Download Some might say this picture symbolizes America. What are your

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Read the following statements and
explain your position/perspective:
• Lying is acceptable in some situations.
• Life sometimes hands you cruel situations.
The best thing to do when this happens is
to keep your suffering to yourself and find
a way to get by.
• Material goods, like clothing and cars are
extremely important.
The Necklace
Tillman- English 9
Time to Think
In your composition book, answer the
questions contained in each slide.
Honesty and maturity are expected
How important is status?
How important is fitting in?
On your own…
• Generate a list of 5 factors
that determine a person’s
status at Perry High School.
With your group…
• Share your list
• Add to your list
• Circle which ones you think
should determine status.
What do you think this picture symbolizes?
What does this picture symbolize?
What does this woman value?
Is she happy?
What does this man value?
Is he happy?
What does this woman value?
Is she happy? Why?
Work on your Vocabulary for “The
Necklace”. This will be done on your
Spending Spree
In your notebook, answer the following:
• Evaluate: Do you think that financial
literacy programs are the answer to
solving the problem of spiraling teen credit
card debt? Explain your answer.
• Synthesize: How might Madame Loisel’s
life have been different had she lived
today and had easy credit available?
In your notebook, answer the following:
• In though The Necklace took place in the
late 19th century, do you think someone
can get caught up in a similar situation
today where one ’s motivation to earn a
status affects their life in such a serious
manner? Can you provide me with an