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What is Education? Who is qualified to determine what it is? How do we know if they are right? What is to be
taught? Who is should teach? Who has authority over education? How is it to be taught? These are some very
important questions and the future of Kansas is literally riding on the answers.
Why am I qualified to speak on this? My profession as a pastor is dedicated to being an expert on Ethics and
Morals. I am a student of the one who invented education, the institution of family, the institution of the
Church, the institution of government, the creator of people, of the mind, and of morality and ethics. He is the
most credible authority over how things are and how things ought to be setup for our benefit including
education. He is the one whom the founders sought to find laws and find our rights according to His word when
they founded a republic government that protected the individual. He is the one the founders feared when they
rejected a majority or “mob” rule style of government called democracy. He is the King of Kings, the Lord of
Lords, the Almighty, the Prime Mover, the “I am”. He is the Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who is best
known by the manifestation in the flesh who made the father known. His name is Jesus called Christ. He alone
possesses the wisdom and knowledge to do right by the most precious little ones that He has placed us stewards
over as parents. I am qualified to speak on this because my source of information is superior in credibility to all
other sources.
I am also qualified to speak on education because the issue of morality in education is the MOST important
thing taught or not taught in the education system. Imagine being supremely effective with achieving the
production of excellent students in all Industries and arenas. Then imagine that not one of them has any
morality or ethics. The result would be extraordinarily smart and ambition wicked lawyers, wicked doctors,
wicked scientists, wicked pharmacists, wicked CEO’s, wicked government leaders, wicked parents, wicked
educational professionals, wicked social workers and yes you guessed it…wicked used car salesmen. Yes,
obviously morality is the supreme subject in our education system that gives rise to a healthy future. If we
don’t respond with the teaching of morality correctly, our future could be doomed…and it would be all your
fault. Imagine someone with good intent that instructs someone to do something wrong that is really right. Or
instructs someone to do something right that is really wrong. We cannot afford peoples perceptions on morality
or rely on good hearted intent or even seemingly sound research and study but on morality that has worked to
make us the most prosperous World leader we are today in a very short time. Research the moral primers of
antiquity and you will find the vast emphasis on morality according to a third party source. That source is the
inspired word of God.
I am sure by know you recognize my bias and insensitivity to other “world views”. You’ve heard the cliché,
“don’t push your morals on me!” The catch 22 of picking what is right or wrong in education is that no matter
what, someone’s morals are going to be picked and someone’s morals are going to be excluded. Picking no
moral to teach is still picking to teach no morals for our future to learn. I don’t envy your decision.
Now, I know what your thinking…it is a political nightmare full of lawsuits and phone calls for everyone
involved if you “pick” Christianity. Or if you pick a different answer and are wrong, could you bear the
consequences of being wrong?
The easy answer is….provide options or “wiggle room” in your definition to education.
What is the MOST important question you need to resolve with extreme conviction and accuracy at today’s
hearing? Who has the God given right to have authority over our children?
Answer: The institution of government should not have authority over education but serve the people (who are
the government) by carrying out the wishes of the parents to the best of the government’s ability. This means
we, as parents, should choose! This is the American way. This is the way of FREEDOM that was paid for us
by the blood of our ancestors. If you take the ability away from the parents to choose for their children, you will
be responsible for oppressing the wishes of every culture and every belief. If you take the ability away from the
parents to choose for their kids it will be a universally offensive strategy to make all people equally miserable
and wronged.
I believe that congress, according to the constitution is supposed to provide education. But I believe it is now
being interpreted by government to become a new, majority rules, parent overthrower. Wouldn’t government
still be providing education if it allowed the people to choose what is best for their kids? Isn’t that the best of
both worlds? Would that not provide the education for the kids and the freedom for the parents?
Here is my proposed solution: Give the parents vouchers. Allow the parents to either enter the public education
system OR to use the same money allocated to the student for use toward private school tuition or homeschool
costs. Money could be used in these scenarios for personalized tutors or special-ed teachers or music/art
classes, etc. Vouchers used for homeschoolers would obviously have to be reimbursed on the back end with
oversight to ensure no misuse of funds.
With parental control, all the other important questions are answered. you don’t have to decide the who
teaches, when they teach, how they teach, what they teach; the parents do. Does this not seem fair? Let me
choose where my tax dollars go. Let me choose how my child is taught. Let me choose who teaches my child.
Let me choose what my child learns. Let me choose the welfare of MY child. Let me choose. Give me the
freedom to choose so I can fulfill my duty to my child and to God as a parent.
Define education as that which the parents deem necessary for their children. Provided that Parental Choice is
implemented, you would have the choice to be free to embrace the rich Christian Heritage and Morale in the
public school option without fear of oppressing the individual. If parents do not wish to participate because
they hold different morals and values and cultural world views, they can simply place their child in a private
school of their choice or homeschool and have tax-funded assistance to do so despite socio-economic status. It
is a win-win scenario for all individuals.
Please consider including the concept of “the government being a servant to the wishes of the parents for their
children” in your definition of education. Please also consider that the state has a responsibility to make
available the teaching of right and wrong of our Christian heritage as written by the inspired word of God as the
default public education system. And lastly, please consider making an option to accommodate parental
choices, whether directly or indirectly, whether private, public, or homeschool options, or whether by financial
support or administration, so that the government can fulfill its charge to educate in a righteous and just manner.
Thank You for your time and consideration.
Cordell Fischer