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_____ occurs when a single sperm cell from the male unites with an ovum (egg) in the female's fallopian
tube in a process called fertilization.
A. Ovulation
B. Meiosis
C. Conception
D. Mitosis
Typical prenatal development lasts between:
A. 38 to 40 weeks.
B. 24 to 30 weeks.
C. 28 to 33 weeks.
D. 20 to 28 weeks.
Prenatal development can be divided into three periods: _____, _____, and _____.
A. fertile; embryonic; postterm
B. preterm; germinal; postterm
C. gestational; germinal; postnatal
D. germinal; embryonic; fetal
Which of the following is the first period of prenatal development?
A. Fetal period
B. Embryonic period
C. Implantation period
D. Germinal period
The germinal period of development takes place in the _____ after conception.
A. first two weeks
B. first two months
C. first three months
D. first seven weeks
The creation of the fertilized egg takes place in the _____ period of prenatal development.
A. fetal
B. embryonic
C. implantation
D. germinal
In the _____ period of prenatal development, the zygote attaches to the uterine wall.
A. embryonic
B. postpartum
C. germinal
D. fetal
_____ refers to the attachment of the zygote to the uterine wall.
A. Implantation
B. Conception
C. Fertilization
D. Involution
The _____ consists of an inner mass of cells that will eventually develop into the embryo.
A. trophoblast
B. blastocyst
C. endoblast
D. cytocyst
10. The blastocyst is composed of an inner layer of cells that develops during the germinal period and that
will finally develop into the _____.
A. embryo
B. placenta
C. umbilical cord
D. gamete
11. The _____ is the outer layer of cells of the blastocyst that later provides nutrition and support for the
A. ectoderm
B. perineum
C. cytocyst
D. trophoblast
12. Implantation of the zygote to the uterine wall occurs at about _____ days after conception.
A. 6 to 8
B. 8 to 10
C. 11 to 15
D. 14 to 16
13. Which of the following is a feature of the embryonic period of prenatal development?
A. The creation of the fertilized egg
B. Formation of the blastocyst
C. The attachment of the zygote to the uterine wall
D. Formation of support systems for cells
14. Which of the following is the period of development that occurs two to eight weeks after conception?
A. Embryonic
B. Fetal
C. Placental
D. Germinal
15. The attachment of the blastocyst to the uterine wall begins the _____ period of prenatal development.
A. germinal
B. embryonic
C. fetal
D. zygotic
16. Cell differentiation intensifies and organs appear in the _____ period of prenatal development.
A. embryonic
B. zygotic
C. fetal
D. germinal
17. Five weeks after conception, the developing organism is called a(n) _____.
A. blastocyst
B. zygote
C. fetus
D. embryo
18. The _____ consists of three layers of cells: the endoderm, the mesoderm, and the ectoderm.
A. blastocyst
B. fetus
C. embryo
D. trophoblast
19. The inner layer of cells of the embryo is referred to as the:
A. mesoderm.
B. epidermis.
C. endometrium.
D. endoderm.
20. The embryo's _____ develops into the digestive and respiratory systems.
A. ectoderm
B. endoderm
C. trophoblast
D. mesoderm
21. The outermost layer of the embryo is called the _____.
A. mesoderm
B. cytoderm
C. endoderm
D. ectoderm
22. The middle layer of the embryo is called the _____.
A. mesoderm
B. cytoderm
C. endoderm
D. ectoderm
23. The _____ is a layer of the embryo which will become the circulatory system, bones, muscles, excretory
system, and reproductive system.
A. endoderm
B. ectoderm
C. mesoderm
D. epidermis
24. The _____ is a layer of the embryo which will become the nervous system and brain, sensory receptors,
and skin parts.
A. mesoderm
B. ectoderm
C. trophoblast
D. endoderm
25. The life-support systems for the embryo include the:
A. umbilical cord, placenta, and amnion.
B. circulatory, nervous, and digestive systems.
C. digestive system, umbilical cord, and amnion.
D. nervous system, digestive system, and umbilical cord.
26. A group of tissues in which small blood vessels from the mother and offspring intertwine but do not
connect is the _____.
A. amnion
B. placenta
C. embryo
D. umbilical cord
27. The structure that contains two arteries and one vein, and connects the developing embryo to the mother's
body, is called the _____.
A. amnion
B. placenta
C. embryo
D. umbilical cord
28. The _____ prevents large molecules like red blood cells and harmful substances, such as most bacteria
and maternal wastes, from entering the fetus.
A. umbilical cord
B. placental wall
C. amniotic sheath
D. ectoderm
29. The _____ is like a bag or an envelope and contains a clear fluid in which the developing embryo
A. placenta
B. umbilical cord
C. amnion
D. cervix
30. The _____ provides an environment that is temperature and humidity controlled, as well as
A. placental wall
B. pericardial fluid
C. umbilical cord
D. amniotic fluid
31. Which of the following is a small molecule that would be able to pass through the placental wall?
A. Red blood cells
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Hormones
D. Maternal wastes
32. Which of the following substances is a large molecule that would NOT be able to pass through the
placental wall?
A. Salt
B. Water
C. Hormones
D. Carbon dioxide
33. The process of organ development during the first two months of prenatal development is known as
A. organogenesis
B. spermatogenesis
C. urogenesis
D. oogenesis
34. During the fourth week of prenatal development, the urogenital system becomes apparent, and _____
A. fingernails and toenails
B. hair and eyelashes
C. arm and leg buds
D. eyes and eyelids
35. The fetal period begins _____ months after conception and lasts until birth.
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
36. By the end of the fourth month of pregnancy, the fetus measures approximately _____ inches.
A. 3
B. 6
C. 8
D. 12
37. About _____ weeks after conception, the fetus for the first time has a chance of surviving outside of the
A. 4 to 8
B. 16 to 18
C. 24 to 25
D. 10 to 12
38. Sidney is expecting her first child. She has recently begun to feel kicking movements. Which period of
pregnancy is Sidney currently in?
A. Embryonic period
B. Fetal period
C. Germinal period
D. Implantation period
39. Which of the following organs or systems develop FIRST in prenatal development?
A. Visual system
B. Spinal cord
C. Urogenital system
D. Liver
40. At the third month of pregnancy, the developing organism is called a(n) _____.
A. gamete
B. zygote
C. fetus
D. embryo
41. At birth, the average American baby weighs _____ pounds and is approximately _____ inches long.
A. 7½ pounds; 20 inches
B. 6½ pounds; 18 inches
C. 5½ pounds; 15 inches
D. 8½ pounds; 22 inches
42. By the time babies are born, they have approximately _____ neurons.
A. 10 million
B. 200 million
C. 1 billion
D. 100 billion
43. Two birth defects that are related to a failure of the neural tube to close at about 24 days after conception
are _____ and _____.
A. Down syndrome; Tay-Sachs disease
B. Trisomy 13; Trisomy 18
C. spina bifida; anencephaly
D. ADHD; autism
44. A strategy that can help to prevent neural tube defects is for women to take:
A. food rich in vitamin C.
B. adequate amounts of the B vitamin folic acid.
C. medication for diabetes.
D. food that is not contaminated with mercury.
45. At the peak of neurogenesis, it is estimated that as many as _____ neurons are being generated every
A. 500
B. 3,000
C. 10,000
D. 200,000
46. Sarah is a 20-year-old college student who is paralyzed from her waist down. She can walk with
difficulty with crutches but prefers her wheelchair. Sarah tells you that her condition is due to a birth
defect related to a failure of the neural tube to close during gestation. Which of the following birth defects
does Sarah MOST likely have?
A. Anencephaly
B. Neuronal migration
C. Multiple sclerosis
D. Spina bifida
47. Neuronal migration occurs at approximately _____ weeks after conception.
A. 1 to 8
B. 3 to 12
C. 4 to 15
D. 6 to 24
48. "Teratogen" comes from the Greek word "tera", which means "_____".
A. deformed
B. monster
C. earth
D. evil
49. A teratogen is any agent that can cause:
A. organogenesis.
B. birth defects.
C. fetal movement.
D. maternal back pain.
50. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the impact of teratogens?
A. Very few fetuses are exposed to teratogens, so it is easy to determine which teratogen causes which
B. Fetuses are safe from the effects of teratogens during the first trimester.
C. Teratogens cause anatomical defects only after organogenesis is complete.
D. Exposure to teratogens does more damage when it occurs at some points in development than at
51. During which period of development is the unborn baby MOST at risk of developing a structural defect
due to the effects of a teratogen?
A. At conception
B. During the germinal period
C. During the embryonic period
D. During the fetal period
52. _____ act on the nervous system to alter states of consciousness, modify perceptions, and change
A. Antiemetics
B. Biofeedback therapies
C. Antihypertensives
D. Psychoactive drugs
53. Which of the following is recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration?
A. Pregnant women should consume no caffeine or consume it only sparingly.
B. Pregnant women can consume as much caffeine as they want in chocolate but not in coffee.
C. Pregnant women can safely drink three cups of coffee each day after the third month of pregnancy.
D. Pregnant women should avoid caffeine in soda or tea but can consume caffeine safely through coffee.
54. Which of the following is the U.S. Surgeon General's recommendation regarding alcohol intake during
A. It is wise to consume alcohol in moderation at the time of conception.
B. One or two servings of beer or wine a few days a week can have positive effects on the fetus.
C. No alcohol should be consumed during pregnancy.
D. One or two servings of hard liquor a few days a week can have positive effects on the fetus.
55. Which of the following is MOST likely to occur in the child of a woman who smokes?
A. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
B. High birth weight
C. Autism
D. Schizophrenia
56. Alicia is pregnant and is a heavy smoker. Which of the following is her baby MORE likely to have than is
the baby of a nonsmoker?
A. Facial and limb deformities
B. Sudden infant death syndrome
C. Cleft palate
D. Tremors and increased general irritability
57. According to recent research, which of the following risks is linked to environmental tobacco smoke?
A. Reduced head circumference
B. Withdrawal symptoms
C. Lower quality reflexes at 1 month of age
D. Low birth weight
58. Prenatal cocaine exposure has been linked to all of the following EXCEPT:
A. less effective self-regulation.
B. lower quality of reflexes at 1 month of age.
C. increased head circumference and lower excitability.
D. impaired motor development at 2 years of age.
59. Which of the following statements about cocaine use during pregnancy is TRUE?
A. Cocaine quickly crosses the placenta to reach the fetus.
B. Cocaine is broken down in the mother's bloodstream before it can reach the fetus.
C. Cocaine molecules are too large to pass through the placenta.
D. Cocaine exposure during prenatal development has no negative effects on the fetus.
60. Which of the following is TRUE about the effects of cocaine use by pregnant women?
A. Cocaine exposure during prenatal development is associated with increased birth weight.
B. Prenatal cocaine exposure has been linked to higher arousal.
C. Cocaine exposure during prenatal development is associated with reduced length and head
D. Children born to cocaine users exhibit higher quality of reflexes at 1 month of age.
61. Which of the following statements is FALSE about the effect of substance abuse by pregnant mothers?
A. Infants whose mothers are addicted to heroin show several behavioral difficulties at birth including
withdrawal symptoms.
B. Prenatal marijuana exposure is related to higher intelligence in children.
C. Use of methamphetamine during pregnancy increases risk of low birth weight in offspring.
D. Maternal smoking is linked to diminished ovarian functioning in female offspring.
62. Which of the following statements about the effects of marijuana exposure on offspring is TRUE?
A. Research has concluded that marijuana use by pregnant women is associated with memory deficits in
their offspring.
B Research has indicated that mothers who use marijuana while pregnant have a higher risk of having a
. child who develops depression by age 10.
C. Research has shown that mothers who use marijuana while pregnant risk their offspring using
marijuana by age 14.
D. Research has concluded that controlled doses of marijuana are associated with increased memory in the
developing offspring.
63. It is well documented that infants whose mothers are addicted to _____ show several behavioral
difficulties at birth which include withdrawal symptoms, such as tremors, irritability, abnormal crying,
disturbed sleep, and impaired motor control.
A. methamphetamine
B. nicotine
C. marijuana
D. heroin
64. The most common treatment for heroin addiction, methadone, is associated with:
A. very low birth weight in newborns.
B. very severe withdrawal symptoms in newborns.
C. lower intelligence in children.
D. lower quality of reflexes at 1 month of age.
65. Jasmine and her fetus are Rh incompatible. This means that:
A. the fetus will need a blood transfusion immediately after birth.
B. the fetus' immune system will attack the mother's blood during the fetal stage.
C. Jasmine has type A blood, whereas her fetus has type B blood.
D. Jasmine may produce antibodies that will attack the fetus.
66. Giovanna was found to be Rh incompatible with her first child. To prevent her body from producing
antibodies that will attack any future Rh-incompatible fetuses, her doctor gave her:
A. Rohypnol.
B. RhoGAM.
C. hemoglobin.
67. Which of the following is FALSE regarding the complications of Rh incompatibility?
A If the fetus' blood is Rh-positive and the mother's is Rh-negative, the mother's immune system may
. produce antibodies that will attack the fetus.
B. Babies affected by Rh incompatibility can be given blood transfusions before or right after birth.
C. With each subsequent pregnancy, the risk of complications for an Rh-positive baby of an Rh-negative
mother is reduced.
D The risks associated with Rh incompatibility are miscarriage, anemia, jaundice, heart defects, brain
. damage, or death soon after birth.
68. Rubella, also known as _____, is a maternal disease that can cause prenatal defects.
A. German measles
B. genital herpes
C. syphilis
69. Which of the following maternal diseases is more damaging later in prenatal development and is
characterized by eye lesions and skin lesions in the baby?
A. Genital herpes
B. Syphilis
C. Rubella
D. Hepatitis C
70. Which of the following diseases is transmitted to the newborn during delivery through the birth canal?
Genital herpes
71. Sylvia is almost nine months pregnant and very close to her delivery date. The doctors have found that
she has an active case of genital herpes. Which of the following is the best course of action to prevent
Sylvia's baby from contracting the disease?
A. Perform a cesarean section
B. Terminate the pregnancy
C. Deliver the baby through the birth canal
D. Give the baby blood transfusions
72. About _____ of all children who are born through the birth canal of a mother with active genital herpes
become brain damaged.
A. one-third
B. one-fourth
C. one-half
D. one-tenth
73. Which of the following maternal diseases is likely to be transmitted to the infant through breast feeding?
Genital herpes
74. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways in which AIDS can be transmitted from the mother to the
A. During sperm/egg adhesion in the fertilization process
B. During gestation across the placenta
C. During delivery through contact with maternal blood or fluids
D. After birth through breast feeding
75. Which of the following maternal diseases carries the risk of delivering very large infants, weighing 10
pounds or more?
A. Genital herpes
C. Gestational diabetes
D. Syphilis
76. Marlena, who just found out she is pregnant, has very poor eating habits. Her total calorie intake is very
low. She eats very little protein and unbalanced amounts of vitamins and minerals. If she continues her
present eating habits, which of the following is MOST likely to occur?
A. The baby will not be affected.
B. The baby will develop Down syndrome.
C. The baby is more likely to be malformed.
D. The baby is more likely to have severe withdrawal symptoms.
77. Which of the following is a B-complex vitamin that promotes normal prenatal development and reduces
the risk of preterm deliveries?
A. Thiamine
B. Riboflavin
C. Pantothenic acid
D. Folic acid
78. The lack of _____ in maternal nutrition has been associated with neural tube defects in offspring.
A. vitamin C
B. folic acid
C. ferrous sulfate
D. vitamin E
79. What is the recommended daily dosage of folic acid for pregnant women, as issued the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services?
A. 100 milligrams
B. 200 micrograms
C. 200 milligrams
D. 400 micrograms
80. Tammy is pregnant with her first child. She tells you that she loves swordfish and has it for dinner two or
three times a week. Based on current research, what should you advise Tammy about her diet?
A. Swordfish is a great source of protein and she should continue to consume it.
B. Swordfish is not as good for her as king mackerel; she should try to eat more mackerel.
C. Swordfish is not recommended for pregnant women because it can contain high levels of mercury.
D. Swordfish is a good part of her diet, but Tammy should also eat other large fish that contain omega-3
fatty acids.
81. Identify the age group of women who are LEAST likely to obtain prenatal care.
A. Late twenties
B. Early thirties
C. Adolescence
D. Early forties
82. Before delivery of her baby, Karen experiences several traumatic life changes. She separates from her
husband, discovers that her mother is seriously ill, and begins a more stressful job. Will Karen's baby be
significantly affected by all the stress in Karen's life?
A. Yes, the baby will develop good coping skills.
B. No, fetuses are not significantly affected by the mother's emotional stress.
C. No, any effects on the fetus will be temporary and will not produce lasting problems.
D. Yes, the baby will be at risk for ADHD and language delays.
83. Which maternal age group has increased risk of low birth weight, preterm delivery, and fetal death?
A. Eighteen years or younger
B. Between 18 and 25 years
C. Between 19 and 30 years
D. Thirty-five years and older
84. Julianne lost her baby early in her pregnancy. Which of the following paternal factors could have possibly
led to this outcome?
A. Her partner was overweight.
B. Her partner was a heavy smoker, even during her pregnancy.
C. Her partner is deficient in vitamin C.
D. Her partner was undergoing severe emotional stress during her pregnancy.
85. The innovative prenatal care program Centering Pregnancy provides complete prenatal care:
A. in individual homes.
B. in rural clinical settings.
C. in group settings.
D. to low-income women only.
86. _____ replaces traditional 15-minute physician visits with 90-minute peer group support settings and selfexamination led by a physician or certified nurse-midwife.
A. Centering Pregnancy
B. The use of doulas
C. The use of professional midwives
D. Nurse Family Partnership
87. According to a recent study, which of the following observations was made about women who
participated in Centering Pregnancy care?
A. More women felt secure without the aid of midwives.
B. Many women reported feeling more stressed after a session.
C. Women had higher breast feeding rates.
D. Low-income women benefited less from the program.
88. This prenatal care program consists of approximately 50 home visits from the prenatal period through two
years of age.
A. The Nurse Family Partnership
B. Centering Pregnancy
C. Maxx Family Life
D. Prenatal Care Assistance Program
89. The birth process occurs in _____ stages.
A. three
B. two
C. four
D. five
90. The _____ stage is the longest of the stages of birth.
A. fourth
B. second
C. first
D. third
91. By the end of the _____, contractions dilate the cervix to an opening of about 10 centimeters (4 inches),
so that the baby can move from the uterus to the birth canal.
A. second trimester
B. second birth stage
C. third trimester
D. first birth stage
92. The second stage of childbirth begins with the _____ and ends with the _____.
A. emergence of the child's head; delivery of the placenta
B. opening of the cervix; delivery of the child out of the mother
C. emergence of the child's head; delivery of the child out of the mother
D. opening of the cervix; delivery of the placenta
93. The third stage of childbirth consists of:
A. expulsion of the placenta, umbilical cord, and other membranes.
B. introduction of the child to the mother.
C. complete delivery of the child.
D. cutting of the umbilical cord.
94. The third stage of childbirth is also referred to as:
A. postpartum.
B. umbilical procedure.
C. afterbirth.
D. detachment.
95. _____ is the shortest of the three birth stages.
A. Involution
B. Afterbirth
C. Implantation
D. Waterbirth
96. Which of the following is TRUE of the stages of childbirth?
A. The first stage terminates when the baby completely emerges from the mother's body.
B. Uterine contractions start in the final stage of the birth process.
C. The first stage is the longest of the three birth stages.
D. The first stage of birth is longer for a woman who is having her second or third child.
97. Gisela is having her first baby and has received a drug that will numb the entire lower area of her body
during labor. Gisela has been given a(n) _____.
A. epidural block
B. oxytocin
C. analgesic
D. hormone
98. French obstetrician Ferdinand Lamaze developed a method similar to natural childbirth that is known as
A. induced childbirth
B. prepared childbirth
C. simulated delivery
D. organic delivery
99. Which of the following is a conclusion drawn by the current proponents of prepared childbirth methods?
Midwifery is the most important support required during pregnancy and childbirth.
When information and support are provided, women know how to give birth.
Medication should be totally avoided during pregnancy or anesthesia.
Natural childbirth methods are superior to aided methods or cesarean sections.
100._____ position refers to the baby's position in the uterus that causes the buttocks to be the first part to
emerge from the vagina.
A. Fetal
B. Breech
C. Asynclitic
D. Standard
101.Which of the following techniques is used to overcome the threat of problems related to the breech
position during delivery?
A. Massage therapy
B. Music therapy
C. Acupuncture
D. Cesarean section
102.Which of the following is a threat to the infant caused by the breech position?
A. Bone malformation
B. Down syndrome
C. Respiratory problems
D. Spina bifida
103.Brenda's baby was born just minutes ago, and the doctor is checking the baby's heart rate, respiratory
effort, body color, reflex irritability, and muscle tone. Brenda's baby is being tested with the:
A. Apgar Scale.
B. preterm outcome test.
C. Rogers-Randall Assessment.
D. Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale.
104.Which of the following nonmedicated techniques for childbirth involves the insertion of fine needles into
specific locations of the body?
A. Acupressure
B. Acupuncture
C. Aromatherapy
D. Allostasis
105.What is the rationale for the practice of waterbirth?
A. Water pressure reduces the strain of contractions.
B. It creates an environment similar to that inside the amniotic sac.
C. Getting into water speeds up the labor process.
D. Water makes the contractions more intense.
106.A total score of _____ on the Apgar Scale indicates that the newborn's condition is good.
A. 4
B. 1 to 3
C. 7 to 10
D. 5
107.The Apgar Scale is a method used to assess the health of newborns. A score of 3 would indicate:
A. that the newborn's condition is good.
B. that there may be some developmental difficulties.
C. an emergency because the baby's survival is in doubt.
D. that the evaluator has not made a proper reading.
108.In assessing the health of newborns, the _____ identifies high-risk infants who need resuscitation.
A. Rogers-Randall Assessment
B. Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale
C. Wechsler Infant Intelligence Scale
D. Apgar Scale
109.The Apgar Scale uses which of the following measures?
A. Newborn's kidney function
B. Newborn's birth weight
C. Newborn's height
D. Newborn's heart rate
110.Which of the following is the Apgar Scale especially good at determining?
A. The severity of limb deformities of the newborn
B. Identifying the newborn's susceptibility to common postnatal complications
C. The newborn's ability to respond to stress of delivery
D. The newborn's lactose tolerance
111.A pediatrician is testing baby Rosaria. The doctor assesses Rosaria's neurological development, reflexes,
and reactions to people and objects. Rosaria's pediatrician is using the:
A. Apgar Scale.
B. infant IQ test.
C. Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale.
112.The Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale is typically performed within _____ after birth.
A. two to five hours
B. 24 to 36 hours
C. two to five days
D. one to two weeks
113.What does a very low Brazelton National Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS) score indicate?
A. Neurological problems
B. Heart problems
C. High pressure
D. Low respiratory capacity
114.T. Berry Brazelton, along with Barry Lester and Edward Tronick, developed the Neonatal Intensive Care
Unit Network Neurobehavioral Scale (NNNS) specifically to assess:
A. a normal, healthy infant.
B. the "at-risk" infant.
C. the newborn's ability to cope with the new environment.
D. adolescents between the ages of 10 and 18.
115.Dakota was born after 40 weeks of gestation and weighed 4 pounds. Dakota would be considered:
A. preterm.
B. premature.
C. low birth weight.
D. normal and average for babies born today.
116.Malorie was born during her mother's 32nd week of pregnancy. Malorie would be termed a _____
A. preterm
B. premature
C. low birth weight
D. normal and average
117.Juan-Carlos was born full term but was underweight for his gestational age. He would be considered:
A. preterm.
B. premature.
C. normal.
D. small for date.
118.Which of the following statements about the different conditions that pose threats for newborns is true?
A. Small for date infants weigh less than 5½ pounds at birth.
B. Low birth weight babies weigh between 6 to 7 pounds.
C. Small for date infants have below normal weight when the length of the pregnancy is considered.
D. Low birth weight babies weigh less than 90 percent of all babies of the same gestational age.
119.Infants born at less than 28 weeks gestation are known as:
A. very preterm infants.
B. moderately preterm infants.
C. mildly preterm infants.
D. extremely preterm infants.
120.Children born low in birth weight are more likely than their normal birth weight counterparts to develop
all of the following EXCEPT:
A. muscular dystrophy.
B. a learning disability.
C. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
D. breathing problems such as asthma.
121.Approximately _____ percent of all low birth weight children are enrolled in special education
A. 12
B. 22
C. 50
D. 70
122.What does the result of a recent Norwegian study indicate regarding preterm infants?
A. The earlier preterm infants are born, the more likely they will drop out of school.
B. The earlier preterm infants are born, the more susceptible they are to congenital diseases.
C. The earlier preterm infants are born, the lesser are the chances of survival beyond two years.
D. The earlier preterm infants are born, the higher the severity of brain damage.
123.Two increasingly used interventions in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) are _____ and _____.
A. bottle feeding; music therapy
B. massage therapy; kangaroo care
C. breast feeding; raccoon care
D. bottle feeding; kangaroo care
124.When the _____ is delivered, estrogen and progesterone levels drop steeply and remain low until the
ovaries start producing hormones again.
A. baby
B. placenta
C. embryo
D. blastocyst
125.Mariah has given birth to a baby girl. Even one month after delivery, she is experiencing very strong
feelings of sadness and anxiety. She is so morose that she is having trouble coping with daily tasks.
Mariah is most likely suffering from:
A. posttraumatic stress disorder.
B. postpartum blues.
C. paranoid schizophrenia.
D. postpartum depression.
126.Michael and Jessica are having their first child and have told their physician they would like a rooming-in
arrangement. This means that:
A. Michael can stay overnight in Jessica's room.
B. Jessica's hospital room will be more like a nursery.
C. Jessica's baby will stay in her room.
D. Jessica will stay in the hospital in the first two months after pregnancy.
127.The period of prenatal development that occurs two to eight weeks after conception. During this time, the
rate of cell differentiation intensifies, support systems for the cells form, and organs appear.
128.The inner layer of cells that develops during the germinal period. These cells later develop into the
129.This is one of the life-support systems of the embryo. It is a disk-shaped group of tissues in which small
blood vessels from the mother and the offspring intertwine.
130.This process, which takes place at approximately 6 to 24 weeks after conception, involves cells moving
from their point of origin to their appropriate locations and creating the different levels, structures, and
regions of the brain.
131.Any agent that can potentially cause a birth defect or negatively alter cognitive and behavioral outcomes
of the developing baby.
132.This French obstetrician developed the prepared childbirth method.
133.The baby's position in the uterus that causes the buttocks to be the first part to emerge from the
134.A test that is given to the neonate within 24 to 36 hours after birth. It is designed to assess a newborn's
neurological development and reflexes.
135.Treatment for preterm infants that involves skin-to-skin contact.
136.The formation of a close connection, especially a physical bond, between parents and their newborn in
the period shortly after birth.
137.Describe the three main periods of prenatal development.
138.Define and give an example of a teratogen.
139.Describe the effect of alcohol on pregnancy.
140.What is the risk associated with Rh incompatibility?
141.What is AIDS? Describe the modes and effects of transmission from the mother to the child.
142.What is the function of doulas during childbirth?
143.Name and give an example of three different types of drugs that are used for labor.
144.What is a cesarean delivery? When is it performed?
145.List four newer nonmedicated techniques used in childbirth to reduce stress and pain.
146.What is postpartum depression? List at least two effective treatment methods for postpartum
ch03 Key
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107. (p. 94) C
108. (p. 95) D
109. (p. 95) D
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111. (p. 95) C
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113. (p. 95) A
114. (p. 95) B
115. (p. 95) C
116. (p. 96) A
117. (p. 96) D
118. (p. 96) C
119. (p. 96) D
120. (p. 97) A
121. (p. 97) C
122. (p. 97) A
123. (p. 97) B
124. (p. 99) B
125. (p. 100) D
126. (p. 101) C
127. (p. 78) Embryonic period
128. (p. 78) Blastocyst
129. (p. 79) Placenta
130. (p. 82) Neuronal migration
131. (p. 82) Teratogen
132. (p. 92) Ferdinand Lamaze
133. (p. 93) Breech position
134. (p. 95) Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale
135. (p. 97) Kangaroo care
136. (p. 101) Bonding
137. (p. 78-81) Typical prenatal development can be divided into three periods: germinal, embryonic, and fetal. The first period is called the
germinal period. During this time, the zygote is created, cell division takes place, and the zygote attaches to the uterine wall. The second period
is called the embryonic period. During this time, the rate of cell differentiation intensifies, support systems for the cells form, and organs appear.
The embryo is composed of the endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm. Life-support systems form. These include the placenta, the umbilical cord,
and the amnion. Organogenesis (the process of organ formation) takes place. The third period is called the fetal period. During this time, dramatic
growth and development occur. The mother can feel leg movements. The sex of the baby can be determined.
138. (p. 82-89) A teratogen is any agent that can potentially cause a birth defect or negatively alter cognitive and behavioral outcomes. Teratogens
include drugs, incompatible blood types, environmental pollutants, infectious diseases, nutritional deficiencies, maternal stress, and advanced
maternal and paternal age.
139. (p. 84) Heavy drinking by pregnant women can be devastating to their offspring. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are a cluster of
abnormalities and problems that appear in the offspring of mothers who drink alcohol heavily during pregnancy. The abnormalities include facial
deformities and defective limbs, face, and heart. Most children with FASD have learning problems and many are below average in intelligence
with some that are mentally retarded.
140. (p. 86) Incompatibility between the mother's and father's blood type poses a risk to prenatal development. If a pregnant woman is Rh-negative
and her partner is Rh-positive, the fetus may be Rh-positive. If the fetus' blood is Rh-positive and the mother's is Rh-negative, the mother's
immune system may produce antibodies that will attack the fetus. This can result in any number of problems, including miscarriage or stillbirth,
anemia, jaundice, heart defects, brain damage, or death soon after birth.
141. (p. 87) AIDS is a sexually transmitted infection that is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which destroys the body's
immune system. A mother can infect her offspring with HIV/AIDS in three ways: (1) during gestation across the placenta, (2) during delivery
through contact with maternal blood or fluids, and (3) postpartum (after birth) through breast feeding. The transmission of AIDS through breast
feeding is especially a problem in many developing countries. Babies born to HIV-infected mothers can be (1) infected and symptomatic (show
HIV symptoms), (2) infected but asymptomatic (not show HIV symptoms), or (3) not infected at all. An infant who is infected and asymptomatic
may still develop HIV symptoms up until 15 months of age.
142. (p. 92) Doula is a Greek word that means "a woman who helps". A doula is a caregiver who provides continuous physical, emotional, and
educational support for the mother before, during, and after childbirth. Doulas remain with the parents throughout labor, assessing and responding
to the mother's needs. In the United States, most doulas work as independent providers hired by the expectant parents. Doulas typically function as
part of a "birthing team", serving as an adjunct to the midwife or the hospital's obstetric staff.
Oxytocin is a synthetic hormone that is used to stimulate contractions; pitocin is the most widely used oxytocin.
143. (p. 92) Three basic kinds of drugs that are used for labor are analgesia, anesthesia, and oxytocin/pitocin. Analgesics are used to relieve pain.
Tranquilizers, barbiturates, and narcotics can all be used to relieve pain. Anesthesia is used in late first-stage labor and the expulsion of the baby to
block sensation in an area of the body or to block consciousness. An epidural block is a regional anesthetic commonly used in childbirth.
144. (p. 93) A cesarean delivery is a surgical procedure in which the baby is removed from the mother's uterus through an incision made in her
abdomen. Normally, the baby's head comes through the vagina first. But if the baby is in a breech position, the baby's buttocks are the first part to
emerge from the vagina. In 1 of every 25 deliveries, the baby's head is still in the uterus when the rest of the body is out. Breech births can cause
respiratory problems. As a result, if the baby is in a breech position, a cesarean delivery is usually performed.
145. (p. 94) Some new nonmedicated techniques used in childbirth to reduce stress and pain are waterbirth, massage, acupuncture, hypnosis, and
music therapy.
146. (p. 100) Postpartum depression is characteristic of women who have such strong feelings of sadness, anxiety, or despair that they have trouble
coping with daily tasks in the postpartum period. Several antidepressant drugs are effective in treating postpartum depression and appear to be
safe for breast feeding women. Psychotherapy, especially cognitive therapy, is effective in easing postpartum depression for many women. Also,
engaging in regular exercise may help in treating postpartum depression.
ch03 Summary
Blooms: Apply
Blooms: Remember
Blooms: Understand
Santrock - Chapter 03
# of Questions