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Quarter 3 Study Guide: Abolition, Civil War, Reconstruction
Abolition of Slavery
Directions: Answer these questions in bullet point form, on a separate sheet of paper. Use your notes, textbook index and glossary to assist you in your search.
1. What did an abolitionist want to do in the United States?
2. How did John Quincy Adams propose to end slavery in the United States?
3. What was one of the most common ways abolitionists, like Fredrick Douglass, tried to get people to Iight against slavery?
4. What was the Northwest Ordinance and what did it say about education AND slavery?
5. What was the American Anti-­‐Slavery Society (AASS) and who created it?
6. What did the Missouri Compromise do and who created the agreement?
7. What did the Compromise of 1850 do and who created the agreement?
8. What did the Supreme Court decide in the case Dred Scott v. Sanford?
9. Who was Stephan A. Douglass and what was the Freeport Doctrine?
10. What was the Wilmot Proviso and during which war was it created?
11. Why did President Polk want to annex Texas, and because of the annexation who did the United States go to war with?
12. What did the Kansas-­‐Nebraska Act do and what did this law lead to?
13. What was one major religion that worked to end slavery in the United States?
14. What was the Underground Railroad?
The Civil War
Directions: follow directions from the Iirst page.
1. What was the theory of nulliIication, who created it, where was he from and what was it Iirst used about in the 1830s?
2. What is the theory of States’ Rights, and what were the Kentucky and Virginia Resolves?
3. Who was Daniel Webster, where was he from, and what did he try to do?
4. What was the North like before the war, and what advantages did the Union have in the war?
5. What was the South like before the war, and what advantages did the Confederacy have in the war?
6. What was the strategy of the North and the South during the Civil War?
7. What did Abraham Lincoln say about the United States in his “House Divided” Speech and how did his view of slavery change over time?
8. What did Lincoln say in his Gettysburg Address, and what did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
9. What were the states that stayed in the United States called, and what were the states that left called; what were states called that allowed slavery but did not leave?
10. Who was Jefferson Davis and what country was he in charge of?
11. Who were the best Union and Confederate generals during the Civil War?
12. What happened at the Firing on Fort Sumter and at the Battle of Bull Run (Manassas)?
13. What happened at the Battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville? Who won these battles?
14. What happened at the Battle of Gettysburg and Vicksburg? Why were these two battles so important?
15. What city did the Union destroy after the last big battle of the war at Petersburg?
16. What was the Iirst state to secede, or leave, the United States in 1860, and who got elected that made them decide to leave?
Directions: follow directions from the Iirst page.
1. What happened to Abraham Lincoln after the war and who took his place?
2. What sort of plan did Andrew Johnson have about Reconstructing the South, and what major law did Congress pass after Johnson vetoed it?
3. What group controlled Congress after the Civil War, and what important laws did they pass?
4. Before the end of the war, how did Congress counter Lincoln’s Ten-­‐Percent Plan?
5. How did the South try to control freed slaves at the end of the Civil War, and what 2 amendments did the Union pass to get rid of these laws?
6. What new rights did the 3 amendments passed during Reconstruction guarantee?
13th Amendment:
14th Amendment:
15th Amendment: 7. What was the purpose of the Freedman’s Bureau and who did they help?
8. What was the AMA and what did this organization try to do?
9. Who became president after Andrew Johnson, and what had he done during the Civil War?
10. What amendment states the United States was not going to pay for freed slaves or pay for the damage caused by the Civil War?
11. What did Jim Crow laws do, what Supreme Court case made these laws legal, and when did Jim Crow laws Iinally end?
12. What is disenfranchisement and why did this effect the politics of the South so much after Reconstruction?
13. What people joined the Ku Klux Klan, and what were their goals?
The Second Industrial Revolution
Directions: follow directions from the Iirst page.
14. Why did Americans start to move West after the 1850s?
15. Who was already living in the West before Americans arrived, and what Indian leader beat the Americans in battle in 1876?
16. Who was Geronimo, when was he captured, and what new law was passed one year after he was captured forcing Indians to become farmers?
17. Who were John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, and how did they get rich?
18. What did Leland Stanford help to build, where did he start building his project, and why was this construction project so important?
19. Why do you think JP Morgan had his corporation buy up and combine any other corporation he could?
20. Why did new immigrants come to America after the Civil War, and what countries did these new immigrants often come from? What might a nativist (American who does not like immigrants) say about these people?
21. What was it like to work in an American factory after the Civil War, and what groups of people worked in the factories?
22. What are labor unions and collective bargaining, and what was the very Iirst union called?
23. Who was Samuel Gompers and what union did he control, and what President (who was a hunter who also started the conservation movement) thought workers should be treated fairly?