Download Due Monday 10/20: Ch. 6.3 Outline File

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Chapter 6.3 Outline Pg 145-151
DIRECTIONS: For each of the headings you need to read the section and write a summary sentence (or
a few sentences), or a sentence that includes an important detail about the section or example. For
the vocabulary words please complete their definitions
Metamorphic Rocks
I. Recognizing Metamorphic Rocks:
A. Metamorphic Minerals:
B. Metamorphic Textures:
foliated –
1. Nonfoliated Rocks:
nonfoliated –
II. Greades of Metamorphism: (describe the following)
A. Low-grade:
B. Medium-grade
C. High-grade:
III. Types of Metamorphism:
A. Regional Metamorphism:
Regional metamorphism –
B. Contact Metamorphism:
Contact Metamorphism –
C. Hydrothermal Metamorphism:
Hydrothermal Metamorphism –
IV. Economic Importance of Metamorphic Rocks & Minerals:
A. Metallic mineral resources:
B. Non-metallic mineral resources
V. The Rock Cycle: (be detailed in your description of the rock cycle)
Directions: Use the following terms to fill in the blank rock cycle below. Several of the words will be used
more than once. Use the diagram on page 151 to help guide you.
Igneous rocks
sedimentary rocks
metamorphic rocks
Cooling & crystallization
heat & pressure
deposition, burial & lithification
weathering & erosion
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