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Super Stripes News
Six fierce facts
about tigers
My name is Super Stripes and you might
have noticed, I’m new to the Super Saver
club here at Australian Military Bank.
1. Tigers are the largest wild cats in
the world. Adults can weigh up to
363kg - that’s about the same as
10 x ten year olds! We measure
up to 3.3 meters.
1. I’m your newest friend and a
roar-tastic saver.
1. Unlike most members of the cat
family, tigers like water. They are
good swimmers and often cool
off in pools or streams.
So who am I?
2. I’m 11 years old and my favourite colour
is green.
3. I’ll be here to help you save, give you
neat tips and of course, have fun with
you along the way.
4. But why is it important to save money,
you ask? Well, popcorn — my favourite
food — doesn’t grow on trees. So we
need to stick together and learn how
to save money so we can get closer to
our dreams.
5. My biggest dream is to explore the
mighty, big wide world and end up in
Indonesia with my other Sumatran Tiger
friends and family.
In our first edition of Super Stripes News,
I’ve got a colouring in competition and
some facts about my relatives so you can
get to know me better.
If you have any questions or would like to
see something special in Super Stripes
News, you can email me at
[email protected]
Love StripeS
1. When a tiger wants to be heard,
you’ll know about it, super savers because their roar can be heard as far as
3 kilometres away.
1. They may be big and heavy, but tigers are by no
means slow movers. In fact, at full speed they can
reach up to 65 kilometres per hour! Zoom!
1. These fierce felines have walked the earth for a long
time. Fossil remains of tigers found in parts of China
are believed to be 2 million years old. Yikes!
1. Every tiger in the world is unique - no two tigers have the same
pattern of stripes. Just like no one is the same as you!
Source: National Geographic Kids
Did you know?
1.A head of broccoli is made up of
hundreds of small flower buds.
2. Most people blink more than 14,000
times a day.
Save. Earn extra pocket money for your savings account by
doing extra chores around the house or with your neighbours.
Just ask Mum, Dad or your guardian.
Slip, Slop, Slap. Don’t forget to always wear a hat in the sun,
regularly put sunscreen on and drink lots of water.
Sand & Surf. Always swim between the flags at the beach, stay in the
shade and drink lots of water.
Play. Join a sports team, go for a bike ride with family and friends and
enjoy the great outdoors.
Australia Day. Celebrate Australia’s national day on Tuesday 26th January.
Colouring in
the jungle
Post your completed entry to:
Marketing, Level 18, 45 Clarence St
Sydney, NSW 2000 or email
[email protected]
for the chance to WIN a $20 iTunes voucher!*
*Terms and conditions for this competition are available at
Australian Military Bank Ltd ABN 48 087 649 741 AFSL No. 237 988.
E: [email protected]
M: PO Box H151, Australia Square NSW 1215
P: 1300 13 23 28
F: 02 9240 4140