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Integer Multiplication Algorithm
Learning Objectives
By the end of this module, the learner will be able to:
1. Apply the divide and conquer paradigm to solve the Integer
Multiplication problem efficiently.
2. Get an insight about techniques to increase the efficiency of
solving the Integer multiplication problem.
Time Required
2 hours (approx)
It’s obvious where the Karatsuba algorithm can be used. It is very
efficient when it comes to integer multiplication, but that isn’t its only
advantage. It is often used for polynomial multiplications.
Andrey Kolmogorov is one of the brightest Russian mathematicians of
the 20th century. In 1960, during a seminar, Kolmogorov stated that
two n-digit numbers can’t be multiplied with less than n2
multiplications! Only a week later a 23-year young student called
Anatolii Alexeevitch Karatsuba proved that the multiplication of two ndigit numbers can be computed with n ^ log(3) multiplications with an
ingenious divide and conquer approach.
Given two numbers A and B in base ‘r’ find A*B. Let the length of the
two numbers be equal to n. A Naive Approach is to follow the process
we studied in school. One by one take all bits of second number and
multiply it with all bits of first number. Finally add all the
multiplications. This algorithm takes O (n2) time.
For most of the time we will be considering a computational model
where individual elements in the matrices are viewed as “small” and
can be added or multiplied in constant time. Today however, we talk
about an algorithm for multiplying very large numbers.Say, we want to
multiply two n-bit numbers: for example, 41 × 42 (or, in binary, 101001
× 101010). According to the definition of what it means to multiply,
what we are looking for is the result of adding 41 to itself 42 times (or
vice versa). You could imagine actually computing the answer that way
(i.e., performing 41 additions), which would be correct but not
particularly efficient. If we used this approach to multiply two n-bit
numbers, we would be making Θ(2n) additions. This is exponential in n
even without counting the number of steps needed to perform each
addition. And, in general, exponential is bad. A better way to multiply is
to do what we learned in grade school:
More formally, we scan the second number right to left, and every time
we see a 1, we add a copy of the first number, shifted by the
appropriate number of bits, to our total.Each addition takes O(n) time,
and we perform at most n additions, which means the total running
time here is O(n2). So, this is a simple example where even though the
problem is defined “algorithmically”, using the definition is not the best
way of solving the problem.
Let us assume n is even. We then represent the Numbers A and B as
A=al*10n/2 + ar [al and ar contain leftmost and rightmost n/2 bits of A]
B=bl*10n/2 + br [bl and br contain leftmost and rightmost n/2 bits of B]
A*B = (al* + ar)*(bl* + br)
= al*bl* + (ar*bl + br*al)* + ar*br
It is possible to perform multiplication of large numbers in (many)
fewer operations than the usual brute-force technique of "long
multiplication." As discovered by Karatsuba (Karatsuba and Ofman
1962), multiplication of two -digit numbers can be done with a less bit
It’s obvious where the Karatsuba algorithm can be used. It is very
efficient when it comes to integer multiplication, but that isn't its only
advantage. It is often used for polynomial multiplications.