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Cells, Tissues, Organs, Systems, and Beyond
Cells combine to make Tissues. Tissues combine to make Organs. Organs combine to make Systems.
Systems combine to make a complete body.
Respiratory System
Function : To carry oxygen to the cells, and carry away CO2.
Parts: Lungs, Mouth, Nasal Cavity, Trachea, Larynx, Pharynx, Bronchioles, Alveola
Muscular System:
Function: To move the body or its organs.
Types of Muscles: Cardiac, Skeletal, Smooth
Nervous System
Function: Sensory, Send signals, Memory
Parts: Brain, Spinal Cord, Nerves
Endocrine System
Function: Produce Hormones, maintain homeostasis
Parts: Glands
Skeletal System
Function: Support, Protect Organs, Creation of Blood cells
Parts: Skull, bones, ligaments, cartilage
Digestive System
Function: Separates nutrients from food and delivers them to the blood stream, and disposes of
Parts: Mouth, esophagus, stomach, liver, large and small intestine, pancreas, gall bladder,
rectum, anus
Urinary System
Function: Flushes the waste from the blood.
Parts: Bladder, Kidneys, Ureter, Urethra,
Circulatory System
Function: Transport nutrients, oxygen, waste (CO2), antibodies, and other chemicals in the body
; helps heal damage to the body; TRANSPORTS THINGS AROUND THE BODY
Parts: Blood Cells, Veins, Arteries, Heart, Capillaries
Lymphatic System:
Function: Creates Lymph which is a fluid that helps fight off bacteria and diseases
Parts: Lymph nodes located in various areas of the body (arm pits, neck, groin, legs, etc)
Integumentary System:
Function: Protects muscles and organs from damage and invasion (bacteria, viruses); also helps
regulate homeostasis (dehydration as well as temperature)
Parts: Skin, hair, nails
Tech in the Body
Bionics: Attachments to the body that help it move better (faster, stronger, longer, etc.)
Example: The Ted Talk guy who lost his feet used prosthetic feet
Implants: A device that is placed inside the body to help it do something better or something
that was not possible before. Example: Pace-maker (heart), Breast Implants (more appealing),
Subcutaneous (under the skin) communication devices
Artificial Intelligence: Technology that is programed to think or act a certain way. The danger
of A.I. is that at some point it will become able to program itself.
Stem Cell Research: A cell that is in the early stages of development that has not become
“Specialized” Ex\ Skin gun for burn victims
Nanotechnology: Very small devices that are used in the body.