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Pioneer Girl
Genre: Nonfiction
Grace McCance and
her family face the
harsh reality of being
homesteaders on the
Nebraska prairie in
the 1880’s.
Strategy Focus
As you read about a pioneer family in
the 1880’s, think of questions that you
can ask your classmates about details of
their life.
heifer- noun: a young cow
claim -noun: a piece of land claimed
by a settler
noun: a chunk
of grassy soil
held together
by matted roots
immigrants- noun: people who leave
their native country to
settle in another country
noun: a large area
of flat or rolling
fertile -adjective: rich in material
needed to grow healthy plants
convinced- verb: caused to believe
discouraged adjective: in low spirits and
without hope
noun: a farmhouse,
its buildings, and
the land it sits on
an effort to make people believe a certain
opinion or act a certain way
Propaganda Techniques:
 Overgeneralization
 Testimonial
 Bandwagon
 Flattery
 Transfer
 Faulty Cause and Effect