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7 day: TANZANIAN SAFARI: Manyara, Tarangire, Serengeti, Ngorongoro & Lake Eyasi
A fantastic safari visiting the best of Tanzania’s northern safari parks, Tarangire, fantastic for bird lovers
and also for its’ high density of elephants, whilst Lake Manyara is home to a large number of baboons and
also the famous tree climbing lions. Enjoy game viewing in the vast landscape of the Serengeti and the
amazing Ngorongoro Conservation area. Find out more about the local Masaai culture and go off the
beaten track to Lake Eyasi, home to the ancient Dagota and Hadzabe tribes, the latter who still
communicate using clicking sounds.
Day 1: LAKE MANYARA: You will be met by your private guide and vehicle and drive to Lake Manyara, arriving
with plenty of time for an afternoon game-drive. You will start with an early morning game drive to give you
a second chance to view Tarangire before heading off to Lake Manyara. Located beneath the cliffs of the
Manyara Escarpment, on the edge of the Rift Valley, Lake Manyara National Park is famous for its’ large
alkaline soda lake which is home to the pink flamingo, yellow-billed stork and heron. If you are lucky you may
get chance to see the tree climbing lions, which are unique to this national park. Watch out though for some
fun antics from the local baboon population; Lake Manyara is believed to have the largest number of these
primates in the World!
Day 2: LAKE EYASI: After an early breakfast, you will depart to Lake Eyasi, a shallow salt lake on the floor of
the Great Rift Valley. Although not a game destination, Lake Eyasi is home to two of Tanzania’s ancient
remote tribes – the Hadzabe and Datoga people. The Hadzabes are Tanzania's last nomads and are a tribe
of hunter-gatherers and still communicate using only clicking sounds. You will also visit a village of the Datoga
people to experience their cultures and traditions.
Day 3: NDUTU: Today you will set off across the Ngorongoro Conservation Area to Ndutu. This area is
dominated by the vast and seemingly endless short grass plains, between Ngorongoro Conservation Area
and Serengeti National Park. Highlands directly south, the Maswa woodlands in the south west and the
dramatic Gol Mountains and open plains of Loliondo to the south east and east respectively. In the midst of
this space, the Ndutu area with its two shallow soda lakes, provides stark contrast, as the woodlands fan out
over the otherwise treeless plains, where the headwaters of Olduvai Gorge have eroded through the hard
volcanic pan. The southern plains are at their best between mid-December and late May when this whole
area comes alive as millions of wildebeest move onto the plains in search of the fresh green grass after the
first rains.
7 day: TANZANIAN SAFARI: Manyara, Tarangire, Serengeti, Ngorongoro & Lake Eyasi
Day 4: SERENGETI: The Serengeti National Park is one of world’s greatest game parks. Meaning “endless
plains” in the Maasai language, it is Tanzania’s oldest game reserve and is world-famous for the role it plays
in the annual Great Migration, when an estimated two million herbivores - mostly wildebeest - migrate from
the Serengeti to Kenya’s Maasai Mara Game Reserve. You will take picnic boxes so you can have a full day of
game drives, exploring the Serengeti.
Day 5: OLDUVAI GORGE: This morning you make an early start and drive from the Serengeti to Ngorongoro.
Your journey will take you to the Olduvai Gorge, where the Leakeys discovered the hominoid remains of a
1.8 million year old skeleton of Australopithecus boisei, one of the distinct links of the human evolutionary
chain. In a small canyon just north of the Ngorongoro Crater, the Leakeys and their team of international
archaeologists unearthed the ruins of at least three distinct hominoid species, and also came upon a
complete series of hominoid footprints estimated to be over 3.7 million years old. Evacuated fossils show
that the area is one of the oldest sites of hominoid habitation in the world. You will then continue into the
Ngorongoro Conservation Area.
Day 6: NGORONGORO CRATER: After an early breakfast, you will drive to the fascinating wildlife arena of the
Ngorongoro Conservation Area, visiting a Maasai village on the way to learn about their traditions and
culture. The crater, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is over 260km2 (100 miles2) and was formed when a
massive volcano exploded and collapsed on itself 2 - 3 million years ago. It is now the largest intact volcanic
caldera in the world and often referred to as “Africa’s Eden”. Home to more than 25,000 large mammals –
it is not unusual to see all of the ‘Big Five’ (buffalo, elephant, rhino, lion and leopard) in a single day. Driving
through the Ngorongoro Highlands, you will arrive at the crater rim and then descend down 610m (2000
feet) onto its’ floor to start your safari extravaganza
In the afternoon you will ascend to the rim and continue to Tarangire National Park.
Day 7: TARANGIRE: A "must see" for avid birdwatchers, boasting over 550 different bird species, the most
diverse in Africa, including the Kori Bustard, the heaviest flying bird in the World! The Tarangire River runs
through the park attracting a huge number of elephants, buffalo, giraffe and antelope, particularly in the dry
season between June and October. It is not uncommon to see large herds of elephants roaming through
Tarangire's savannah grasses or taking shade under the odd looking "upside down trees" (baobab) that are
dotted around the park.
In the afternoon, drive back to Arusha for your onward travel arrangements.