Download 5 Themes of Geography

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Document related concepts
5 Themes of Geography
1. Location - Where people and places
are on the Earth’s surface.
2. Place - The human and physical
characteristics of a location.
3. Region - Area of Earth’s surface
with similar characteristics.
4. Movement - How people,
products, information and ideas
move from place to place, and what
happens as a result.
5. Human-Environment Interaction
– How people adapt to the
environment or modify it to suit their
Name ________________
Date _________
Class _______
5 Themes of Geography mini-Project
Using Austin, Texas as your selected location you will complete the following:
Make a poster ( a regular piece of paper) to demonstrate t the Five Themes of Geography. Each
theme should have at least one but no more than two pictures; you may cut these out of magazines,
print them from the computer, draw them yourself or use actual photographs, and….
Along with pictures, you will write information with details about each theme in regards to the place
you have choosen. The themes are listed below.
You must include both the absolute (longitude and latitude) and relative (bordering cities,
countries, landmarks, etc., whatever is appropriate for your choice) location of your place.
Include physical features, landforms, capitals and major cities, climate, plant and animal life,
altitude, soil, etc. Include human features such as population, housing, language, economy, customs and
Human/Environment Interaction:
Show how the people and the environment interact in this
Positive Interaction looks like recycling, conserving resources, replanting trees, planned
development with safeguards for the environment and such. Negative Interaction looks like pollution,
wasting resources, cutting down trees, development with no regards to the environment and so on.
Movement: (people, goods, and ideas) Show major forms of transportation, major imports and exports,
are there any ports (air or sea) or harbors?
this place?
What does communication (movement of ideas) look like in
Show which region it is in, this may be a region in the state it is in, or in in the country it is
in. Also, include which continent it is located in. For example, Winston-Salem is in the Piedmont region
of N.C. and the Southeastern region of the United States. It is also located in the North American
continent. You will be graded as follows:
Neat, colorful and creative
5 Points ________
Pictures show an understanding of this theme
5 Points ________
Paragraph shows understanding of this theme
10Points ________
Neat, colorful and creative
5 Points _________
Demonstrated an understanding of this theme
5 Points _________
Paragraph shows understanding of this theme
10 Points _________
Human/Environment Interaction
Neat, colorful and creative
5 Points _________
Pictures show an understanding of this theme
5 Points _________
Paragraph shows understanding of this theme
10 Points _________
Neat, colorful and creative
5 Points _________
Pictures show an understanding of this theme
5 Points _________
Paragraph shows understanding of this theme
10 Points _________
Neat, colorful and creative
5 Points _________
Pictures show an understanding of this theme
5 Points _________
Paragraph shows understanding of this theme
10 Points _________