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Teacher Support Programme
Answer keys LEVEL 3
The Romans
Book key
1.1 Suggested answers: 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 c 5 c 6 a 7 a 8 c 9 a 10 a
1.2 1–2 Open answers
2.1 3: 1, 5, 6
2.2 1 B 2 G 3 F 4 D 5 E 6 C 7 H 8 A
2.3 1 He has just painted words on the wall.
2 She has just bought a fish.
3 They have just had a cold bath.
4 They have just arrived in Rome.
2.4 Open answers
3.1 1 C, E 2 B, D 3 A
3.2 1 They were politicians
2 They were soldiers
3 Citizens
4 They became slaves
5 Because their children became slaves too
6 Spartacus
7 They were hung from wooden crosses
8 The slaves took work from poor people
3.3 1 punished 2 different 3 decided 4 travel 5 painful 6 free
3.4 Open answers
4.1 1 b 2 c 3 b 4 a
4.2 1 37 2 8,000 3 10 4 3 5 4,800 6 120 7 200
4.3 1 Why did the Romans build warships?
2 Why did the Romans put bridges on their ships?
3 Why did Hannibal cross the Alps?
4 Why did the Carthaginians rebuild their walls?
5 Why did the Romans go to war with Philip V?
4.4 1 3 2 7 3 3 4 7 5 3 6 3 7 7 8 3
5.1 1 Possible differences to write about:
size (the Circus Maximus was bigger)
age (the Circus Maximus was older)
activities (fights in the Colosseum; horse and
chariot racing in the Circus Maximus)
2 Possible similarities to write about:
They died young.
They were usually slaves first.
They could make money and buy their freedom.
5.2 1 writers: Juvenal, Martial
emperors: Titus, Vespasian
gladiators: Crescens, Publius Ostorius
chariot drivers: Diocles, Scorpus
2 a 3 Antony
b 2 Caesar
c Pearson Education Limited 2007
c 5 Octavian
d 1 Caesar
e Antony and Octavian
5.3 1 after 2 until 3 As 4 before 5 While 6 when 7 while/as 8 until
5.4 1 e 2 d 3 a 4 f 5 b 6 c
6.1 1 b 2 a 3 d 4 f 5 c 6 e
6.2 1 a ix (9) b iv (4) c vi (6) d ii (2)
2 Possible answers:
a broken stones
b holes in the ground
c fresh water into cities
d they became ill
e to houses, baths and toilets
f wooden or metal pens
g wax
6.3 1 c 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 d 6 h 7 f 8 i 9 g
6.4 Possible answers: a 7 b 3 c 3 d 3 e 7 f 3 g 3 h 3
Talk about it Open answers
Write about it Open answers
Project Open answers
Discussion activities key
1 Suggested answer: the Romans built an Empire
because they were ready to die for Rome; they won
because they fought harder than their enemies etc.
2 Open answers
3 Suggested answer for the city of Rome: smoke comes
out of the work places and houses; a million people
live there; you enter the city through the Appian Gate;
most of the buildings are large and tall; the buildings
are close to the street etc.
4 –7 Open answers
8 Suggested answer: The buildings did not look like
houses from the outside because there were shops
along the walls. The Romans heated their houses with
hot air under the floors.
9 Suggested answer: The slaves from the east had better
lives than the slaves from the north because they did
lighter work in the rich men’s houses. The slaves from
the north built roads, bridges and houses and worked
on farms. The slaves from the east also had better lives
than the slaves that worked underground because
there the air was very bad, the place was hot and very
The Romans - Answer keys
of 4
Teacher Support Programme
Answer keys LEVEL 3
The Romans
10 Timeline: Suggested answer:
10 Great Fights Tomorrow
Come to the Colosseum and see the best gladiators in Rome. The Emperor will be there.
Who will win?
You can see men, women, animals and perhaps
Christians. You can save them … or not.
Pollice Verso!
300 BC 264 BC 260 BC 241 BC 219 BC 151 BC 154 BC
300 bc: Carthage occupied North Africa, Corsica,
Sardinia, west of Sicily and south of Spain.
264 bc: The Marmetines took Messina with the
Carthaginians’ help.
260 bc: Roman and Carthaginian ships fought at sea.
241 bc: Sicily became part of the Roman Empire.
219 bc: Hannibal attacked Sagunto, a Spanish city.
151 bc: Massinissa, a friend of Rome, attacked
154 bc: Rome completely destroyed Carthage.
11 Open answers
12 Suggested answer:
You: What was the army like before you changed it?
Marius: The men fought in three lines.
You: What changes did you make?
Marius: I put the men together in groups of eighty
and sixty groups became a legion.
You: What do the soldiers wear?
Marius: Heavy armour, to protect their bodies.
You: Do they carry a sword?
Marius: Yes, and also a javelin, a knife and a shield,
13 Open answers
14 Suggested answer:
Caesar: Ptolemy! Nice to meet you at last.
Ptolemy: Welcome to Egypt! I have problems with my
sister, Cleopatra. We are in a fight. I need your help.
Caesar: You know Egypt is not part of the Empire but
it is a nice place. Why don’t you rule together with
your sister?
Ptolemy: No! That is not possible. I don’t like her.
And she doesn’t like me.
Caesar: I can talk to her, if you want.
Ptolemy: No, she’s very clever and people like her.
Help me and then I can pay you.
Caesar: Let me think about it.
15 Suggested answer:
Great Race Tomorrow
Come to the Circus Maximus and see Diocles, the
most famous chariot driver in Rome. The Emperor
will be there. What team will win?
c Pearson Education Limited 2007
16 Open answers
17 Suggested answer:
Look to your right. There is the Appian Way. It is the
most famous road in Rome. It was started in 312 bc
and it for the first 100 km it was straight etc.
18 Suggested answer:
November 3. Rome is burning! A terrible fire started
yesterday. Many houses were destroyed. The people are angry with me because they think I started the fire.
I did not! I must stop these ideas. What can I do? I know! I am going to kill all the Christians in Rome.
I will tell my soldiers.
19 Suggested answer:
Caligula and Claudius had a difficult time when they
were children. Caligula’s father died and his mother
went back to Rome, so he was sent away to live with
relatives. Claudius was a weak child and could not
speak well. So he spent time with books. He sent an
army to France. Claudius sent an army to Britain.
Caligula spent a lot of money on parties and presents
for his horse. Claudius changed the way people farmed
and made better laws. Both were killed.
Activity worksheets key
Hadrian’s wall, The Appian Gate, Trajan’s Market
a 753 b 120 c 25 d 200 e 300 f 40 g 850 h 110 ad
a 7 The Latin people moved into the area near the
River Tiber hundreds of years before the city of
Rome was started.
b 3
c 7 As Rome was in the centre of Italy, it could
attack to the north and the south.
d 7 When Rome became a republic, the citizens
chose their politicians.
e 3
4 a Roman women
b Roman citizens
c Slaves from the east
d House slaves
The Romans - Answer keys of 4
Teacher Support Programme
Answer keys LEVEL 3
The Romans
e Slaves underground
f Slaves from the north
a The Roman houses usually had a FEW windows.
b The best parts of a Roman house were INSIDE.
c The Romans had small WINDOWS because they
did not use much glass.
d Houses could be cold in WINTER.
e Most slaves in private houses were WOMEN.
6 a 3 b 8 c 7 d 6 e 5 f 1 g 2 h 4
7 a They fought in three lines.
b 4,880 soldiers.
c Heavy armour to protect their bodies.
d They rode in front to search the enemy.
e They drank clean water, built toilets. Doctors
looked after them.
f In a place with fresh water and grass.
g The army did not want to pay money to a dead
soldier’s wife.
8 a 7 – The Circus Maximus was bigger than the
b ✗ – Criminals and Christians were eaten by wild
c 3
d ✗ – some gladiators fought to the death.
e ✗ – Slaves did not like to be chariot drivers because
that job was dangerous.
f ✗ – Caesar was stabbed.
g ✗ – Antony, Octavian and Lepidus ruled different
parts of the empire.
h 3
9 Suggested answers:
Both made new buildings. Both had different names
(Caesar and Augustus were not their real names). Both
introduced new laws. Augustus died but Caesar was
killed. Caesar fought politicians, but Augustus and the
Senate did not have much disagreement etc.
10 Suggested answers:
a because they needed to take their armies to distant
places / they were necessary for business.
b because the water had to run downhill to get to the
centre of the city.
c because it was stolen.
d because it could be heated and used again.
e because of their number system.
11 a The Appian Way was started in 312 bc. It began
in the Forum and for the first 100 km it was
completely straight
c Pearson Education Limited 2007
b The Via Aemelia, a later road, was also completely
straight for 240 km. It ran from Rimini to Piace.
c The Pont du Gard aqueduct was built about 19 bc.
and it is almost 50 km long. It carried 200 million
litres of water to the city of Nîmes in the south of
France. For five years, 800–1,000 men worked hard
to build it. This aqueduct crosses the River Gardon
on a bridge 275 metres long, which is on top of
two other bridges.
12 Open answers
13 The great fire of Rome (accept other answers)
This year of 60 ad will be remembered as the year of
the great fire. Rome burnt for a week. A large part
of the city was destroyed. Our emperor was busy
building a new castle with a lake while the city was
burning. He helped people who were homeless. And
he made new buildings, which were better than the
old ones. Did he start the fire? Perhaps he needed
land for his castle or perhaps he thought it was the
Christians. So he killed them.
14–15 Open answers
16 Suggested answers: The Roman number system is used
for lists in papers and documents. Some of the roads
and aqueducts are still seen. Romans learned reading
and writing from the Greeks; a lot about building
from the Etruscans; they used Greek ideas to make
different types of machines for war.
17 Open answers
18 Suggested answers: Roman women could not become
citizens or be chosen to the Senate. They were not
welcome in the palace.
Progress test key
1 a 3 b 7 c 7 d 3 e 7
2 The Romans built very good roads. They needed the
roads for the army and for business. These roads were
built higher than the ground. But it was easy to walk
on rainy days: they did not get wet in the rain. The
Romans also built aqueducts to bring fresh water to the
The Romans enjoyed chariot races at the Circus
Maximus. These chariots were driven by a slave and
pulled by a horse. There were four teams. Their names
were colours. The Romans also liked to see the fights at
the arenas. They sometimes involved a gladiator and an
animal. The fight was sometimes to the death.
3 a 3 b 1 c 2 d 2 e 1
The Romans - Answer keys
of 4
Teacher Support Programme
Answer keys LEVEL 3
The Romans
4 Tiberius
left the work to his son and his friend
often dressed as a woman
made new rules for buildings after the
made the farming system better
made life in Rome safer for the ordinary
5 a Friend: Was it a difficult fight?
b Friend: What did you get: gold or silver?
c Friend: Did he die?
d Friend: When are you going to fight again?
e Friend: Where are you going now?
c Pearson Education Limited 2007
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