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Credit-by-Exam Review - World History A
Early Civilizations
agricultural revolution
Why did Egyptian civilization develop along the Nile?
Categorize each characteristic as Paleolithic or Neolithic
Domestication of animals
Hunting and gathering
Nomadic life
Simple stone tools
Permanent settlements
Moving with migration of herds
Specialization of skills and jobs
What geographical features are necessary for an early human settlement?
cultural diffusion
Why did city-states in Greece have varied cultures?
Describe Spartan society
Describe Athenian society
What ancient Greek achievements contribute to modern life?
The type of government that the Romans formed was a
Credit-by-Exam Review - World History A
Why did Christianity spread so quickly?
Byzantine Empire
What gave Constantinople the biggest advantage for trade?
What event led Justinian I to start a major public works program?
What places did Justinian re-conquer for the empire?
Justinian built Hagia Sophia as a
What was Justinian’s Code?
Why were Byzantines angry when the pope crowned Charlemagne as Holy Roman emperor?
What happened in 1054, after the pope and patriarch excommunicated members of each other’s clergy?
Middle Ages
Social class in the Middle Ages was mostly determined by
What was the main goal of the Crusades?
What was the purpose of the Magna Carta?
Model Parliament
Why was feudalism needed after the fall of Rome?
What role did the Roman Catholic Church play in the Middle Ages?
Credit-by-Exam Review - World History A
Feudalism (Fill in the arrows)
What was the purpose of a pilgrimage?
Renaissance and Reformation
How did the Bubonic Plague increase the power of the common people?
How did the Hundred Years War contribute to the decline of feudalism?
How did the Crusades contribute to the Renaissance in Europe?
What art had the greatest influence on Renaissance artists?
How did trade on the Silk Road help to cause the Renaissance?
What economic change during the Renaissance made bankers more important?
Credit-by-Exam Review - World History A
Why did the Renaissance began in northern and central Italy?
What geographic factor contributed to Italy’s economic success?
How did wealthy Italian families encourage learning?
Describe the Renaissance philosophy of humanism.
What did humanist scholars teach was the best way to learn about the world?
How did Renaissance humanists contribute to the weakening of the Roman Catholic Church?
Why did the practice of selling indulgences bother many Catholics?
Why were there were two popes for many years?
Describe Classical art
Describe Medieval art
Describe Renaissance art.
How did the Great Schism weaken the Catholic Church?
Why did early church reformers protest against the church?
What did John Wycliffe and other reformers believe was the source of religious authority?
Credit-by-Exam Review - World History A
Jan Hus wanted worship to be in the language of the people. What teaching of the Catholic Church did this
How did Martin Luther believe that people could gain salvation?
What document did Martin Luther nail to a church door?
How did the printing press contribute to the Reformation?
Why did Henry VIII split from the Catholic Church?
European Exploration
What was the main reason why Europeans wanted to travel to Asia?
Why did European monarchs want a sea route to Asia?
For what field of activity were lines of latitude and longitude especially useful?
What advance in technology made it easier for explorers to sail through shallow water?
How did Henry the Navigator change Europeans’ view of the world?
How did Vasco da Gama change Europeans’ view of the world?
What product did Portuguese explorers bring back from Africa to Europe?
Ferdinand Magellan and his crew were the first Europeans to
Why were Africans enslaved and brought to the Americas?
What were the main goals of Spanish conquistadors?
Why was Hernan Cortes able to defeat the Aztecs?
How did exploration lead to inflation in Europe?