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Species: A group of organisms that are closely related and can mate to produce fertile
Population: A group of organisms of the same species that live in a specific
geographical area.
Adaptation: A characteristic that improves an individual’s ability to survive and
reproduce in a particular environment.
Evolution: The process in which inherited characteristics within a population change
over generations such that new species sometimes arise.
What are fossils and how do they form?
Fossils are the remains or physical evidence of an organism
preserved by geologic processes.
Fossils form when a dead organism is covered by a layer of
sediment. Over time, more sediment settles on top of the
organism. Minerals in the sediment may seep into the
organism and gradually replace the organism with stone.
If the organism rots away completely after being covered,
it may leave an imprint of itself in the rock.
What is the fossil record?
The fossil record is a historical sequence of life
indicated by fossils found in layers of the Earth’s
crust. The fossil record organizes fossils by their
estimated ages and physical similarities.
Fossils found in newer layers of Earth’s crust
tend to be similar to present-day organisms.
The older fossils, which are found deeper in
Earth’s crust, are of earlier life-forms, which may
not exist anymore.
How do scientists use the fossil record to
understand evolution?
The fossil record provides evidence about the order in which species have
Scientists examine the fossil record to figure out the relationships between
extinct and living organisms by looking for similarities between the species.
Copy the diagram on page 169 into your foldable.
The most closely related species would be toothed whales and baleen whales.
The most distantly related species would be camels and whales.
Evolution of the Whale
Pakicetus: Pakicetus was a land-dwelling mammal that could run on four
legs. Pakicetus was about the size of a wolf.
Ambulocetus: This mammal lived in coastal waters but had arms and legs.
It could swim by kicking its legs and it could waddle on land. Ambulocetus
was about the size of a dolphin.
Dorudon: This mammal lived in the oceans. It resembled a giant dolphin
and propelled itself with its massive tail. Dorudon had tiny front and hind
limbs that were not used for walking or swimming.
Modern toothed whale: Modern whales’ forelimbs are flippers. Modern
whales do not have hind limbs, but they do have hip bones.
Evolution of the Horse
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