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U.S. History WWI Semester 1 Exam Review ANSWERS
Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper and use the questions and answers to
study for the multiple choice test during Semester 1 Finals Week.
1. Why did immigrants come to the United States? Jobs
2. Why did a quarter of a million Chinese immigrants come to the United States to work? Work on RR
3. What were the major reasons the United States placed few restrictions on immigration during the 1800’s?
Needed workers
4. Who were the Nativists during the immigration time period and what policies did they want the government
to pass? Nativists were against immigrants and they wanted quotas
5. What were working conditions like in factories during Industrialization in the1800s? unsafe, long hours, low
pay, no security
6. Why did people from farms and rural areas come to the big cities during the 1800s? jobs
7. What technological developments built industries and changed cities during the 1800s? Which development
was most significant in impacting accessibility, size, and population of cities? Skyscrapers, transportation,
8. What was one of the early symbols of the dawning era of consumerism in urban America? The department
9. What was Henry Ford’s significant contribution to the industrialization? Assembly line
10. What did the Statue of Liberty represent and what words at her pedestal show this? Welcome to
immigrants; give me your tired, your poor, those yearning to be free.
11. What would a bar graph showing a trend of American’s moving from rural areas into cities from 1860 –
1900 look like? Trend in growth.
13. Who were the industrialists of the Gilded Age known as and why? Captains of Industry & Robber
14. Industrial growth in the United States led to a concentration of wealth for whom? Industrialists
15. What were the Haymarket, Homestead, and Pullman strikes about? Poor working conditions and low pay
16. Who were the industrialist that were considered monopolist during American’s Industrial Age? Carnegie,
Rockefeller, JP Morgan
17. In what ways did business leaders influence American politics during the Gilded Age? What was this
called? Giving money to government officials. Bribery or graft
18. What was a significant impact of the Progressive movement on American life? Increased government
regulation on business practices.
19. What was the general purpose of the Progressive Era Laws under TR Roosevelt? Promote “the general
welfare” of all Americans by ending monopolies and trusts
20. What was the purpose of Jacob Riis' book How the Other Half Lives? Exposed the tenement life.
21. What were muckrackers and what was there overall objective? Muckrakers were journalist who exposed
business or political corruption or ills in society with the purpose of getting governments attention to fix
the problems.
22. What was Upton Sinclair's book The Jungle about? The meat packing industry. Results in the Pure
Food and Drug Act.
23. Identify the significant idea that both Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois supported during the late
1800’s. More civil rights (political rights) for African Americans
24. What was the main purpose of the Federal Trade Commission, the Interstate Commerce Commission, and
the Federal Communications Commission? Power to create and enforce regulations
25. How did passing the Sherman Antitrust Act attempt to reform U.S. business practices in the late 1800s?
Made monopolies illegal, not effective.
26. What was the purpose of the initiative, referendum and recall? Increase citizen participation in the
political process
27. What factor limited the growth of labor unions during the late 1800’s? Federal Government declared
unions illegal.
28. Why was the graduated income tax considered fair by it’s supporters? Rate of taxation increased as your
income increased.
29. What is a monopoly? Business that controls or dominates an industry.
30. What is laissez faire economy? Government does not interfere in business practices.
31. Why did businesses form trusts, pools, and holding companies? Increase profits by eliminating
32. What was the purpose of the Federal Reserve System and why was it created? Regulate interest rates (the
cost to borrow money) and manage the nation’s supply of money (currency and interest rates)
34. What is Imperialism? Stronger nation controls a weaker one politically, economically, socially
35. What is Social Darwinism and why did they believe U.S. expansionism was a noble pursuit? Western
culture was superior to minority cultures and it was noble because it is the responsibility of civilized to
raise up the uncivilized (White Man’s Burden)
36. Why did the U.S. declare war on Spain? (What were the causes of the Spanish American War?) US
involvement on behalf of Cuban during their rebellion, the sinking of the Main, and yellow journalism
that sensationalized the war.
37. What did the U.S. gain as a result of the Spanish American War? Cuba, The Philippines, Guam, Puerto
38. What did some anti-imperialists believe imperialism was based on? Racism
39. What role did yellow journalism play in the events leading up to the Spanish-American war? Swayed
public opinion against Spain
40. What was the U.S. the general reason for involvement in Asia, specifically Pres. Roosevelt? Keep
markets/trade open in Asia (Open Door Notes, Root-Takahara Treaty)
41. How did the action of the U.S. government in the late 1800s impact Hawaii? US intervention led to the
overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy
42. What has been the U.S. most important purpose (aim) regarding foreign policy? Advancement of national
43. What was the main reason for the Monroe Doctrine? Warn Europe against any further colonization of
Latin America
44. What was the principle foreign policy that the United States has the right to act as the "policeman of the
Western Hemisphere" and intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American? Roosevelt’s Corollary
45. What was Roosevelt’s foreign policy towards Latin America in the early 1900’s? The Monroe Doctrine
permits the United States to intervene actively in the affairs of Latin American nations.
46. What was the purpose of U.S. involvement in the Spanish-American War, acquisition of Hawaii, and
introduction of the Open Door policy in China? Gain markets/trade in China
47. What was Dollar Diplomacy and what two presidents used it when dealing with Latin America? Taft &
Wilson used Dollar Diplomacy to invest in countries in Latin America that supported democratic ideals
and the American government.
48. What were the MAIN causes of WWI? Militarism, Alliance, Imperialism, Nationalism
49. How did WW1 start in Europe? Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand by Serbian Nationalist
set off the alliance system, coupled with Imperialistic goals, nationalism and build up of military in
individual countries started the war.
50. Why did America not get involved in WWI at the start of the war? Tradition of neutrality and 1/3 of
population were immigrants who did not want to get involved in European wars
51. What were the major reasons for United States entry into World War I? free trade, sub warfare
(Lusitania) – freedom of the seas, Zimmerman Telegram, & make the world safe for democracy.
52. During World War I, what was the U.S. government's role in the American economy? Government took
control of the economy.
53. How were the civil liberties of U.S. citizens threatened during World War I? Civil liberties were limited
based on national interests and clear and present danger individual liberties may cause to the country.
54. What were some of the results of WWI for America and the nations involved in the war? U.S. became
creditor nation, laid the foundation for WWII
55. What were the main criticism of the League of Nations in the U.S. Senate? U.S. would be drawn into war