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 Reactive airway disease
 Chronic inflammatory lung disease
Inflammation causes varying degrees of
obstruction in the airways
 Asthma is reversible in early stages
Triggers of Asthma
Respiratory Infections
Nose and Sinus problems
Drugs and Food Additives
Emotional Stress
Early and Late Phases of Responses of
Fig. 28-1
 Bronchospasm
 Airway inflammation
Early-Phase Response
 Peaks 30-60 minutes post exposure, subsides 3090 minutes later
 Characterized primarily by bronchospasm
 Increased mucous secretion, edema formation,
and increased amounts of tenacious sputum
 Patient experiences wheezing, cough, chest
tightness, and dyspnea
Late-Phase Response
 Characterized primarily by inflammation
 Histamine and other mediators set up a selfsustaining cycle increasing airway reactivity
causing hyperresponsiveness to allergens and
other stimuli
 Increased airway resistance leads to air trapping
in alveoli and hyperinflation of the lungs
 If airway inflammation is not treated or does not
resolve, may lead to irreversible lung damage
Factors Causing Airway Obstruction in
Fig. 28-3
Summary of Pathophysiologic
 Reduction in airway diameter
 Increase in airway resistance r/t
Mucosal inflammation
Constriction of smooth muscle
Excess mucus production
Clinical Manifestations
 Unpredictable and variable
 Recurrent episodes of wheezing,
breathlessness, cough, and tight chest
Clinical Manifestations
 Expiration may be prolonged from a
inspiration-expiration ratio of 1:2 to 1:3 or
 Between attacks may be asymptomatic
with normal or near-normal lung function
Clinical Manifestations
 Wheezing is an unreliable sign to gauge
severity of attack
 Severe attacks can have no audible
wheezing due to reduction in airflow
 “Silent chest” is ominous sign of
impending respiratory failure
Clinical Manifestations
Difficulty with air movement can create a
feeling of suffocation
Patient may feel increasingly anxious
Mobilizing secretions may become difficult
Clinical Manifestations
Examination of the patient during an acute
attack usually reveals signs of hypoxemia
Increased anxiety
Inappropriate behavior
Increased pulse and blood pressure
Pulsus paradoxus (drop in systolic BP during
inspiratory cycle >10)
Status asthmaticus
 Severe, life-threatening attack refractory
to usual treatment where patient poses
risk for respiratory failure
Diagnostic Studies
 Detailed history and physical exam
 Pulmonary function tests
 Peak flow monitoring
 Chest x-ray
 ABGs
Diagnostic Studies
 Oximetry
 Allergy testing
 Blood levels of eosinophils
 Sputum culture and sensitivity
Collaborative Care
 Education
Start at time of diagnosis
Integrated into every step of clinical care
 Self-management
Tailored to needs of patient
Emphasis on evaluating outcome in terms of
patient’s perceptions of improvement
Collaborative Care
Acute Asthma Episode
O2 therapy should be started and monitored
with pulse oximetry or ABGs in severe cases
Inhaled -adrenergic agonists by metered
dose using a spacer or nebulizer
Corticosteroids indicated if initial response is
Collaborative Care
Acute Asthma Episode
Therapy should continue until patient
• is breathing comfortably
• wheezing has disappeared
• pulmonary function study results are
near baseline values
Collaborative Care
Status asthmaticus
Most therapeutic measures are the same as
for acute
Increased frequency & dose of
Continuous -adrenergic agonist nebulizer
therapy may be given
Collaborative Care
Status asthmaticus
IV corticosteroids
Continuous monitoring
Supplemental O2 to achieve values of 90%
IV fluids are given due to insensible loss of
Mechanical ventilation is required if there is
no response to treatment
Drug Therapy
 Long-term control medications
Achieve and maintain control of persistent
 Quick-relief medications
Treat symptoms of exacerbations
Drug Therapy
 Bronchodilators
-adrenergic agonists
(e.g., albuterol, salbutamol[Ventolin])
 Acts in minutes, lasts 4 to 8 hours
 Short-term relief of bronchoconstriction
 Treatment of choice in acute exacerbations
Drug Therapy
 Bronchodilators
 Useful
in preventing bronchospasm
precipitated by exercise and other stimuli
 Overuse may cause rebound bronchospasm
 Too frequent use indicates poor asthma
control and may mask severity
Drug Therapy
 Bronchodilators (longer acting)
– 12 or 24 hr; useful for nocturnal asthma
Avoid contact with tongue to decrease side
Can be used in combination therapy with
inhaled corticosteroid
Drug Therapy
Antiinflammatory drugs
Corticosteroids (e.g., beclomethasone,
 Suppress inflammatory response
 Inhaled form is used in long-term control
 Systemic form to control exacerbations and
manage persistent asthma
Drug Therapy
Antiinflammatory drugs
 Corticosteroids
 Do
not block immediate response to
allergens, irritants, or exercise
 Do block late-phase response to subsequent
bronchial hyperresponsiveness
 Inhibit release of mediators from
macrophages and eosinophils
Drug Therapy
Anti-inflammatory drugs
Mast cell stabilizers (e.g., cromolyn, nedocromil)
 Inhibit release of histamine
 Inhibit late-phase response
 Long-term administration can prevent and reduce
bronchial hyper-reactivity
 Effective in exercise-induced asthma when used 10
to 20 minutes before exercise
Drug Therapy
 Leukotriene modifiers (e.g. Singulair)
Leukotriene – potent bronchco-constrictors
and may cause airway edema and
Have broncho-dilator and anti-inflammatory
Patient Teaching Related to Drug
Correct administration of drugs is a major
factor in determining success in asthma
Some persons may have difficulty using an MDI
and therefore should use a spacer or nebulizer
DPI (dry powder inhaler) requires less manual
dexterity and coordination
Patient Teaching Related to Drug
Inhalers should be cleaned by removing dust
cap and rinsing with warm water
-adrenergic agonists should be taken first if
taking in conjunction with corticosteroids
Nursing Management
Nursing Diagnoses
 Ineffective airway clearance
 Anxiety
 Ineffective therapeutic regimen
Nursing Management
 Normal or near-normal pulmonary function
 Normal activity levels
 No recurrent exacerbations of asthma or
decreased incidence of asthma attacks
 Adequate knowledge to participate in and
carry out management
Nursing Management
Health Promotion
Teach patient to identify and avoid
known triggers
 Use
dust covers
 Use of scarves or masks for cold air
 Avoid aspirin or NSAIDs
Desensitization can decrease sensitivity
to allergens
Nursing Management
Health Promotion
Prompt diagnosis and treatment of upper
respiratory infections and sinusitis may
prevent exacerbation
Fluid intake of 2 to 3L every day
Nursing Management
Health Promotion
Adequate nutrition
 Adequate sleep
 Take -adrenergic agonist 10 to 20
minutes prior to exercising
Nursing Management
Nursing Implementation
Acute Intervention
Monitor respiratory and cardiovascular
 Lung sounds
 Respiratory rate
 Pulse
 BP
Nursing Management
Nursing Implementation
 ABGs
 Pulse
 FEV and PEFR
 Work of breathing
Response to therapy
Nursing Management
Nursing Implementation
Nursing Interventions
 Administer
 Bronchodilators
 Chest physiotherapy
 Medications (as ordered)
 Ongoing patient monitoring
Nursing Management
Nursing Implementation
An important goal of nursing is to decrease
the patient’s sense of panic
Stay with patient
Encourage slow breathing using pursed lips for
prolonged expiration
Position comfortably
Nursing Management
Nursing Implementation
 The
patient must learn about medications
and develop self-management strategies
 Patient
and health care professional must
monitor responsiveness to medication
 Patient
must understand importance of
continuing medication when symptoms are
not present
Nursing Management
Nursing Implementation
 Important patient teaching:
Seek medical attention for bronchospasm or
when severe side effects occur
Maintain good nutrition
Exercise within limits of tolerance
Nursing Management
Nursing Implementation
 Important patient teaching (cont.):
Patient must learn to measure their peak flow
at least daily
Asthmatics frequently do not perceive changes
in their breathing
Nursing Management
Nursing Implementation
 Counseling may be indicated to resolve
 Relaxation therapies may help relax
respiratory muscles and decrease
respiratory rate
Nursing Management
Nursing Implementation
Peak Flow Results
 Green zone
Usually 80-100% of personal best
Remain on medications
Nursing Management
Nursing Implementation
Peak Flow Results
 Yellow zone
Usually 50-80% of personal best
Indicates caution
Something is triggering asthma
Nursing Management
Nursing Implementation
Peak Flow Results
 Red zone
50% or less of personal best
Indicates serious problem
Definitive action must be taken with health care