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What type of burns are there?
Burns are described and managed by what caused the burn, how deep it is, where the burn is, how big it is
and the age and health of the person who is burned.
What caused the burn
The most common burns are caused by heat, such as a scald from a hot object or liquid, or a flame. These are
called thermal burns. Chemicals such as strong acid or alkaline chemicals can cause burns. And electricity can
burn if it passes through the body. Radiation can also burn, for example UV radiation causes sunburn.
How deep the burn is
Sometimes it takes a few days to know how deep
a burn is. It is common for burns to be mixed,
with different parts of the burn being different
depths. If you have any doubt about how deep
your burn is, seek medical help.
A superficial burn (also called first-degree)
affects the top layer of skin.The skin is red and
will hurt when you touch it. Healing takes around
seven days and it usually heals without scarring.
A partial thickness burn (also called a mid- or deep-dermal or second-degree burn) affects the top and
middle layers of skin. The skin often has blisters. It may look pink or red. It is often painful to touch.
Healing may take 10 days to three weeks. Burns that take longer to heal may leave scars.
A full thickness burn (also called a third-degree burn) usually involves all three layers of skin.The skin will
be very white, brown, or black, and can look like leather.This type of burn generally needs a skin graft.
There will be scarring.
Where the burn is, and how much of the body is affected
Burns on some parts of the body, such as face, hands and feet, can be more serious. So how the burn is
managed will depend not just on how big it is but also where it is. Health professionals can calculate what
percentage of total skin is affected. If you have any doubt, see a doctor or nurse, who can let you know how
to treat your burn.
Effects of a burn
You probably know that burns can be painful and can scar. But they can also cause other serious problems.
They can cause fluid and heat loss. This is because when the skin is damaged it leaks fluid, and lets out
heat. With very severe burns this can be life-threatening.
Burn wounds can also get infected. This can cause significant illness, delay their healing and make it more
likely they will scar. Some burns, like electrical burns, can injure internal organs. And when burns heal, the
skin can pull together too tightly, restricting movement. This is called a contracture.
Compiled by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Approved by clinical director, Plastic Surgery Department, Canterbury DHB.
September 2014.
10120 9
HealthInfo reference: 101209
Issued: 12 September 2014
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