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ISCI 2002
Practice Exam 2
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) According to Newton, the greater the distance between masses of interacting objects, the
A) less the gravitational force between them.
B) more the gravitational force between them.
2) When you touch a cold piece of ice with your finger, energy flows
A) from your finger to the ice.
B) from the ice to your finger.
C) actually both ways.
3) A substance that heats up relatively quickly has a
A) high specific heat capacity.
B) low specific heat capacity.
4) When a bimetallic bar made of copper and iron strips is heated, the bar bends toward the iron
strip. The reason for this is
A) iron gets hotter before copper.
B) copper expands more than iron.
C) iron expands more than copper.
D) copper gets hotter before iron.
E) none of the above
5) When water at 4°C is heated it expands. When water at 4°C is cooled, it
A) contracts.
B) expands.
C) neither A nor B
6) A substance can absorb heat energy by the process of
A) convection.
B) conduction.
C) radiation.
D) all of the above
7) The fundamental force underlying all chemical reactions is
A) centripetal.
B) nuclear.
C) electrical.
D) gravitational.
E) none of the above
8) A positive ion has more
A) neutrons than protons.
B) electrons than neutrons.
C) electrons than protons.
D) protons than neutrons.
E) protons than electrons.
9) The unit of electric charge, the coulomb, is the charge on
A) one electron.
B) a specific large number of electrons.
10) The electrical forces between charges depends on the
A) magnitude of electric charges.
B) separation distance between electric charges.
C) both A and B
D) none of the above
11) The source of electrons lighting an incandescent AC light bulb is
A) atoms in the light bulb filament.
B) electrical outlet.
C) the wire leading to the lamp.
D) the source voltage.
E) the power company.
12) In a common DC circuit, electrons move at the speed of
A) a fraction of a centimeter per second.
B) many centimeters per second.
C) light.
D) a sound wave.
E) none of the above
13) The source of all magnetism is
A) ferromagnetic materials.
B) tiny domains of aligned atoms.
C) tiny pieces of iron.
D) moving electric charge.
E) none of the above
14) Like kinds of magnetic poles repel while unlike kinds of magnetic poles
A) repel also.
B) may attract or repel.
C) attract.
15) When there is a change in the magnetic field in a closed loop of wire,
A) a voltage is induced in the wire.
B) electromagnetic induction occurs.
C) current is made to flow in the loop of wire.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
16) Every proton in the universe is surrounded by its own
A) electric field.
B) gravitational field.
D) none of the above
C) both A and B
17) A conductor differs from an insulator in that a conductor has
A) more electrons than protons.
B) faster moving molecules.
C) more protons than electrons.
D) more energy than an insulator.
E) none of the above
18) A difference between electric forces and gravitational forces is that electrical forces include
A) repulsive interactions.
B) separation distance.
C) infinite range.
D) the inverse-square law.
E) none of the above
19) As a system becomes more disordered, entropy
A) decreases.
B) increases.
C) remains the same.
20) As more lamps are put into a series circuit, the overall current in the power source
A) decreases.
B) stays the same.
C) increases.
21) As more lamps are put into a parallel circuit, the overall current in the power source
A) decreases.
B) increases.
C) stays the same.
22) When mechanical work is done on a system, there can be an increase in its
A) thermal energy.
B) temperature.
D) neither A nor B
C) both A and B
23) Consider two planets in space that gravitationally attract each other. If the masses of both planets
is doubled, and the distance between them is also doubled, then the force between them is
A) four times as much.
B) half as much.
C) twice as much.
D) one-quarter.
E) none of the above
24) When the distance between two stars decreases by half, the force between them
A) increases to twice as much.
B) decreases by one-half.
C) decreases by one-quarter.
D) stays the same.
E) increases to four times as much.
25) Charge carriers in a metal are electrons rather than protons because electrons are
A) loosely bound.
B) negative.
C) smaller.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
26) The amount of gravitational force that acts on the space shuttle while in orbit is
A) almost as much as the shuttleʹs weight on Earthʹs surface.
B) nearly zero.
C) the same as the shuttleʹs weight on Earthʹs surface.
27) An object is placed exactly halfway between Earth and the Moon. The object will fall toward the
A) Moon.
B) Earth.
C) neither A nor B
ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.
28) Earth and the Moon gravitationally attract each other. Does the more massive Earth attract the Moon with a
greater force, the same force, or less force than the Moon attracts Earth? What reasoning guides your answer?
29) Explain why putting a dented Ping-Pong ball in a pot of boiling water will help remove the dent.
30) Distinguish between the concepts of heat, temperature, and thermal energy.
31) Write a short paragraph distinguishing between conduction, convection and radiation. Give two examples of
32) What are the similarities and differences between Coulombʹs Law and Newtonʹs Law of gravitation?
33) What is the difference between an insulator and a conductor of electricity? Give examples of each.
34) What is the cause of a magnetic field about a permanent magnet, and about a current -carrying wire?
35) Distinguish between a common bar magnet and an electromagnet.
36) How is stepping off a curb similar to taking a ride aboard the space shuttle?
37) Why do satellites remain in orbit while the force of gravity pulls downward on them?
38) If water had a lower specific heat capacity, would ponds and lakes be more likely or less likely to freeze in
39) Distinguish between the first and second laws of thermodynamics in terms of whether or not exceptions occur.
40) What does it mean to say that energy becomes less organized when it transforms from one form to another?
41) Distinguish between AC and DC. When you plug a light bulb into a wall socket, where do the electrons come
42) What happens to a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field? How does orientation of the wire make a
43) State Faradayʹs Law of Induction and explain what it means.
44) What correction do you make to a friend who states that a step -up transformer boosts energy, while a
step-down transformer reduces energy in a circuit.
45) Can an electron be set into motion and speeded up by a magnetic field? By an electric field?