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Midterm III Study Guide
A note about the course and how to study.
For the tests in my courses focus on being able to complete tasks/activities and solve problems.
You will need to do some memorization however, more important is being able to apply that
knowledge. You should therefore practice any activities you have done as homework or in class.
You are very likely to be asked to do these tasks again. Strict memorization of vocabulary will
not allow you to succeed in this course.
This study guide is composed of two parts. The first part is composed of course objectives.
Course objectives are things that you should be able to do as a consequence of taking this course.
The second part consists of questions related to each of the chapters that you have read.
Part I: Course Objectives (midterm 3)
The course objectives are composed of three parts. 1 (bold) describes the learning objective,
what you should be able to do. The second part provides a sample question illustrating the type
of question/activity which would demonstrate that you have met that objective. The third part
(italics) lists the relevant chapter or chapters in your text. As an additional aid, at the top of
each section of the notes, I have placed the specific objectives addressed by that section of the
note: learning objectives learned earlier in the semester are used in the rest
of the semester although they may not explicitly be linked to the lessons.
42. Explain why a change in DNA can result in a change in traits. - given a strand of mRNA that codes
for a trait, what possible effects could a point mutation have on the expressed trait? Chapter 10
43. Identify and create the three types and four effects of mutations. - given a strand of mRNA and a
mutated strand of mRNA, identify the type of mutation that occurred.Chapter 10
44. Predict the amino acid sequence from a strand of mRNA, given the codon table. - - given a strand
of mRNA and a codon table, show the resulting protein sequence. Remember to correctly identify the
start and stop codons.Chapter 10
45. Use a string of mRNA to show the effect of different mutation types on the resulting amino acid
sequence. - given a strand of mRNA, draw out a new strand of mRNA illustrating each of the
mutation types and their effects.Chapter 10
46. What is the ultimate source of variation in organisms? - question linked to evolution in future
sections, but should be able to identify mutation as an ultimate source of variation in a given
scenario. Chapter 10
47. What is the difference between artificial and natural selection? - given a scenario identify the type
of selection occurring (note this will expand to more than natural and artificial in future
classes)chapter 13
48. What is the definition of evolution? - given a scenario, is evolution occurring? (requires a change in
allele frequency) chapter 13
49. Identify selective agents - Given a scenario, what is the selective agent or given a change in traits,
propose a possible selective agent.Chapter 13
50. Predict the outcome of selection based on fitness - 1) given information on the fitness of
individuals in a population, predict how traits are likely to change in the next generation 2) given a
scenario, predict which of the individuals are the most fit chapter 13
Midterm III Study Guide
51. What is the definition of a species - given a scenario, identify whether the two organisms are the
same or different species based upon the different definitions of a species Chapter 14
52. What is the definition of a species - given a scenario, identify whether the two organisms are the
same or different species based upon the different definitions of a species Chapter 14
53. What is the effect of unconscious selection - 1) describe a scenario where unconscious selection is
taking place. 2) predict the effect of unconscious selection on a population and its implications.
Chapter 13, 14
54. Identify the link between mutation and natural selection. - explain how an organism adapts to
environmental pressure (ie including but not limited to antibiotics). The answer should illustrate
your understanding that mutation Chapter 13
55. Interpret evidence of evolution and apply that knowledge to your daily decisions. - 1) use of
antibiotics as a mother, physician, farmer, 2) establishment of wildlife policy (ie
hunting/fishing)Chapter 13, 14
56. Propose a mechanism for speciation incorporating environmental changes, selection, and the
development of reproductive barriers. - use a scenario to explain the process of speciation Chapter
14, 15
57. Build and interpret a phylogenetic tree using parsimony - 1) given a phylogenetic tree determine
which species are most closely related 2) identify common ancestors on a phylogenetic tree 3)
construct a phylogenetic tree given traits and the out group Chapter 15
58. Identify different evolutionary processes (genetic drift, bottleneck effect, founder effect, gene flow,
and natural selection) - given a scenario, identify the type of evolutionary process occurring 2)
describe a process illustrating a given evolutionary process. Chapter 14
What is the effect of unconscious selection - 1) describe a scenario where unconscious
selection is taking place. 2) predict the effect of unconscious selection on a population and
its implications.Chapter 13, 14
Part II: Chapter questions (10, 13, 14, 15)
Chapter 10. Molecular genetics: making proteins
What are the components of DNA and RNA?
What are the different types of RNA (mRNA, rRNA, tRNA)?
How does DNA code for proteins? (process of transcription and translation)
o What is a codon?
o How does the code for a protein move from DNA to the final protein?
o What is the role of ribosomes?
o Read a codon table (note do not memorize the codon table) (note: part of variation
section. May not be included in this midterm)
How would a mutation affect a protein? (note: part of variation section. May not be included in
this midterm)
What are the different types of proteins? (note: part of variation section. May not be included in
this midterm)
Chapter 13. How Populations Evolve
Before we started the section on evolution we were concerned with sources of
variation. Why is variation important for natural selection?
Midterm III Study Guide
Read the observations and inferences made by Darwin concerning Natural Selection.
Where does Meiosis fit in? How does genetics play a role in fitness? Do all organisms
born have the same likelihood of survival? Is the survival of an individual likely to be
based upon its traits?
What is the gene pool? How does it relate to evolution?
Other than Natural Selection, what processes can alter gene frequencies? What is the
fundamental distinction between Natural selection and these other processes?
What are stabilizing, disruptive and directional selection? How would you determine
the type of selection a population was under?
What limits natural selection?
Predict the effect of selection on phenotype given fitness data.
Identify and create scenarios illustrating different types of selection
Determine whether a population is evolving
Chapter 14. The Origin of Species
What are the different ways that scientists define species? Although species classified by
one definition are usually also defined by the other methods, there are exceptions. Try to
think of examples of organisms that might be classified differently depending upon the
species definition used. Use your imagination.
Speciation occurs when a barrier separates populations within a species. What are the
different methods described in the book? In addition to the examples in the book, try to
think of other possible examples.
When would adaptive radiation occur? How does is this process related to the founder
effect and bottlenecks?
Chapter 15. Tracing Evolution
Identify the link between mutation and natural selection.
Interpret evidence of evolution and apply that knowledge to your daily purchase
Propose a mechanism for speciation incorporating environmental changes, selection, and
the development of reproductive barriers.
Build a phylogenetic tree using parsimony