected]
1. Of Great Britain or the people of Great Britain.
2. People existing and living naturally in a region or country, a native.
3. An American explorer and co-leader of the Lewis and Clark Expedition through the interior of North America to the northwest and the
Pacific Ocean.
4. A country in western Europe.
5. A formal agreement between two countries or social groups.
6. Third president of the United States, who purchased the Louisiana Territory and sent Lewis and Clark to explore the land and hoped
they would find a direct water route to the Pacific Ocean.
7. An American explorer and co-leader of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
8. An agreement between two or more countries, groups, or peoples to work together in doing something.
9. A person sent by a religious group to spread religion and promote good will in another country or society.
1. A furry, brown rodent with a broad, flat tail and webbed hind feet to help it swim.
2. Of Spain or the people of Spain.
3. Land set aside by the United States government for a special purpose of removing Native Americans from their traditional homeland
and putting them on specific tracts of land.
4. Having or showing too much pride or feelings of superiority.
5. The continent between Asia and the Atlantic Ocean.
6. A state in the western United States on the Pacific Ocean.
7. A state in the western United States.
8. A state in the northwestern United States on the Pacific Ocean.
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© 2001 Murphy Entertainment Group
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© 2001 Murphy Entertainment Group
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© 2001 Murphy Entertainment Group
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© 2001 Murphy Entertainment Group
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Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct word or phrase for each statement below.
1. Lewis and Clark were sent to explore the land Thomas Jefferson bought from France, called the
__________ ____________.
2.In 1812, the members of the United States Congress who wanted to get land in North America
claimed by the Spanish and British were called _______ _______.
3. The belief in the early 1800s that the citizens of the United States had a God-given right to
develop land and exploit resources in North America is called _________ _______.
4. The travel route that begins along the Missouri River in Missouri and ends in the northwest at
the Columbia River is called the ________ ____________.
5. The _________ __________ helped the population of the American West explode.
6. As white settlers claimed land in North America, Native Americans were moved onto _________
Directions: Answer the following questions true or false.
7. The Lewis and Clark Expedition helped the United States expand its borders to the west.
8. Lewis and Clark found the water route connecting the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean called
the “Northwest Passage. “
9. Many Native Americans like Sauk Chief Black Hawk fought with the British in the War of
10. As America expanded its borders, Native Americans lost land.
11. In the early 1800s, some Americans wanted to exterminate Native Americans so they could get
the land on which Native Americans lived.
12. The Oregon Trail became known as the “longest graveyard in the world.”
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© 2001 Murphy Entertainment Group
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