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The Digestive and Excretory Systems
Unit 1 Lesson 4
Lesson WS
Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. When he eats, Eli chews his food carefully. As his teeth
mash and crush the food, enzymes in his saliva break
the food down into smaller molecules. What function is
carried out by his saliva? P50
4. The diagram below shows some structures of the
human excretory (urinary) system.
A. It is performing peristalsis.
B. It is chemically digesting the food.
C. It is mechanically digesting the food.
D. It is producing bile to break down fats.
2. What is the main function of the excretory system?
A. to remove waste from the body
B. to regulate and control other body systems
C. to obtain oxygen and transport it to all tissues
D. to break down nutrients into smaller molecules
Which of the structures filters wastes from the blood
and regulates the amount of water in the body to
maintain homeostasis? P54
3. Which of the following best explains an interaction
between the digestive system and the respiratory
system? P48 & 39
A. R
A. To use the energy in food broken down by the
digestive system, the body needs oxygen obtained
by the respiratory system.
B. S
C. T
B. The main function of the respiratory system is to
control, coordinate, and regulate most of the
functions of the digestive system.
D. W
5. Which of the following choices arranges the organs in
the order in which materials would move through them
during digestion?
C. Coordination between the respiratory and digestive
systems is necessary because the digestive system
obtains oxygen needed by the respiratory system.
A. esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine
D. The digestive system obtains nutrients from the food
that is eaten, and the respiratory system transports
the nutrients to the brain where they are needed.
Lesson Quiz
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
B. stomach, esophagus, large intestine, small intestine
C. small intestine, esophagus, stomach, large intestine
D. esophagus, large intestine, small intestine, stomach
Module C • Assessment Guide