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Old Kingdom:
Natron – a chemical used to dry up the water in the body; type of salt
Mummy – preserved body of a dead person, often wrapped in a type of cloth
Book of the Dead – a special book containing magic spells
Embalming– a process used to keep bodies from decaying
Papyrus- Egyptian Paper
Hieroglyphics: Egyptian Writing
Shadoof: A machine used to get water from the Nile River.
People to Know:
Describe Egypt at first.
– Upper Egypt – southern part of the Nile River valley
– Lower Egypt – north delta
What did Narmer (Menes) do?
– He united the two kingdoms.
– He wore a double crown.
Describe Narmer’s crown.
– High white one of the south
– Shallow red of the north
What was Narmer called?
– “Lord of Upper and Lower Egypt”
– “Wearer of Both Crowns”
– “Lord of the Two Lands”
Where was Narmer’s new capital?
Memphis, on the border of Upper and Lower Egypt
What did Khufu do: He built the largest pyramid at Giza?
Pharaohs of the Old Kingdom
How did the Egyptians view the pharaoh?
He was a ruler, a priest, and a god. Pharaohs of the old Kingdom were strong and
How did the pharaoh take care of the land?
– The pharaoh saw that dams and irrigation canals were built and repaired.
He also ordered the building of brick granaries or buildings for storing
Pyramids of the Old Kingdom:
Where were the pyramids built?
The pyramids were built on the west bank of the Nile because the sun sank in the west.
The pyramids were designed to protect the Pharaoh’s body from floods, grave robbers,
and wild animals.
What items of the pharaohs were placed in the pyramid?
Their personal belongings, they placed clothing, weapons, furniture, and jewelry in the
Who built the pyramids? When did they build them?
Farmers worked on them when they were not working in their fields.
The Pyramids were built using wooden ramps
Religious Beliefs of the Old Kingdom:
Seth- god of war and violence
Re – sun god
Osiris – god of the harvest and eternal life ruler of the underworld
Isis – Osiris’s wife; ruled with him over the underworld
Anubis- God of Embalming
Why did the Egyptian use embalming?
They believed the soul could not live in the underworld without the body.
Middle Kingdom:
Need to know:
The Hyksos invaded, they used weapons of Bronze and Iron to defeat the Egyptians.
The power of the Pharaoh declined during the middle kingdom
New Kingdom:
Need to know: Pharaohs of the New Kingdom
Ahmose – Founded a new line of pharaohs and began a period known as the New
Thutmose III – Extended Egyptian control into Syria and Palestine
Hatshepsut -Female pharaoh not interested in war and conquest (Thutmose III’s
Amenhotep IV/Akhenaton - He created a new religion that worshipped only one god,
Aton, but only family and friends accepted this new religion.
Tutankhamen –He became pharaoh at the age of 9 after Amenhotep IV died.
Need to know:
There were four major contributions to western civilization there were: