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Determining the origin of the prodigious amounts of energy in the centres of many galaxies is
still an ongoing research area. There are two main (competing) theories. The first is that a
supermassive black hole (SBH) resides in the nuclei of all "active" galaxies (ie. the Unified
Model in which all active galaxies have a SBH surrounded by a gaseous accretion disk inside
a dusty torus). Gravitational energy from infalling matter on to the SBH is released and
emitted via high energy collimated jets. Alternatively rapid and massive star formation
(starbursts) could also provide much of the luminosity in such galaxies. Such a scenario is
strongly proposed for LINER (Low Ionisation Nuclear Emission Regions) and ULIRGs (Ultra
Luminous Infrared Radio Galaxies) and some suggest at least some starburst properties in all
Artist’s conception of a AGN
Two competing theories…........................................................................................... 3
An introduction to Active Galactic Nuclei..................................................................... 3
Radio Quiet AGN ..................................................................................................... 3
Radio Loud AGN...................................................................................................... 4
Supermassive Black Holes (SMBH) as a energy source for AGN .............................. 5
Supermassive Black Holes ...................................................................................... 5
Supermassive Black Holes as AGN......................................................................... 6
Unified Model of AGN .............................................................................................. 7
Introduction to Starbursts as energy source for AGN.................................................. 8
Starburst Galaxies ................................................................................................... 8
Starbursts as AGN ................................................................................................... 8
The 1999 Debate ................................................................................................... 10
Connection between black holes and starbursts ....................................................... 11
Summary ................................................................................................................... 11
Bibliography............................................................................................................... 13
Further Reading......................................................................................................... 14
Image Credits ............................................................................................................ 15
Two competing theories…
1. Since the early 1980’s there have been two competing theories to explain the
origin of the prodigious amounts of energy in the centres of many galaxies. The AGN
Model, states that the radiation from the AGN is the result of accretion of material into
a supermassive black hole (SMBH) at the centre of the host galaxy. The Starburst
Model postulates the ‘activity to be caused by one or several violent star formation
events in the central regions of galaxies’ (Terlevich 1986, p.505).
An introduction to Active Galactic Nuclei
2. An Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) is an
extremely luminous, yet compact region at the
centre of a galaxy. The standard model of an
AGN states that material close to the central
black hole forms an accretion disc, which is
pulled inwards causing the accretion disc heat
up. AGN emit electromagnetic radiation over
the radio, infrared, optical, ultra-violet, x-ray
and/or gamma ray wavelengths. The radiation
from the accretion disc excites material close
to the black hole and this radiates via emission
lines. Part of the AGN’s primary output may
be obscured by interstellar gas and dust close
to the accretion disc, but this is re-radiated at
some other waveband, most likely the infrared.
Figure 1 - Streaming out from the centre of the galaxy M87
like a cosmic searchlight is one of nature's most amazing
phenomena, a black-hole-powered jet of electrons and
other sub-atomic particles travelling at nearly the speed of
3. ‘Central massive black holes are now
thought to reside in virtually all galaxies with a
hot spheroidal stellar component’ (Marconi
2003, p.21). Some accretion discs produce jets of fast collimated outflows that
emerge from close to the disc. The mechanism which produces the jets is not yet
well understood. There is no one way of confirming the observational signature of an
AGN. There are two main types of AGN, Radio-quiet and Radio-loud, which are
each broken up into further sub-types.
Radio Quiet AGN
4. Seyfert galaxies were discovered by Carl Seyfert in 1943, who noticed small
objects with a highly luminous nucleus. Seyfert galaxies typically reside in spiral
galaxies, and are characterised by extremely bright nuclei, and spectra which have
very bright emission lines of hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, and oxygen. Seyferts were
classified as Type 1 or 2, depending upon whether the spectra show both narrow and
broad emission lines (Type 1), or only narrow lines (Type 2). The narrow and broad
components are believed to both originate from the accretion disk, but in Type 2
Seyferts it is believed that the broad component is obscured by dust and/or by our
viewing angle on the galaxy. Rowan-Robinson (1977, p.645) found that Seyfert Type
2 have excess dust emission relative to the optical continuum, he concluded that
‘The distinction between Type 1 and Type 2 Seyferts is caused by strong dust
obscuration in the latter’.
Fernandes et al (2001, p81) state they ‘have detected
unambiguous signatures of young massive stars within ~ 300pc of the nucleus in
30% - 50% of Seyfert 2’s by means of high quality optical and, wherever possible, UV
5. Radio-quiet quasars/ and QSO (Quasi Stellar Object) are more luminous
versions of Seyfert Type 1 galaxy. They show strong optical continuum emission, Xray continuum emission, and broad and narrow optical emission lines. Some
astronomers use the term QSO for this object reserving 'quasar' for radio-loud
objects, while others use the terminology radio-quiet and radio-loud quasars. QSO
host galaxies can be spirals, irregulars or ellipticals: there is a correlation between
the quasar's luminosity and the mass of its host galaxy, so that the most luminous
quasars inhabit the most massive galaxies.
6. Ultraluminous InfraRed Galaxies (ULIRG), as defined by Sanders and Mirabel
(1996) is Lir > 1012 L SM appear to show signs of recent and/or continuing interaction
and disruption, usually from galactic mergers and collisions. Sanders and Mirabel
(1996) show that ULIRGs ‘appear to be ~2 times more numerous than optically
selected QSO, the only other previously known population of objects with
comparable bolometric luminosities’. Although many ULIRGs are starburst galaxies,
indicators of AGN activity increase with luminosity. Arp 220 is the closest ULIRG to
Earth and as a result has been the subject of much study. Most of its energy output
appears to be caused by a massive starburst, the result of the merging of two smaller
galaxies. Recent observations revealed more than 200 huge star clusters in the
central part of the galaxy, the most massive of which contains enough material to
equal about 10 million suns (Hubblesite). Observations by the Chandra and XMMNewton satellites have shown that Arp 220 probably includes an active galactic
nucleus (AGN) at its core.
7. A Low-Ionization Nuclear Emission-Line Region (LINER) is a type of galactic
nucleus that is defined by its spectral line emission. These systems show weak
nuclear emission-line regions, and no other signatures of AGN. There is debate if
they are actually AGN, if so they constitute the lowest-luminosity class of radio-quiet
Radio Loud AGN
8. Radio Loud AGN are types of active galaxies that are very luminous at radio
wavelengths. The radio emission is due to the synchrotron process (electromagnetic
radiation, generated by the acceleration of ultra relativistic charged particles through
magnetic fields). Radio loud host galaxies are almost always, large elliptical
galaxies. These galaxies are can be detected at large distances, making them
valuable tools for observational cosmology.
9. Radio-Loud Quasars (Quasi Stellar Radio Source) are extremely powerful and
distant AGN. Initially after their discovery there was some confusion as to their
origin, however now the scientific community generally accepts that a quasar is a
compact region that surrounds the central SMBH of a host galaxy. Quasars behave
much like radio-quiet quasars; however they appear to show emissions from a jet.
The first quasars were discovered with radio telescopes in the late 1950s, recorded
as radio sources with no corresponding visible object. Further investigation found that
many had unusually small angular sizes, which on a photographic plate would
appear as the image of a star. When the spectra of these ‘stars’ were located it was
discovered that their spectra was unlike any known stars or galaxies. These objects
remained a mystery for some timed until John Bolton suggested that ‘the objects
were so far away that their light was greatly red shifted’ (Jodrell_Astro).
Unfortunately Bolton’s theory was not generally accepted at the time.
10. In 1962 research showed that quasar 3C 273 was ‘receding at a rate of
47,000 km/s’ (Jodrell_Astro). This discovery revolutionized quasar astronomy,
encouraging other astronomers to find redshifts from the emission lines from other
radio sources. The term quasar was coined by Chinese-born U.S. astrophysicist
Hong-Yee Chiu in 1964. In 1969, Donald Lynden-Bell, proposed that quasars could
derive their power from material falling into black holes at their cores.
11. Blazars and OVV AGN. A blazar is a very compact and highly variable energy
source located at the centre of a galaxy hosting a SMBH, and is among the most
violent phenomena in the universe. Blazars can be divided into two types, BL Lac
Objects and Optically Violent Variable (OVV) quasars. The name ‘blazar’ was
originally coined in 1978 by astronomer Ed Spiegel to denote the combination of
these two classes. Blazars are AGN with a relativistic jet that points towards Earth,
we observe almost down the jet facing us, which explains the rapid variability and
compact features of both types of blazars.
Supermassive Black Holes (SMBH) as a energy source for AGN
Supermassive Black Holes
12. SMBH have a mass of between 105 and 1.8x 1010 solar masses. Most, if not all
galaxies, including the Milky Way, are thought to host supermassive black holes at
their centers. It’s generally considered that they are responsible for powering AGN.
The Rev John Michell is credited with being the first to conceive the idea of an object
massive enough to prevent light from escaping, in 1783. Which is a remarkable feat,
as Donald Lynden-Bell noted ‘Michell’s imagination invented supermassive black
holes; we are lucky to live in the era when they were discovered’ (2006). In 1964
Edwin Salpeter published a paper describing how a massive object would accrete
materiel from the ISM and the resultant release of energy. The term ‘black hole’
wasn’t coined until 1967, by physicist John Wheeler who claims he picked up the
term from anther person.
13. The discovery of pulsars by Jocelyn Bell in 1969 contributed to the acceptance
of the existence of black holes. ‘The clear evidence of the existence of neutron stars
– which had been sorely viewed with much skepticism until then – combined with the
presence of a critical mass above which stability cannot be achieved, made the
existence of stellar mass black holes inescapable’ (Ferrarese and Ford 2006, p.13)
14. There is strong observational evidence for the existence of SMBH. The UCLA
Galactic Center Group provided evidence that Sagittarius A* is a supermassive black
hole residing at the centre of our galaxy. Our galactic central black hole is calculated
to have a mass of approximately 4.1 million solar masses (Naeye, 2008). In April
2008, Valtonen et al declared that they had identified the largest known
supermassive black hole, located in OJ 287, weighing in at 18 billion solar masses
Supermassive Black Holes as AGN
15. Since Lynden-Bell’s seminal paper in 1969 it has been argued that AGN must
be powered by accretion onto massive black holes. In the standard model of AGN,
cold material close to the central black hole forms an accretion disc which transports
matter inwards, causing the accretion disc to heat up. The radiation from the
accretion disc excites material close to the black hole and this radiates via emission
lines. Many accretion discs produce jets, twin highly collimated and fast outflows
that emerge from close to the disk.
16. Rees (1984) speculated that an AGN or quasar is part of the formation process
of a SMBH. His reasoning was similar to Terlevich model, in that compact supernova
remnant activity in a starburst region creates a highly compacted ISM whose highly
photoionised state exhibits itself as a quasar, and provides sufficient material to
condense into a supermassive black hole. Lynden-Bell (2006, p.2) notes that after
the initial black hole accretion disk theory of quasars many believed that radio
galaxies and quasars have jets perpendicular to their disks, however it wasn’t until
1995 that ‘such disks around black holes were definitively confirmed’.
17. The SMBH argument is compelling, as to date observational evidence points to
SMBH as the source of AGN. Arguments include:
The prodigious output of quasars requires that AGN be very efficient and
powerful. The tremendous power emitted by quasars, up to 1048 erg s-1
provides yet another indirect argument in favour of this picture.
The rise of the velocity dispersion of stars towards the centres of galaxies and
steep gradients in stellar velocities across the galactic nuclei (attributed to
rotation) provide evidence in favour of massive, non-stellar, objects at the
centres of a the galaxy.
Variability; changes often seen over days in the optical and over hours in the Xray spectrum, strongly suggest extremely compact active regions. Smaller, but
significant, optical variability over periods of tens of minutes in BL Lacertae
objects, have been detected by Miller et al (1989). Relativistic beaming effects
could allow for the variations observed at a distance apparently to be faster than
those seen by an observer in close proximity to the SMBH.
Broad emission line regions of quasars and Seyferts often correspond to
velocities of greater than 5000 km s-1, implying that they are due to a large
number of small clouds. Narrow emission lines (velocity of 300-1500 km s-1) are
normally assumed to originate well outside the compact core, and it has been
demonstrated that a large fraction of galaxies contain unusual LINERS
frequently to exhibit broad wings around their narrow lines, supporting the claim
that SMBHs are extremely common in galactic nuclei
Several types of radio observations strongly support the SMBH idea. The
alignment between small and large scale jets imply a good ‘memory of direction
for a substantial time (up to 106 yr), long term stability is attributed to the spin
axis of a SMBH. In addition very rapid bulk motion is likely to occur where a
deep relativistic gravitational well is available, in the case of AGN, almost certain
to be a SMBH.
18. There is strong observational evidence for the existence of SMBH as AGN. The
UCLA Galactic Center Group provided evidence that Sagittarius A* is a
supermassive black hole residing at the centre of our galaxy. Our galactic central
black hole is calculated to have a mass of approximately 4.1 million solar masses
(Naeye, 2008). In April 2008, Valtonen et al declared that they had identified the
largest known supermassive black hole, located in OJ 287, weighing in at 18 billion
solar masses.
Unified Model of AGN
19. In 1977 Michael Rowan-Robinson published On the Unity of Activity on
Galaxies, which united quasars, radio galaxies, and Seyfert galaxies into a single
activity in galaxies. In 1978 Martin Rees published a paper which discussed how
quasars are fuelled from their surroundings, the supply of gas, the nature of the
inflow and the radiation process. Along with Roger Blandford Rees, in 1978
published a paper on their interpretation of strong double radio sources, discussed
their ‘beam’ model for blazars, and the properties of compact and variable
components in quasars and AGN.
Figure 2 –
Blazar (viewing directly into the jet)
Seyfert Type 1
Seyfert Type 2
Radio Galaxy
Black Hole
Torus of neutral
gas and dust
Radio Jet
20. AGN unified models attempt to explain the variety of subtypes due solely to
differences in the orientation of the central object. This theory predicts that the
differences that we see are caused by the angle of the system, ie the plane in which
the accretion disc, the outer parts of the broad line region and the molecular torus all
lay. One main proponent of the unified model is Robert Antonucci, who concluded
‘…it now appears that much of the variety in AGN types is just the result of varying
orientation relative to the line of sight’ (1993, p.473). Figure 2 depicts an AGN, which
will show different characteristics depending on the line of sight.
Introduction to Starbursts as energy source for AGN
Starburst Galaxies
21. A significant number of galaxies show the signature of recent large-scale star
formation activity, higher than the usual formation rate seen in most galaxies.
Generally galaxies undergo a period of star formation after a collision or close
encounter between two galaxies. ‘The tidal forces between the two galaxies disrupt
gas and cause it to fall inward, greatly accelerating the normal process by which
interstellar clouds collapse and form stars’ (Weaver, 2007) When quasars we
discovered in 1963 scientists struggled to explain these bright and very distant
objects. One of the first theories to gain momentum was the starburst theory, which
claims that massive bouts of star formation at the centres of these galaxies explain
their brightness.
22. These galaxies are known as ‘starburst galaxies’. They are generally
characterized by strong H II-region-type emission-line spectra, due to O and B-type
stars, and relatively strong radio emission, due to recent supernova remnants. In
some cases, the starburst appears to be confined to an unresolved region at the
galactic centre, which often looks like an AGN. Starburst Galaxies can be
categorised in a number of ways; Starburst Galaxies (SB), which form stars at a rate
of a few 10s of solar masses per year; Luminous InfraRed Galaxy (LIRG) which form
stars at a rate of 10s to 100s of solar masses per year; Ultra Luminous InfraRed
Galaxy (ULIRG) which form stars at a rate of 100s to 1000s of solar masses per
year. Starburst galaxies are not common in the local universe, LIRGs and ULIRGs
are even rarer. However, in the early universe, all three types of galaxies were more
Starbursts as AGN
23. Starburst nuclei can sometimes match Seyfert
galaxies and some quasars in terms of their total power
output. Starburst nuclei usually radiate most strongly in
the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
‘This infrared emission comes from dust grains that have
been heated to temperatures of several tens to several
hundreds of degrees Kelvin by the ultraviolet light
produced by the hot young stars’ (Astro_web). Star
formation may begin in the interstellar medium of a
galaxy, where there are dense clouds of dust and gas. If
an interstellar cloud is massive enough that the gas
pressure is insufficient to support it, the cloud will
undergo gravitational collapse. However other events
may occur to trigger star formation, including;
Figure 3: LH95 Stellar nursery in
Large Magellanic Cloud
Molecular clouds may collide with each other,
A nearby supernova or other phenomena (eg superwinds) may send shocked
matter into the cloud at very high speeds; and
Galactic collisions can trigger massive starbursts of star formation as the gas
clouds in each galaxy are compressed and agitated by tidal forces.
24. As the molecular cloud collapses it breaks into smaller pieces and as
temperature and pressure increase the fragments coalesce into rotating spheres of
gas. If the original cloud is massive enough it is possible that the cause of the
perturbation may trigger the accretion of matter in a number of different locations,
forming a star cluster.
25. Although the SMBH as a power source for AGN has been popular, not everyone
has accepted the idea. Roberto Terlevich, is a sceptic, and points out that ‘most
active galaxies are of the radio quiet variety and they can be explained by
conventional astrophysics, without recourse to exotic ideas about black holes’ (Clark,
1993). Terlevich, Melnick, Boyle, Moles and Filippenko were some of the first
astronomers to put forward credible theories which may explain how the energy
created to power an AGN comes from bursts of star formation and supernova
explosions in young galaxies. Terlevich and collaborators explored ‘possibilities such
as warmers and compact Supernova Remnants’ (Fernandes 1996, p.1). Terlevich
(1986) argues that ‘for at least a substantial fraction of nuclei currently classified as
‘active’, the black-hole hypothesis is unnecessary’. They suggest that the luminosity
of young stars is comparable to the luminosity of an AGN.
26. The beginning of the Starburst AGN Model, commenced in 1985 when Terlevich
and Melnick proposed that the AGN was a cluster of metal rich, young massive
‘warmers’, stars reaching temperatures of ~ 150000K. However it soon became
clear that ‘warmers’ were not as common as previously thought, and the model could
no longer be based on these massive stars. In 1987 Terlevich, Melnick and Moles
declared a quasar is the result of a starburst region within a dense galactic nucleus,
such as a recently formed elliptical. Compact supernovae remnants are the driving
force in Terlevich’s supernovae model, separating
a normal starburst region from the high-energy
starburst region capable of powering an AGN or
quasar. The starburst core of an elliptical is
anticipated to possess an observed diameter of
0.1 to 1 arcsec at z=2 (Terlevich 1992) which is
consistent with observed quasar sizes.
27. This model was critisised roundly, with the
complaint that there was inadequate evidence to
explain the intensity of radio-loud quasars using
supernovae. In response to criticisms, Terlevich
calculated the supernovae rate required to
generate the radio output of a quasar, and
compared this to the supernovae rate required by
his model to explain the non-radio luminosity which turned out to be 1 supernova to generate
1011 luminosity in the earlier years of his model.
Figure 4 – Artists conception of an AGN
(Terlevich et al. 1987, p509). Terlevich concluded that the model could explain radio
output rates via supernovae alone.
28. One of Terlevich and Boyle’s arguments for Starbursts as an energy source for
AGN is that high redshift quasars have large amounts of metals, which means that
there must have been a significant amount of star formation, explaining the starburst
model. In 1993 Terlevich and Boyle claimed that they could replicate the shape,
amplitude and evolution of the QSO luminosity function of a galaxy via the starburst
model. They contend that giant ellipticals went through a period of intense star
forming activity around z=2. Even though the starburst theory explained a number of
AGN properties it has been subjected to criticism from several fronts. Unresolved
issues include:
Similarities between radio quiet and radio loud AGN
Rapid X-Ray variability
Absence of a Lyman edge
Stellar features in the UV
Broad Fe lines
29. In 2006 Lipari and Terlevich published a paper that explored a unified scenario
involving SMBH and starburst with outflow, that they concluded was capable of
explaining most of the observational properties of, at least part of AGN.
The 1999 Debate
In 1999 the Scientific Organising Committee (SOC) organised a debate between two
teams of scientists on the question, what powers an ULIG, SMBH or starburst? Two
teams were formed, the Blue Team (R.D. Joseph), pro starburst, the Green Team
(D.B. Sanders), pro SMBH.
Both teams examined the current literature and
observational evidence for their side of the debate, and came to a conclusion. The
Green Team found that:
ULIRGs represent an extremely important stage in galaxy transformation,
ULIRGs enrich the surrounding intergalactic medium via superwinds,
It appears that both starbursts and AGN are important to varying levels to the
luminosity output of ULIRGs,
There is likely an evolutionary connection between the fuelling of starbursts and
the fuelling of AGN,
ULIRGs may eventually evolve into optically selected UV excess QSOs,
Warm ULIRGs and objects with a high infrared luminosity are likely to be
powered by an AGN, and
Dust obscuration could mask a dominant AGN in the majority of Radio Quiet
The Blue Team found that:
In the majority of cases ULIRGs are largely powered by starbursts,
Even where there is evidence for the existence of an AGN, it is not obvious that
the AGN provides most of the energy output,
Observational techniques in every spectral region provides evidence for the
presence of starbursts in ULIRGs.
Where AGN are present they seem to be relatively insignificant in astrophysical
Apparently even scientists who are reading the same literature and reviewing the
same observations can come to vastly differing conclusions. The seeds for a
connection between SMBH and starbursts were sown.
Connection between black holes and starbursts
30. ‘The idea that AGN are somehow linked to starbursts was not sparked by a
single earthshaking discovery but has evolved slowly’ (Weaver, 2007). Although AGN
and starbursts are distinct phenomena, a number of observations and findings have
suggested a connection:
Observations have shown AGN alongside starbursts. Although the galactic
cores are filled with gas and dust, x-ray observations have been able to provide
images of the centres of dust obscured galaxies.
Heckman and Kauffmann (2004) studied >23,000 AGN taking spectral proof of
highly ionized oxygen as a sign of AGN and strong hydrogen absorption as a
sign of a starburst region. They suggested that the more powerful the AGN, the
more likely it was that the galaxy had experienced a major starburst not long
AGN host galaxies aren’t the only galaxies to have SMBH in the centre. SMBH
produce AGN only when there is enough material to fuel the SMBH.
AGN and star formation were more closely related when the universe was a 10th
of it’s age. ULIRGs and radio galaxies were more prevalent. They both appear
to host AGN and SB. Veilleux (2008, p.7) reported, ‘Starbursts often co-exist
with actively accreting SMBH, but the starburst-AGN relation appears to be
tighter at high luminosity rather than low-luminosity’.
X ray background radiation – studies have shown a population of AGN
previously unseen by optical telescopes – one explanation is that the AGN were
accompanied by SB which choked the galaxies with dust.
31. Since Terlevich’s original paper the starburst model has evolved to take into
account current observations, and discoveries. It has evolved from a ‘pure’ starburst
model, to one that links the existence of starbursts and AGN. Kauffmann and
Heckman (2004, p.20) suggest ‘that the cosmic evolution of star formation and of
AGN activity in the Universe is inextricably linked.’ They go on to say that it is not yet
understood if the AGN are responsible for active star formation, or if AGN are simply
responding to changes in the host galaxy, including starbursts.
32. Lipari and Terlevich (2006, p.3) propose an evolutionary unified scenario for
SMBH and starbursts with outflow. They suggest ‘a SMBH is formed during the
formation of a galactic core and an AGN powered by accretion, which is formed by
the interaction between a nuclear starburst and the SMBH.’
33. Weaver (2007) suggests that AGN and starbursts are causally related. She
suggests that two scenarios are likely; that an AGN creates a starburst. As the
SMBH influences its host galaxy, it pulls material into the centre, enabling rapid star
formation. The second scenario is that a starburst creates a dense cluster of stars,
within which normal stellar collisions occur. Over time massive stars are created,
then die, becoming neutron stars or black holes. These objects would then coalesce,
forming a black hole, which would gravitate towards the centre of the galaxy,
absorbing other black holes, objects, gas and dust until it formed at SMBH at the
centre of the galaxy.
34. Clearly all current research suggests that for most AGN starbursts is not the
central source of energy, however they have been proven to exist in many galaxies,
and in some cases are more powerful than the existing AGN, situations which show a
strong link to SMBH. Most ULIRGs were thought to be powered mostly by
starbursts, however there are indications that AGN activity increases with luminosity.
Recent observations show a connection between LINER emission in LIRGs and star
formation activity. The mid-infrared spectra of LIRGs with LINERs have been shown
to look similar to the mid-infrared spectra of starburst galaxies, suggesting that some
LINERs are powered by star formation activity. However, some mid-infrared
emission has been detected in AGN, indicating that star formation may not be their
only source of energy.
35. There are many people working on the AGN/starburst problem, many now
appear to be in the AGN corner, with support for a ‘pure’ starburst model diminishing.
As discussed there is now consensus that not only is there a connection between
AGN and starbursts, but it’s likely that the host galaxy is reliant on both to develop,
grow and power the AGN. The actual relationship or dependency has not yet been
discovered, however it appears that continuing research will eventually uncover the
true relationship.
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Further Reading
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Shlosman, I., Induced starburst and nuclear activity: Faith, facts, and theory, Paired and Interacting
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Vollmer, B., Beckert, T., Davies, R., I., Starbursts and Torus Evolution in AGN, arXiv: astroph/0809.3397v1, 19 Sep 2008.
Weedman, D.W., Houck, J.R., The Most Luminous Starbursts in the Universe, The Astronomical
Journal, 686:127-137, 10 October 2008.
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