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Local thundershowers, somewhat
warmer iuday. Friday generally fair
slightly cooler.
*'EorJPlattsburghandCMhtw County, First, Last and Always*
VOL. X L V .
No. 295.
P i t t s b u r g h , N. Y., Thursday, July >M, 1941.
U. S. Gunboat of Yangtse Patrol Damaged by Jap Bombs
British-Russian Offensive Action in Arctic Reported
les Indicates U.S. Will Reject
Any Japanese Claim Bombing Was
Mistake; Vessel Was in 'Safety Zone'
vV'AVailllWi'WW,. JMt.k* :W (<AM^y A\'itii»(i- ,^viiiiiiV
and in a manner to show that ils patience was sorely
tried ,the United States ealled Japan to account today for a new attack on an American gunboat in
China and indicated the incident would not pass with
a perfunctory diplomatic exchange.
The 370-ton gunboat Tutuila of the Yangtse river patrol was damaged by bombs which narrowly
missed the United States embassy during a Japanese
raid on the Chinese capital of Chungking. No casualties resulted but the navy said the stern superstructure of the small craft was damaged slightly.
Settlement of NBC-ASCAP Quarrel
Expected; Compromise is Studied
NEW YORK, July 30. (IP)—Return "Star Dust" and "End of a Perfect
to the National Broadcasting Com- Day."
pany's airlanes of hundreds o!
ASCAP said th eagreement reAmerica's best-loved songs appeared presented concessions on bota sides
near tonight as NBC and the Amer- under whbh NEC would pay 2 3-4
ican Society of Composers, Author.-, percent of network commercial rcand Pnb'u-her.- -tudied a <omi>i'om- .i'.p! , .oaip.ireil witii 3 |>.r :r
i'.»'' i V I N I l i i l T
M'Men-nmnlifj. old controversy ovci
rates for ASCAP music.
Ratification, both sides announced
awaited agreement on only a fewWASHINGTON, July 30 (IP)—Dr.
minor legal technicalities.
W. T. Jackman, professor of transASCAP announced that its library
portation at the University of Toronto, declared today that the Can- of songs by many leading comadian people had been kept in ig- posers for the last two or three
norance of the St. Lawrence Sea- generations would in all likelihood
way and power agreement between be available to NBC on Friday, oi
that country and the United States. not later than Monday.
This library includes "Rhapsody
Canada, he told the House Rivers
and Harbors Committee, was in no in Blue," "Old Man River," "God
position today and would not be Bless America," "Kiss Me Again,"
Soon after the news reached
Washington, President Roosevelt
in a position four or five years, to
discussed the bombing with Sumundertake the heavy financial resner Welles, acting Secretary of
ponsibility incident to constructState. Apparently in answer to a
ing the waterway.
summons from Welles, the Japanese
BERLIN, (Thursday), July 31 (IP) 'We may have a different governambassador, Admiral Kichisaburo —Germans reported early today ment by that time, and I might
Nomura, called at the State Depart- that more than 2,000 Russians had have to repudiate entirely
.been slain in one day's fighting agreement of today."
Emerging from his brief confer- about a bridgehead on the LeninIf the St. Lawrence project were
ence with the ambassador, Welles grad front and declared Russia's sound, Prof. Jackman said, "there
announced at his press conference second city now is in a precarious would be no reason to fear its prethat representations had been made position.
sentation to the electorate; but
to the Japanese government.
The Nazi armies in this sector, when government schemes are deHe declined to say whether he the informants said, are fighting vised and matured amid the secrethad administered personally a sev- their way to "a fast approaching iveness of government offices, these
ere rebuke to the ambassador, as important decisions."
clandestine results do not inspire
he did last week in denouncing JapEast of Smolensk on the central hope that they are for the public
an's move to take over military and front the Germans are smashing welfare."
WASHINGTON, July 30. (IP) —
naval bases in French Indo-Ohina. at encircled Russian forces and
The House began three days of
With tension in the Pacific al- causing "very bloody losses" among
debate on the $3,529,200,000 tax bill
ready high as a result of the Indo- them, informed sources declared.
today and approved curb on the
china move and retaliatory econonumber of amendments that may
The Russians were said by the
g offered to the unprecedented
mic measures against Japan by the Germans to be throwing whatever
United States, the British Empire troops are available into the fight
and the Netherlands, a stern atti- in the hope of relieving hard-pressNEW YORK, July 30 (IP)—Man- Republicans denounced the procetude was indicated here in connec- ed units, but "their destruction is hattan's district attorney, Thomas dure as "gag rule" which they contion with the Tutuila incident.
E. Dewey, whose reputation as a tended had no place in "the last
proceeding," it was stated.
Welles refused to say whether
racket-buster carried him almost to bulwark of democracy," but it finany indemnification was demanded
the Republican presidential nomin- ally was adopted by a roll-call vote
as in the case of the sinking of the
ation last year, announced today he announced as 203 to 168.
United States gunboat Panay in
Before this action, however, a
would foresake the career which
modification of the originally-planChina on December 12, 1937 with
made him famous.
a loss of two lives.
He declared in a seven-word ned procedure was agreed to by the
For that loss, the United States
statement, "I shall not run for dis- leadership to permit a separate vote
demanded and received $2,214,007.36
trict attorney" when his first four on the provision which would refor property damage and personal
year term in that office expires De- quire married couples to file joint
income tax returns and thus precasualties, together with a profuse.
cember 31.
vent them from escaping higher
Japanese apology.
Dewey said he hoped by his re- surtaxes by dividing their incomes.
Welles indicated the United
fusal, to run to establish a preceAs a result, the House will get a
States would reject any Japanese
dent for single-term office occu- chance to vote for or against that
claim that the Tutuila bombing was
pancy that would tend to make the provision, designed to yield about
a mistake.
job non-political.
$323,000,000, but the only other
The gunboat and the American
Asked whether he intended to re- changes which it will be possible to
embassy, he pointed out, were on
turn to private practice in January, consider under the rule will be
the opposite side of the Yangtze living in the last three months was he said merely, "I am a lawyer by those sanctioned by the Ways and
toriver from Chungking proper. They
- profession."
Means Committee.
were in a so-called "safety zone". day to have been one of the majo.
There appeared little doubt that
Chairmna Doughton (D-NC) of
He said a flight of 26 bombers
Dewey intended to remain in poli- the committee and other leaders
raided the Chinese capital, drop- asked Congress to pass price con- tics, although today he would not told the House that it would be
ping bombs near the Tutuila and trol legislation.
say that he had any particular of- dangerous to' "throw the bill wide
American property—the embassy. The statisticians said that Hvin's fice in mind.
open for amendments and some Recosts
Shanghai reports said the official
publicans conceded that such D
residence of the embassy also sufcourse would be unwise.
fered damage and that the damage September, 1939, but that more
Representatives Growther (Rto the Tutuial resulted from a mis- than half of the increase had ocNY) and Knutson (R-Minn) recurred in recent months.
sile which struck ten feet away.
minded the House that under Republican regimes it had been necesThe Tutuila, which narrowly es- From the middle of March to the
WASHINGTON, July 30 (.IP)—Thesary to curtail the amendment pricaped bombs during a raid on June middle of June, they said, a survey
15 which led to a strong American of items that wage earners buy in United States today pledged its vilege when tax bills were undti
protest to Japan, is under command 34 large cities showed that food continued support to the Czecho- consideration.
Immediately after adoption of the
of Lieut. Commander William Al- costs jumped 7.6 per cent, clothing slovakian people in their struggle
ger Bowers, 39, a native of Sevler- 1.2 per cent, rent 0.7 per cent, uti- to regain their freedom from Nazi restriction, Majority Leader McCorville, Tenn. It carries a normal crew lities 0.7 per cent, house furnish- conquest by according full recog- mack (D-Mass) informed the Houseings 3.6 per cent, and other things nition to the refuge provisional that no votes would be taken on
of 58 officers and men.
government of the republic of amendments or the bill itself until
It has been involved in several 1.4 per cent.
next Monday because the general
other narrow escapes from bombs, The figures, compiled by the Bu- Czechoslovakia in London.
which fell so close at one time last reau of Labor Statistics, showed, This country has now recognized debate would not be concluded unti
year that the crew was ordered to moreover ,that retail prices have all of the "fugitive governments Friday and no session was planned
"only begun" to reflect change.3 which have established temporary for Saturday.
take cover.
In opposing the rule, Rep. FM
These ana numerous other inci- which have been taking place in capitals outside German-occupied
dents affecting American interests wholesale markets—changes bound territory. Full recognition had pre- (R-NY) said that the new tax
in the Far East, coupled with a sooner or later to affect retail pri- viously, been accorded Poland, Bel- measure "doubles and triples taxes
gium, the Netherlands, Norway, on persons who make from $3,000 to
strong suspicion that Japan plans ces.
In the field of canned goods, fo: Yugoslavia and Greece, which have $30,000 a year. Such persons const!
further military moves in cooper'
tute only 5 per cent of the popula
ation with the Axis, were expected instance, the Bureau said that since set up governments in London, and Hon, he said, but "pay all the ta::
whole•to stiffen the American governes." His figures on the number of
ment's stand on the Tutuila bomb- sale prices of evaporated milk nan its government in Canada.
taxpayers were challenged quickly
Today's action raised the possi- by Democrats who asserted that
However, the Japanese luxury peaches 15 per cent, canned baked bility that the United States might persons in some of1 the lowest inliner Tatutu Maru received per- beans 11 per cent, canned string grant the provisional Czechoslovak come brackets paid a larger per
mission to enter a west coast port beans 38 per cent, canned corn 24 government aid under the lend- centage of tax than their more
to discharge its passengers, includ- per cent, canned tomatoes 20 per lease act to arm and maintain well-to-do neighbors.
cent, canned pink salmon 44 per military units. Such Czecho-Slbvak
ing about 100 Americans.
Opening debate, Doughton told
Customs authorities also promis- cent, and peanut butter 10 per cent. units are now fighting with the the House that he was quoted re
(Continued on Page 7.)
British and others are being or- cently "and possibly corectly," as
ed that an application to discharge
ganized to fight with the Russians announcing that Congress probably
its $2,500,000 raw silk cargo and to
take on other goods would be "ex- der freezing Japanese assets and against Germany.
would be forced to enact a general
peditiously cpnsldered" but failed have been waiting for adequate assales tax and lower individual in
to give definite commitments.
surances that they would not be LONDON. July 30. WP)—Foreign come tax exemptions next year in
Secretary Anthony Eden called upon order to finace the defense proThe Tatutu Maru, with" other seized before coming into port.
Japanese vessels, halted their voyLate today the Tatutu Maru en- the Japanese today to "reflect, while gram. Doughton said he had spoken
ages to American ports abruptly tered the Golden Gate at San Fran- there still is time, whither their "on the spur of the moment" and
(Continued on Page 7.)
lilt week *efpre iuuance of the or- oiwo.
present policy i« leading them."
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Nazis Say Royal Navy Has Entered
Far Northern Struggle to Relieve
Red Armies Protecting Leningrad
i'|l;V ,'lln
AHCA1' on their rc.-pfclivi' IKMV
.if network receipts.
The new agreement, ASCAP said,
would specify payment of 2 1-4 percent by individual stations on their
local receipts.
ASCAP said the agreement rewould probably reduce its radio revenue from these sources by about
40 percent. The organization originally demanded that networks
pay 7 1-2 percent. The contract
which expired last December 31
provided 5 percent.
•,\:<.iM'iii'i',tMl pi.'es.- '
Bi-'M ish- U'ussiiin olTViisiw ;n*1 imi m the AVH'ii',
region was reported last night by the (lenuans mid
the possibility was thus raised that the Royal navy
had entered the far northern struggle in an effort to
relieve the Red armies protecting Leningrad by creating a major diversion in Nazi-held Norway.
Possible, too, but perhaps not so plausible was
that the British intended to make a major assault on
German positions in Norway while the Nazis were
busy with the Russians.
WASHINGTON, July 30 (IP) —
intelligence reports that
Germany has expanded her army
from 810,000 to nearly 4,000,000 men
since the start of the war were cited by Senator Thomas (D-Utah)
today to emphasize the need of retaining selectees, guardsmen and
reservists in service beyond the
Berlin asserted that 28 British
present one-year limit.
planes which had taken off from an
Opponents of the service exten- aircraft carrier in the Arctic Ocean
sion, led by Senator Taft (R-Ohio), were shot down in air combat and
asserted that the general staff by anti-aircraft guns over northern
NEW YORK, July 30. (#•)—Govsought to abandon its original con- Norway in an attempt to attack a
cept of training a large reserve of northern Norwegian port and that ernor Herbert H. Lehman declared
men in favor of perfecting a com- two German planes had been lost today that the United States' immediate contribution to Hitler's depact fighting force in which a in the engagement.
feat would be assurance of victory
selectee might find himself servMoreover, the Germans declar- in the battle of the Atlantic, ana
ing for the duration of the emer- ed that the British had struck
he urged Americans to support "a
simultaneously with an attack by foreign policy adequate to meet
The khaki of a dozen soldiers Soviet bombers on northern Nor- this world threat to our way of
dotted the crowded galleries as wegian territory.
the Senate opened debate on the Afield, the Nazis claimed that
In a statement released by nacontroversial legislation.
Mean- Leningrad, one of their three mational headquarters of the Commitwhile the House Military Commit- jor objectives in the Russian camtee to Defend America, the govertee, by a 15-7 vote, approved a paign, was apparently caught in
nor said:—
similar bill and leaders made plans a fatal trap and that a major break"The battle of the Atlantic is
to press it in that chamber next through at the Smolensk salient toone of the most crucial battles of
WASHINGTON, July 30. (IP)— week.
ward Moscow, objective No. 1, was the war to us. If Hitler loi
President Roosevelt asked Congress
now imminent.
will eventually be defeated,'
today for power to regulate prices
The Russians—and this, too, was ter what conquests are mV els
in order to check inflation, and
unofficial — offered an altogether where."
many members of the national ledifferent picture, one of continuing
gislature immediately expressed apRed counter-attacks which were
proval of the general objective outdeclared not only to have broken in Moscow was one of confidence.
In London, the Polish government
SAN FRANCISCO, July 30 (IP) — the Nazi offensives generally but
Their comments indicated that The $15,000,000 Japanese liner Ta- to have turned them in some areas in exile signed with Russian representatives an agreement freezing
debate would center about methods, tuta Maru finally risked coming into costly forced retirements.
rather than the goal.
into port today—six days behind
Reliable private advices received 300,000 Polish war prisoners —takPrice legislation, Mr. Roosevelt schedule—but the vessel's stay will by the Associated Press in New en by the Russians in helping Gersaid in a special message, was ne- be a short one.
York stated that the German high many to tear Poland apart some
cessary to protect the nation against
Obviously concerned over the command expected the fall of Len- two years ago—to fight with the
Reds against their old German col"the evil consequences of a chao- tense international situation, NYK ingrad at any time.
tic struggle for gains which must line officials said the prized ship
Official reports from both sides laborators.
The day's principal development
prove either illusory or unjust and would take on fuel and supplies were full of the heavy restraint
which must lead to the disaster of hastily and pull out for Japan that sometimes foreshadows an- in the far eastern crisis, raised by
unchecked inflation."
early tomorrow.
nouncements of the utmost impor- Japa nin her current occupation
of military bases in southern French
It developed, meanwhile, that
The Tatuta's original schedule tance.
Indo-China, was the emerging posChairman Steagall (D-Ala) had would have taken her to Los AnThe Nazi war bulletin spoke only sibility that Indo-China might be a
been at work since Friday on spe- geles to discharge passengers and of continuing and futile Russian
cific legislation—a bill authorizing refuel but all passengers are be- attempts to relieve Red forces said side adventure after all and that
Mr. Roosevelt to prescribe maxi- ing put off here. It appeared cer- to be encircled at the center about Japan was getting ready for a
mum prices and rental charges, to tain the ship's $2,500,000 silk cargo Smolensk, and dismissed opera- grand assault on Soviet Siberia if
and when the Germans knock out
ieal with excesses in installment would not be unloaded.
tions elsewhere with the old des- the Red western armies.
credit, and to make purchases oi
All kinds of stories of anxiety, of cription: 'According to plan."
Informed Chinese quarters in
sales of commodities with a view planned escapes by rowboats, of
Yesterday's Soviet communique Peiping expressed the settled opin;o stabilize the price.
demands that the ship dock, and of offered only the bare information
ion that such a move was in preWhere farm commodities were consternation over reports of a pos- that there was "continued stub- paration. They said they had heard
concerned, it was understood that
born fighting" in the Nevel-Smol- that the Japanese command was as;he new checks would become eper- the 243 passengers who streamed ensk area and about Zhitomir in sembling in Manchoukuo and North
itive only w'hen the prices of these ashore.
the Ukraine, although reporting the China armies which eventually
The ship was due in last Thurs- kind of heavy and continuing R e d r
;o above parity—that is above a
w o u l d aggregate 2,000,000 men.
'.evel where farm products have the day, but because of the grave situ- aerial action which ordinarily sup-1 j ^ a s p e ech in Tokyo, the Japame purchasing power, in terms ation, had waited outside the Gol- ports offensive rather than de- a n e s e pre mier, Prince Fumimaro
:>f industrial goods, that they had den Gate, until .today. About 100 fensive actions.
Konoye, issued some grave generAmerican citizens were aboard.
n 1909-1914.
Again this (Thursday) morning, alities which quite conceivably
The bill, it was said, would emcoudl point to ank attac on the
spoke only of heavy action at the Russians. He spoke in round genpower the president to act througli
center and below Leningrad, re- eralities of a "historic renovation"
xny agency he might designate. It
porting heavy German losses.
vas on this point that the princiof Japanese policy which must be
The official Communist party carried out with swiftness and depal controversy seemed likely tc
newspaper Pravda, which speaks termination and he said without
develop. Some members of ConPEIPING, China, July 30." (IP)—
jress were of the opinion that The conviction that Japan is pre- with considerable authority, insist- elaboration that the German-Ruspower so broad should be granted paring for a great assault on Soviet ed that the three key German ef- sian was "is bringing serious efonly to a specially created con- Siberia if and when the Red armies forts to reach Moscow, Leningrad fects on Japan."
gressional agency, and not to the n the west are smashed by Adol: and Kiev—had now been defeated 2-AOD-WAR
axecutive department. Nevertheless, Hitler's legions is growing in in- without question and that German Anthony Eden,-the British foreign
nearly all seemed agreed that some .'ormed Chinese circles in this north losses in men, morale and supplies secretary, warned the Japanese to
had been tremendous.
action should be taken to keep Ohina observation post.
"reflect, while there still is time,
prices within moderate limits.
Behlin claimed that Leningrad whither their present policy is leadFrom
was being fixed in a pincers formed ing them."
For instance, Senator Wheeler
"I cannot believe," he said before
(D-Mont) than whom the admin- mow Tokyo's plans they say they oy German forces north and south
the British House of Commons in
istration has had no more vigorous nave heard that the Japanese com- of the town.
Nazi troops, having destroyed two a plain effort to head off possible
and unyielding critic in the field mand is gathering in Manchuky
;f foreign aaffirs, announced im- md North China forces which Russian divisions west of Lake Japanese acts which might lead to
mediately that he was "entirely in eventually will total 2,000,000 mer. Peipus in Estonia, were declared to major war in the Orient, "that
accord with the view that action and 5,000 planes for a determine:, have formed a line below Leningrad statesmanship in Japan is entirely
affort to break Russian power in the oetween the city and large Russian dead or blind."
was necessary.
Far East for good,
forces in Estonia which had held
A slight further strain, at least,
Rep. Wolcott (R-Mich) the rankChinese, some of whom work in the outer defenses of the Lenin- was put upon American-Japanese
ing Republican member of the
relations during the day by the
House Banking committee, made close liaison with the Japanese
Meanwhile, it was asserted that fact that the little U. S. gunboat
known his agreement with the gen- rulers of North China, express firm
eral objective and suggested that belief that Japan is preparing tc Finnish - German columns were Tutuila was slightly damaged toy a
Congress should also give study to take her national existence on a pushing down on the city from the Japanese bomb which dropped but
controlling "one of the most direct drive into the Russian Far East north across the Karelian Isthmus. 10 yards from her during a Japanese
As to the center, Berlin claimed air raid on the Chinese capital of
causes of inflation—namely unusual when the opportune time comes.
increases in the velocity of credit." They say their Japanese contact': that even the Nazi rear guard had Chungking.
An adjustment should be made, too, are coasting that Japan is making now reached the Smolensk area No one aboard the ship was
he said, to establish and maintain ready to hurl the largest army the and that advanced units were oper- wounded.
a proper relationship between empire has assembled into such an ating far ahead in the vicinity of
The American State Department
wages and prices.
attack and that the occupation of Vvazma, only 130 miles short of made immediate representations
to the Japanese government over
On the other hand, senator Smith French Indo-China is merely a side Moscow.
Despite all this, the atmosphere the incident.
(Continued on Page 7,)
Approves Curb on Number President Seeks Power to
of Amendments That
"Avoid Disaster of UnMay be Offered
checked Inflation
3.4 Per Cent Boost in Prices
Revealed by Government
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