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Self study task
Quiz – Cardiorespiratory system
SISFFIT305A Apply anatomy and physiology principles in a fitness context
This task is mapped to required knowledge within this unit of competency.
This task focuses on assessing your knowledge in regards to the anatomy and physiology, and the
role, of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It also focuses on some basic terminology relevant
to fitness.
1. Label the diagram below.
The respiratory system
Choose from the following:
Larynx 1
Bronchioles 6
Right lung 7
Alveolus 5
© Pearson Australia
ISBN: 9781442544482
Diaphragm 4
Left lung 3
Trachea 2
Bronchi 8
2. Label the diagram below.
The respiratory system
Choose from the following:
Right main bronchus 15
Nasal cavity 2
Pleura 13
Alveolar sac 10
Left main bronchus 6
Alveoli 9
© Pearson Australia
ISBN: 9781442544482
Bronchiole terminal 5
Pleural space 11
Pharynx 16
Trachea 4
Lungs 12
Alveolar duct 7
Larynx 3
Bronchiole 14
3. Labe the diagram below.
The heart
Choose from the following:
Septum 8
Right atrium 12
Superior vena cava 13
Left atrium 5
Right ventricle 9
Semilunar valves 11
Atrioventricular valves 6
© Pearson Australia
ISBN: 9781442544482
Aorta 1
Semilunar veins 14
Right and left pulmonary arteries 2
Inferior vena cava 10
Left ventricle 7
Pulmonary veins 4
Blood to and from the lungs 3
What is the function of blood? Blood is the medium in which, carbon dioxide, hormonal
messages, nutrients and wastes carried around the body.
Name one function of red blood cells. Red blood cells transport oxygen and carbon dixoide
around the body (carried by the molecule haemoglobin found in the red blood cells).
What is the main role of white blood cells? White blood cells are responsible for the body
What is the main role of platelets? Platelets are involoved in the cessation of bleeding and the
clotting process.
Choose the correct answer in the following sentence. Arteries are responsible for carrying blood
_away from ______ (away from/toward) the heart.
List 10 changes that occur in the cardiovascular system as a result of endurance training.
Stroke voulme- increased beause there is an plasma volume.
Resting heart rate – reduces
Submaximal heart rate-reduces
Red blood cell count- increases, but not by as much as plasuma voulme and so haematorcrit
Capillary density
Increased amount of hameoglobin found in the blood.
Haemoglobin is more effcient at carrying oxygen
Improved cardiac output during exercise
Lower resting blood pressure and blood pressure during sibmaximal exercise
10. Name two factors that may affect resting heart rate, and outline how resting heart rate is
affected by each factor.
Smoking can increase resting heart rate
Endurance training can reduce resting heart rate
11. Explain what is meant by each of the terms ‘systolic’ and ‘diastolic’ in regards to blood pressure.
What is ‘normal’ blood pressure? Systloic- Blood pressure reflects the contraction phase of the
heart while Diastolic-pressure reflects the relaxation phase of the heart, proving an indication of
how easily blood is traviling from the arterioles to the capilleries. Normal blood pressure At rest
is approximately 120/80 mmHg.
12. What does a sudden drop in systolic blood pressure during exercise indicate? Heart failure.
13. Why are very heavy loads of resistance training avoided for clients with cardiovascular disease?
Heavy loads a lot of strain on the heart increase both systolic and diastolic pressure too far for a
client with cardio vascular disease to cope. This risks a lack of blood supply to the vital oragns.
14. What happens to blood pressure during aerobic exercise? During exercise, systolic blood
pressure will rise as intensity increses. Diastolic blood pressure may change a little, or even
decrease slightly. This occurs due the vsodilation of blood vessles.
15. What affect does resistance training have on blood pressure? There is no chage in resting blood
pressure as result of resistance training.
16. What is maximal oxygen uptake? Maximal oxygen up take is the maximal amount of oxygen that
can be consumed and used by the body. It measures aerobic fitness.
17. List five cardiovascular responses to aerobic exercise. Provide a rationale for each response.
© Pearson Australia
ISBN: 9781442544482
 Increase blood flow to the coronary arties, because the heart is working harder and requires
more blood flow.
 Decreased blood flow to the kidneys to try an maintain fluid levels.
 Maintain or slight increases in brain flow because the brain cannot afford reduction in blood
 Incresed blood flow to the working skeletak muscles to allow movement
 Decreased blood flow to the digestive systems because of the priorites elsewhere during this
18. What is the main role of the alveoli? The alveoli provide a site for gas exchange between the
blood and lungs. Their thin walls allow gases to pass though so that oxygen and carbon dioxide
can be exchanges with the capillaries.
19. What happens to respiratory rate at rest and during exercise as a result of long term aerobic
training? It reduces at rest and during exercise.
20. a) What is asthma? Is a common inflammatory condition causing airway obstruction and
b) What are the signs and symptoms of asthma? Signs and symptoms inculde wheezing, coughing,
chest tightness and shortness of breath.
c) How is asthma affected by exercise? Exercise can trigger asthma so we need to give them longer
warm up and cool down and make sure they have a reliever
© Pearson Australia
ISBN: 9781442544482