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Name: ________________________________ Period: _______ Date: ________________
8-1 NOTES: “Greek Culture”
Directions: As you read pages 212-219 in your textbook, answer the following questions on the lines provided.
Greek Beliefs
1. Greek __________________________________ separated Greeks politically
2. Greek people united by a _____________ culture, shared language beliefs and customs
3. Myths – ____________________________________________________________
Who Were the Greek Gods?
4. Like most in the Ancient World Greeks believed in _________ and ________________.
5. Gods/Goddesses had great powers, but were not thought of as ______________ beings.
6. Gods had _____________________ qualities therefore Greeks did not fear them.
7. Mount Olympus – _____________________________________________________
Zeus – King of the _________________________________
Hera – Goddess of __________________, _____________________ of Zeus
Poseidon – God of the _________________, brother of Zeus
Hades – God of the ____________________, brother of Zeus
Athena – Goddess of ________________________
Apollo – God of the _____________, twin brother of ___________________
Aphrodite – Goddess of _________________________
8-1: Greek Culture
Gackenbach ~ Notes
Ares – God of ______________________
Hermes – ___________________________ of the Gods
Hestia – Goddess of the ________________
Artemis – Goddess of the ___________, twin sister of __________________
8. All Greeks worshipped _____________________ as the chief God.
9. Each city-state also chose one god/goddess as its ___________________________.
10. Ritual - _____________________________________________________________
11. Through _________________ of prayer and _____________________ of gifts, Greeks hoped
the gods would reward and protect them.
12. __________________________, ____________________ and sacrifices were important in
Greek life to honor the gods.
13. Olympic Games – __________________ __________________ that took place every four
years to honor the Gods and for “the greater glory of _____________________”
14. Ancient Olympic games took place for over _______________ years, Modern Olympics began in
Greek Oracles
15. Oracle - _____________________________________________
16. Greeks believed in _______________, ________________ and prophecy;
and that the gods gave prophecies to warn people about the
________________in time to change it.
17. Prophecy – __________________________________________________________
18. Most famous was the Temple of __________________ at Delphi (the Oracle of Delphi)
Epics and Fables
19. Ancient Greek _____________ is a model for modern American and European literature.
20. The 1st Greek stories were known as _______________________.
21. Two famous epic poems were written by Homer around 700 BC about the war between Greece
and the city of Troy:
The ________________________ & The _________________________
8-1: Greek Culture
Gackenbach ~ Notes
The Trojan Horse
22. The Iliad – Summarize: _____________________________
23. The Odyssey - Summarize: __________________________
Today, the word odyssey means: ________________________________________________
Aesop’s Fables
24. Fable – is a short tale that teaches a _________________, ending with a moral
or useful truth.
25. Aesop – is credited with the most famous Greek ________________________,
although he probably did not exist.
26. Most Aesop's fables are funny and show human _______________ and
weaknesses that feature animals that _________________________________.
27. Examples of Aesop's fables:
28. Fables were told during the ___________________________ of Greece.
29. Oral tradition – ____________________________________________
The Impact of Greek Drama
30. Drama – a story told mainly through the words and actions of a _________________________
31. Tragedy – a story in which the main character ______________________ to overcome
hardships but does not succeed, as result, the story has a _______________ or unhappy ending.
32. Comedy – a story that ends happily or filled with ______________
8-1: Greek Culture
Gackenbach ~ Notes
33. Four writers emerged as the greatest Greek dramatists:
_______________ wrote Oresteia: a Greek king’s return from the Trojan War and his family
_______________ was an Athenian writer accepted suffering as part of life; his famous play
was Antigone.
_______________ wrote about ordinary human beings in realistic situations.
_______________ was a comedy writer and poked fun at leaders and issues of the day.
How Greek Drama Developed
34. Drama was more than just ________________________ for the
people. It was part of ______________________ festivals and a
way to show loyalty.
35. The group of performers was known as the __________________;
and men played all of the roles (even women’s’ parts).
36. They presented the story through singing and ________________________________.
37. Eventually, they used they used actors on a stage and created stories using ________________
and _____________________________.
Greek Art and Architecture
38. The characteristics of Greek art became the style known as _____________________
39. Greeks constructed beautiful buildings, the most famous in Athens is called the
40. Large graceful columns support many Greek buildings and show off Greek architecture, some
famous buildings in Washington, D.C., such as the _____________________________ and the
______________________, have Greek columns.
41. Three types of Greek columns are: ___________, ___________, and
______________________________. (See graphic)
8-1: Greek Culture
Gackenbach ~ Notes