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Q: In which model of
the atom do electrons
orbit the nucleus?
A: Bohr model
Q: In which model of
the atom were
electrons discovered
(corpuscles) and
reside along with the
protons like raisins in
plum pudding?
(using cathode rays)
A: Thomson
Q: Which model of the
atom consisted of just the
atomic theory mainly stating
atoms of the same elements
are alike?
A: Dalton
Q: Which model of
the atom has
protons residing in
the nucleus and the
atom is mostly
empty space? (gold
foil experiment)
A: Rutherford
Q: Which scientist
discovered neutrons?
A: Chadwick
Q: Name the four
atomic sublevels.
A: s, p, d, f
Q: How many
orbitals are found in
the s sublevel?
A: 1
Q: How many orbitals are
found in the p sublevel?
A: 3
Q: How many
orbitals are found in
the d sublevel?
A: 5
Q: How many
orbitals are found in
the f sublevel?
A: 7
Q: How many
electrons can fit in
the s sublevel?
A: 2
Q: How many
electrons can fit in
the p sublevel?
A: 6
Q: How many electrons can
fit in the d sublevel?
A: 10
Q: How many
electrons can fit in
the f sublevel?
A: 14
Q: How many
electrons can fit into
each orbital?
A: 2
Q: What are the
elements that are
pulled out of the
periodic table with
atomic numbers of
90-103 called?
A: actinides
Q: Which has the
most neutrons? C12, C-13, or C-14?
A: Carbon 14
Q: Between elements in the
same period, which has the
largest atomic radius?
A: beginning of the period
(trend decreases as you go
across a period)
Q: Between
elements in the
same group, which
has the largest
atomic radius?
A: elements at the
bottom of the group
(trend increases as
you go down a
Q: Between
elements of the same
period, which has the
A: end of the period
(trend increases as
you go across the
Q: What is the
general formula for
calculating average
atomic mass?
A: % x mass + % x
Q: Change .3% to a
A: 0.003
Q: Where are metals on the
periodic table?
A: left of the metalloid
Q: what groups on
the periodic table
are included in the
A: alkali metals,
alkaline earth
metals, transition
metals, inner
transition elements
Q: where are
nonmetals on the
periodic table?
A: to the right of the
metalloid staircase
Q: What is the name
of Group 1 of the
period table?
A: alkali metals
Q: What is the name
of Group 2 on the
period table?
A:alkaline earth
Q: What is the name of
Group 17 on the periodic
A: halogens
Q: What is the
name of Group 18
on the periodic
A: noble gases
Q: How many metals
are in group 13 of the
periodic table?
A: 4
Q: Name two
elements that are in
the same group as
A: Si, Ge, Sn, Pb
Q: Name 1
element that is in
the same period as
A: He
Q: How many valence
electrons does He have?
A: 2
Q: Is hydrogen a
metal or
A: nonmetal
Q: Name 2
metalloids in the
Nitrogen family?
A: As, and Sb
Q: alkali metals and
alkaline earth
metals are in what
block of the
periodic table?
A: s block
Q: the transition
elements are in
what block of the
periodic table?
A: d block
Q: The halogens are part
of what block on the
periodic table?
A: p block
Q: The
lanthanides and
actinides are part
of what block on
the periodic table?
A: f block
Q: Which sublevel
is spherical shaped?
A: s
Q: Which orbitals
are dumbbell
shaped and have
three axes along
which they are
A: p orbitals
Q: Which rule
states that lowest
energy levels and
lowest energy level
orbitals are filled
A: Aufbau principle
Q: Which rule states that
no two electrons can have
the same four quantum
numbers or the same
A: Pauli Exclusion
Q: Which rule
states that each
orbital is filled
with an up spin
before coming
back and filling
with a down spin?
A: Hund’s rule
Q: Which element
has the electron
configuration of
A: Helium
Q: Neon -22 has
how many protons,
neutrons and
A: 10 protons, 12
neutrons, and 10
Q: Carbon-12 has
how many protons,
neutrons, and
A: 6 protons, 6
neutrons, and 6
Q: Ca2+ has how many
protons, neutrons, and
A: 20 protons, 20
neutrons (for the most
common isotope) and 18
Q: F- has how
many electrons?
A: 10
Q: Which element
ends in 2p4
A: Oxygen
Q: Which element
has the
configuration of
A: Magnesium
Q: What would the
configuration of
Mg2+ be?
A: 1s22s22p6
Q: How many unpaired
electrons are present in
the configuration of
A: one
Q: Orbital
Notation contains
what symbols on
top of the orbitals
and sublevels?
A: up arrows and
down arrows
Q: Which element
has the noble gas
configuration of
[Ne] 3s2sp5
A: Chlorine
Q: What is the
configuration of Zr?
Q: What is the
configuration of
A: 1s22s22p63s23p6
Q: what is the electron
configuration of EuEuropium?
Q: What is the
noble gas
configuration of
A: [Xe]6s1
Q: What is the
noble gas
configuration of
A: [Xe]6s25d14f6