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Review Questions- end of semester
WHI Voorhees
1. What is the scientific name for man?
a. Hominid
b. Lucy
c. Homo Sapiens
d. Paleolithic
2. On what continent do scientists believe that mankind began?
a. Africa
b. Europe
c. Asia
d. North America
3. What shifted Paleolithic man into the Neolithic Age?
a. Fire
b. Clothing
c. Pottery
d. Agriculture
4. The ____________ of animals helped early man to stop being nomadic.
a. Killing
b. Domestication
c. Hunting
d. Selling
5. Archeologists use this test to determine the date/age of organic artifacts.
a. Uranium dating
c. Gold dating
b. Silicon dating
d. Radiocarbon dating
6. In what river valley did ancient Egyptian civilization emerge?
a. Tigris and Euphrates
b. Huang He
c. Indus
d. Nile
7. What is the arc of farmable land stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the
Persian Gulf?
a. Fertile Triangle
c. Fertile Circle
b. Fertile Crescent
d. Fertile Square
8. What is the people group that spread the alphabet around the Mediterranean
a. Egyptians
World History
b. Babylonians
c. Assyrians
d. Phoenicians
9. What is the first written law code, collected by one of the kings of ancient Babylon?
a. Hammurabi’s Code
c. King Tut’s Code
b. Sargon’s Code
d. Indus Code
10. What is the name of the first written language?
a. Hieroglyphics
b. Demotic
c. Cuneiform
d. Sanskrit
11. With the exception of the Hebrews, most peoples of the Middle East were
a. Monotheistic
b. Polytheistic
c. Atheist
d. Christian
12. Cyrus the Great was the ruler of what great empire in the Middle East?
a. Babylonian
b. Egyptian
c. Sumerian
d. Persian
13. What group invaded India and affected the Indian culture?
a. Aryans
b. Persians
c. Chinese
d. Koreans
14. India experienced its “Golden Age” under the leadership of what group?
a. Maurya
b. Persians
c. Guptas
d. Hindus
15. What religion believes in Karma, Dharma, and the Caste System?
a. Buddhism
b. Islam
c. Christianity
d. Hinduism
16. What trade route facilitated trade between China and the West?
a. Silk Road
b. Porcelain Road
c. North Sea Route
d. Cotton Road
17. What Indian ruler spread Buddhism from India into Asia?
a. Wudi
b. Confucius
c. Asoka
d. Laozi
18. Which early Greek city-state was very militaristic?
a. Athens
World History
b. Troy
c. Sparta
d. Constantinople
19. In which war did Athens and Sparta work together to defeat the enemy empire?
a. Peloponnesian War
c. Persian Wars
b. Punic War
d. Pericles War
20. What was the name of the Greek goddess of wisdom?
a. Zeus
b. Athena
c. Hera
d. Aphrodite
21. Ancient Athens was the first city-state to develop what type of Government?
a. Democracy
b. Tyranny
c. Monarchy
d. Oligarchy
22. Which man is credited with creating the Iliad and the Odyssey?
a. Aristotle
b. Plato
c. Socrates
d. Homer
23. The foundation of modern democracy was derived from which of the following?
a. The New Testament
b. The Roman Republic
c. The Laws of Rome
d. The Roman Empire
24. Rome was victorious in the Punic Wars over what country?
a. Spain
b. Great Britain
c. Gaul
d. Carthage
25. The Roman Empire collapsed because of civil war over the power of Julius Caesar
and what economic issue?
a. Devaluation of Roman currency
c. A belief in polytheism
b. An unstable civil service
d. Lack of technological advances
26. What institution held medieval society together after the fall of Rome?
a. The army
b. The Academic Society
c. The Catholic Church
World History
d. The FFA
27. Which of the following does not reflect achievements of Emperor Justinian?
a. Codification of laws
b. Trade expansion
c. Creation of Cyrillic alphabet
d. Reuniting former Roman territories
28. All of the following are Roman achievements except which?
a. Roads
b. Aqueducts
c. Algebra
d. Arches
29. In Roman times, who wrote the Aeneid?
a. Shakespeare
b. Virgil
c. Homer
d. Petrarch
30. The principle of “innocent until proven guilty” comes from what Roman code of law?
a. 10 Commandments
c. Caesar’s code
b. Justice papers
d. the Twelve Tables
31. Which of the following is not one of the Pillars of Islam?
a. Charity
b. Fasting
c. Baptizing
d. Pilgrimage
32. An important cultural contribution of the Muslims would be which of these?
a. Development of gunpowder
b. Preservation of ancient Greek and Roman texts
c. Establishment of trade with Australia
d. Building of churches throughout the empire
33. Many people adopted the Arabic language as trade expanded in the Islamic Empire.
This spread of culture would be best characterized by what term below?
a. Acculturation
World History
b. Taxation
c. Diffusion
d. Xenophobia
34. At what famous battle did Charles “the Hammer” Martel halt the spread of Islam
into Western Europe?
a. Hastings
b. Tours
c. Salamis
d. Agincourt
35. All of the following are scientific achievements of the Muslims except:
a. Invention of the compass
b. Algebra
c. Adaptation of Arabic numerals
d. Medicine
36. What is the name of the governmental system designed for protection and based
on the ownership of land?
a. Feudalism
b. Monarchy
c. Oligarchy
d. Dictatorship
37. What English King signed the Magna Carta, limiting the power of the English
a. King Henry VIII in 1515
c. King Louis in 1675
b. King Richard in 1175
d. King John in 1215
38. Hugh Capet established the first dynasty of _________.
a. England
b. France
c. Holy Roman Empire
d. Spain
39. What religion focuses on nature spirits, honoring ancestors, and is unique to
a. Shinto
b. Buddhism
c. Confucianism
d. Hinduism
40. In Ghana West Africa they traded their gold for what commodity?
a. Water
World History
b. Salt
c. Spices
d. Silver
41. For the three West African kingdoms- which of the following chronological orders is
a. Songhai, Ghana, Mali
b. Mali, Songhai, Ghana
c. Ghana, Mali, Songhai
d. Ghana, Songhai, Mali
42. What are the three Western Civilizations around 1500 CE?
a. England, France, Germany
c. Aztec, Mayan, Incan
b. Italy, Greece, Rome
d. Russia, China, Japan
43. This Russian Tsar threw off the Mongol rule, centralized power in Moscow, and
expanded the Russian nation:
a. Ivan the Great
b. Nicholas II
c. Peter the Great
d. Joe the Terrible
44. What pope was responsible for calling the first Crusade?
a. Pope Leo III
b. Pope Gregory VII
c. Pope Urban II
d. Pope John Paul II
45. Where did the Renaissance begin?
a. Paris, France
b. Munich, Germany
c. London, England
World History
d. Florence, Italy