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Discover lasting PAIN Relief with
the AIMS Healthcare Team!
Board Certified Medical Doctors · Pain Management Specialist
Physical Therapists · Chiropractors · Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Are you suffering from
Chronic Back Pain caused by:
· Poor Posture
· Being Overweight
· Weak Core Muscles
· Failed Back Surgery
· Bulging/Herniated Disc
· Injury (Auto, Sports or Slip and Fall)
Alternative Integrated Medical Services
150-A Tices Lane, East Brunswick, NJ
(732) 254-5553 ·
Back pain disrupts many aspects of life… it interferes with sleep, job performance, precious time with family and
hinders efforts to maintain a healthy weight. Have you ever asked yourself:
Why does my back hurt?
Why doesn't my pain go away?
How bad can this back pain get?
Will I ever be able to live the life I used to, without back pain?
If so, then we may be able to help you! We know your pain is not in your head or that you are exaggerating! And, it
should not be something you need to get used to or learn to live with!
Just the Facts:
In the last 3-months, 1:4 adults (US) experienced lower back pain that lasted an entire day!
Each year, half of all working Americans have back pain symptoms.
One of the most common reasons for missed work is due to back pain.
Back pain is one of the most common reasons for visits to the doctor’s office.
Reports estimate 80% of adults (US) have been bothered by back pain at some point - half state that the pain
severely limited their daily routine for a week or longer, and 88% said it recurred throughout the year.
A little Anatomy:
The back is a complicated
structure of bones, joints,
ligaments and muscles. You
can sprain ligaments, strain
muscles, rupture disks, and
irritate joints, all of which
can lead to back pain.
Th e
spi ne
described by 3 major
sections - the cervical,
thoracic, and lumbar spine.
Each section is composed of
individual bones called
vertebrae. There are 7
cervical vertebrae, 12
thoracic vertebrae and 5
lumbar vertebrae. The
vertebrae are separated by
intervertebral discs, which
act as cushions between the bones.
The spine bends, straightens and twists. The muscles that support the spine are continuously in use. Is it any
wonder that constant stress on the back, which supports the spine - can result in back strain and pain? In fact,
the lower back supports nearly all body weight and is subject to the most mechanical stress.
While sports injuries or accidents can cause back pain, sometimes the simplest of movements - picking up a pencil
from the floor or reaching for the soap, can have painful results. In addition, arthritis, poor posture, obesity and
psychological stress can cause or complicate back pain. Back pain can also directly result from disease of the
internal organs, such as kidney stones, kidney infections, blood clots, or bone loss.
Identifying the cause makes all the difference when seeking back pain relief! It is important to understand that
back pain symptoms can signify different things! For instance, the same symptom could indicate an inflammatory
concern, nerve entrapment issue, disc or muscular problem - that is why finding the exact cause is so vital! For
instance, one of the most common types of structural back pain is sciatica. Sciatica is not actually a condition, but
a symptom of a back condition. The cause of sciatica may be due to Piriformis Syndrome (muscle imbalance in the
lower back or pelvis causing a pulling or tugging), a herniated or bulging disc, Spondylolisthesis (disorder that
usually affects the lumbar spine, characterized by one vertebra slipping forward over an adjacent vertebra) or
spinal tumor. So as you can see, there are numerous causes of sciatica, each requiring a specific treatment plan.
Back pain is caused by many factors such as: Poor Posture (improper position when sitting, reading, sleeping or
working at a computer), Injury (auto, sports or slip and fall), Improper Bending and Lifting Techniques,
Inadequate Muscle Strength, Shortened Muscles, Strained Muscles or Ligaments, Scoliosis, Arthritis, Being
Overweight, Facet Joint Syndrome, Pinched Nerve, Sciatica, Spinal Stenosis, Bulging or Herniated Disc,
Segmental Instability (excess movement between two vertebrae, causing pinching or irritation of the nerve roots)
or opposite vertebrae fixation (vertebrae that are stuck out of place causing extensive wear on the remaining
vertebrae). Many people find themselves with back pain after sitting for long periods of time - bending their head
and neck forward, participating in sports without warming up or simply traveling frequently by plane.
Unless the real causes of back pain are detected and corrected, you may never get better!
An accurate diagnosis begins with a thorough health history, understanding of symptoms, along with a structural
and muscular examination. Our Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Teams may perform an orthopedic examination,
manual exam, palpate the spine and conduct specialized testing to analyze posture, range-of-motion, muscle
strength and nerve function. Other diagnostic tests offered include laboratory blood studies to determine if
there is an underlying disorder, x-rays, CAT scan, MRI, electromyography and nerve conduction studies. Having a
Team approach gives patients the best chance of discovering the causes of back pain.
Often, pain is a multi-factorial condition with structural, muscular and chemical components.
After finding the true causes, the proper treatment can be instituted. Treatment may include medications, as well
as injections of ligaments, muscles, bursae, joints and specialized injections such as epidural injections or facet
joint block injection. Physical Therapy or Chiropractic may be an integral part of the treatment program.
A large cause of back pain, especially in the low back, is due to a subluxation of the spine. Even if one bone is
misaligned, nerves can become compressed and pain results. Lower back pain relief is the number one reason
patients come to treat with our chiropractic physicians. They find that pain is relieved, muscle tightness is
reduced and healing begins by manually applying a controlled force to joints that have become restricted by
muscle injury, strain, inflammation and/or pain. In addition, spinal decompression - traction that may help relieve
back pain, may be considered. Spinal decompression works by gently stretching the spine - taking pressure off
spinal discs (gel-like cushions between the bones in your spine). Additionally, spinal decompression is successful in
treating neck pain, bulging or herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, posterior facet syndrome (worn spinal
joints) and radiculopathy (injured or diseased spinal nerve roots). This revolutionary treatment method, which may
be covered by health insurance - has resulted in canceling surgeries and allowing people to live life to the fullest.
Many patients experience substantial, immediate relief of their symptoms after their first treatment.
At the AIMS Clinic, there are several forms of physical therapy utilized for back pain relief. For acute pain, the
physical therapist may focus on decreasing pain with passive physical therapy (modalities). They are considered
passive therapies because they are done to the patient, rather than the patient rehabilitating with exercise.
Examples of modalities include: Ice (makes blood vessels constrict which decreases the blood flow - helping to
control inflammation, muscle spasm and pain), Heat (makes blood vessels dilate, which increases the blood flow helping flush away chemicals that cause pain, as well as bringing in healing nutrients and oxygen.), Ultrasound (uses
high-frequency sound waves to reach sore muscles and other tissues that are over two inches below the surface
of your skin, which help flush the sore area and bring in a new supply of blood that is rich in nutrients and
oxygen.) Electrical Stimulation (can ease pain by sending impulses to the brain that are felt instead of pain.), Soft
Tissue Massage (reduces pain and spasm by helping muscles relax - by bringing in a fresh supply of oxygen and
nutrient-rich blood and by flushing the area of chemical irritants that come from inflammation.), Joint
Mobilization (changing pressure and movements to the joints to help lubricate joint surfaces to ease stiffness and
reduce pain.) and Traction (sore joints and muscles often feel better when traction (pull) is used.).
In addition to passive therapies, active physical therapy (exercise) is also necessary to rehabilitate the spine.
Generally, a patient’s back exercise program will encompass a combination of stretching exercises, strengthening
exercises and low impact aerobics. Strength and flexibility must be built up gradually - on a gradient level. Doing
too much too soon often causes muscle strain. Our physical therapists use functional training to help patients with
daily activities. This will include a healthy posture program to keep the spine in safe alignment, reducing strain on
the joints and soft tissues around the spine.
Other back pain relief recommendations include staying hydrated. Drink plenty of water to help flush away acidic
waste products from the muscles. High levels of acidic waste products in the muscles can cause muscle irritation
and pain. Poor dietary choices can lead to chronic inflammation - increasing pain sensitivity. Daily supplementation
of Vitamin D can help alleviate a deficiency and low back pain, according to recent studies.
Tips to Prevent Back Pain:
Attain and maintain a healthy diet and weight.
Remain active - under doctor supervision.
Avoid prolonged inactivity or bed rest.
Warm up/stretch prior to exercising or other physical activities.
Maintain proper posture.
Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes.
Sleep on a mattress of medium firmness - minimizes any curve in the spine.
Lift with your knees, keep the object close to your body and don’t twist when lifting.
Quit smoking, it impairs blood flow, which can result in oxygen and nutrient deprivation to spinal tissues.
Your computer workstation must be ergonomically correct!
The AIMS Clinic is the premier non-surgical spine clinic offering effective tools for treating acute and chronic
back pain. Our healthcare team works together to create customized treatment programs, which result in lasting
back pain relief. In addition, we have integrated our team approach with the most effective and revolutionary
equipment and supports, allowing us to correctly deal with almost every back problem quickly, effectively and
If you are experiencing back pain, have received treatment with little or no improvement or just want a second
opinion, call us at (732) 254-5553 or (866) 254-5553. We care… we listen… and we want to help you!