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is the origin and evolution of a species
The degree of relatedness among organisms can be determined by examining developmental, structural,and molecular traits. Ancestral relationships can be mapped out like a family tree (called a phylogenetic tree). Each branch represents a more recent ancestor, and the length of the branch indicates time.
Plant Evolution
Seedless Gymnosperms
Vascular Plants Angiosperms
Early Flowering Plants
Early Seed Plants
Early Vascular Plants
Millions of Years
Origin of Plants
Algal Ancestors
trees, such as this one, illustrate evolutionary relationships.
• similarities in stages of embryonic development reveal relatedness • the developing embryos of a chicken and a human look almost identical!!!!
• organisms that share similar anatomical characteristics are more closely related than those that do not
• Corresponding organs and body parts that are alike in structure and origin are homologous structures
• a large number of shared homologous structures is considered evidence that two species are closely related to each other
• related species share a common ancestor from which the "shared derived characters" evolved
example of homologous structures:
These shared derived characters (like bones) evolved from a common ancestor species that had a similar set of limbs!
• similarities at the molecular level reveal relatedness • DNA, mitochondrial DNA, and protein structures DNA
protein structure
Cladograms (CLAY­doe­grams)
• A phylogenetic tree shows the shared derived characteristics of different species and the degree to which they are related.
• Species are the tips of the branches and the shared derived characters of the homologous structures are shown along the branches by a solid square.
• The species that was a common ancestor to both branches is shown with an open circle.
Example Cladograms
Close relationships are shown by a recent fork from the supporting branch. The closer the fork in the branch between two organisms, the closer the relationship.
This cladogram is super­imposed over a Venn Diagram that shows what characteristics species have in common.
Complete the Venn diagram by dragging each species to the appropriate circle.
Wolf: carnivore
House Cat:
Horse: hair
Leopard: retractable claws
Horse: hair
Wolf: carnivore
Leopard: retractable claws
House Cat:
This information can be drawn out from a simple data tab which species that indicates has each trait:
Place an "x" in the box if the animal has the characteristic:
What do you notice about the total # of X's and the position in the Venn Diagram?